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    VNS67200 Datasheets (1)

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    VNS67200 Philips Semiconductors Four channel single-chip ATM physical layer I/O device Original PDF

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    ttl crystal oscillator

    Abstract: transistor substitue data book G958 PM5345 SY69952 SY69952A SY69952AZC VNS67200
    Text: OC-3/STS-3 CLOCK RECOVERING TRANSCEIVER FEATURES SY69952A DESCRIPTION • A complete SONET/SDH/ATM compatible single chip Transmitter and Receiver ■ Seamless operation with PMC-Sierra PM5345, VLSI VNS67200, IgT WAC-013-B/WAC-413-A and NEC µPD98402 UNI Processors

    SY69952A PM5345, VNS67200, WAC-013-B/WAC-413-A PD98402 52MHz 44MHz 84MHz 48MHz 28-pin ttl crystal oscillator transistor substitue data book G958 PM5345 SY69952 SY69952A SY69952AZC VNS67200 PDF


    Abstract: G958 PM5345 SY69952 SY69952AZC VNS67200 T1X13
    Text: OC-3/STS-3 CLOCK RECOVERING TRANSCEIVER SYNERGY SY69952A SY69952A SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES DESCRIPTION • A complete SONET/SDH/ATM compatible single chip Transmitter and Receiver ■ Seamless operation with PMC-Sierra PM5345, VLSI VNS67200, IgT WAC-013-B/WAC-413-A and NEC

    SY69952A PM5345, VNS67200, WAC-013-B/WAC-413-A PD98402 52MHz 44MHz 84MHz 48MHz SY69952A G958 PM5345 SY69952 SY69952AZC VNS67200 T1X13 PDF


    Abstract: CY7B952 G958 PM5345 SY69952ZC VNS67200 clock multiplier TTL 60 duty cycle
    Text: OC-3/STS-3 CLOCK RECOVERING TRANSCEIVER FEATURES SY69952 DESCRIPTION • A complete ATM compatible single chip Transmitter and Receiver ■ Seamless operation with PMC-Sierra PM5345, VLSI VNS67200, IgT WAC-013-B/WAC-413-A and NEC µPD98402 UNI Processors ■ Supports clock and data recovery from 51.84 Mbit/s

    SY69952 PM5345, VNS67200, WAC-013-B/WAC-413-A PD98402 52MHz 44MHz 84MHz 48MHz CY7B952 SY69952 CY7B952 G958 PM5345 SY69952ZC VNS67200 clock multiplier TTL 60 duty cycle PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OC-3/STS-3 CLOCK RECOVERING TRANSCEIVER FEATURES SY69952 FINAL DESCRIPTION • A complete ATM compatible single chip Transmitter and Receiver ■ Seamless operation with PMC-Sierra PM5345, VLSI VNS67200, IgT WAC-013-B/WAC-413-A and NEC µPD98402 UNI Processors

    SY69952 PM5345, VNS67200, WAC-013-B/WAC-413-A PD98402 52MHz 44MHz 84MHz 48MHz CY7B952 SY69952 PDF


    Abstract: CY7B952 PM5345 SY69952ZC VNS67200
    Text: OC-3/STS-3 CLOCK RECOVERING TRANSCEIVER Micrel, Inc. FEATURES SY69952 SY69952 DESCRIPTION „ A complete ATM compatible single chip Transmitter and Receiver „ Seamless operation with PMC-Sierra PM5345, VLSI VNS67200, IgT WAC-013-B/WAC-413-A and NEC µPD98402 UNI Processors

    SY69952 PM5345, VNS67200, WAC-013-B/WAC-413-A PD98402 84Mbps 52Mbps 52MHz 44MHz SY69952 CY7B952 PM5345 SY69952ZC VNS67200 PDF

    vlsi technology

    Abstract: vlsi design physical verification ATM circuit diagram Alarm indication signal
    Text: Networking Communications VNS67200 ATM Quad UNI Four channel single-chip ATM physical layer I/O device OVERVIEW The VNS67200 ATM Quad User Network Interface Quad UNI from VLSI is a four channel single-chip ATM physical layer I/O device designed for use in ATM Local Area Network (LAN)

    VNS67200 PB-VNS67200QUAD/UNI vlsi technology vlsi design physical verification ATM circuit diagram Alarm indication signal PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OC-3/STS-3 CLOCK RECOVERING TRANSCEIVER Micrel, Inc. FEATURES SY69952 SY69952 DESCRIPTION ̈ A complete ATM compatible single chip Transmitter and Receiver ̈ Seamless operation with PMC-Sierra PM5345, VLSI VNS67200, IgT WAC-013-B/WAC-413-A and NEC µPD98402 UNI Processors

    SY69952 PM5345, VNS67200, WAC-013-B/WAC-413-A PD98402 84Mbps 52Mbps 52MHz 44MHz PDF


    Abstract: BB 509 varicap diode CP3236D TDA8841 phx4nq60e PHX10NQ60E SAA4849PS Philips SAF7730HV om8839ps saf7730hv 331


    tda8841 s1

    Abstract: saf7730hv om8839ps phx4nq60e TDA8842 s1 Philips SAF7730HV CP3236D BB 505 Varicap Diode TDA8841 S1 datasheet tda8844s1
    Text: Philips Semiconductors December 31, 2004 Attention: Materials Manager, Purchasing Manager and Philips' Products Manager Subject: Philips Semiconductors' Product Discontinuation Notice Number DN-54 Dear Philips Semiconductors Customer or Distributor: This letter confirms to your company that Philips Semiconductors is discontinuing the manufacture of a number of its'

    DN-54 tda8841 s1 saf7730hv om8839ps phx4nq60e TDA8842 s1 Philips SAF7730HV CP3236D BB 505 Varicap Diode TDA8841 S1 datasheet tda8844s1 PDF


    Abstract: G958 PM5345 SY69951 VNS67200 TOOC
    Text: * eV M C O O V OC-3/STS-3 CLOCK RECOVERING TRANSCEIVER SYNERGY SEM IC O N D UC TO R INFORMATION SY69951 DESCRIPTION FEATURES • SONET/SDH and ATM Compatible ■ Seamless operation with PMC-Sierra PM5345 SUN , VTI VNS67200 Quad UNI Processor, IgT WAC-013-B

    OCR Scan
    SY69951 PM5345 VNS67200 WAC-013-B PD98402 52MHz 44MHz 84MHz 48MHz 28-pin CY7B951 G958 SY69951 TOOC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * OC-3/STS-3 CLOCK RECOVERING TRANSCEIVER SYNERG Y SY69952 SEMICONDUCTOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES A complete ATM compatible single chip Transmitter & Receiver Seamless operation with PMC-Sierra PM5345, VLSI VNS67200, IgT WAC-013-B/WAC-413-A and NEC jjP D98402 UNI Processors

    OCR Scan
    SY69952 PM5345, VNS67200, WAC-013-B/WAC-413-A D98402 52MHz 44MHz 84MHz 48MHz SY69952 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ^ ¡V N F R rV OC-3/STS-3 CLOCK RECOVERING TRANSCEIVER SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES INFORMATION SY69951/952 DESCRIPTION • A complete ATM compatible single chip Transmitter & Receiver ■ Seamless operation with PMC-Sierra PM5345, VLSI VNS67200, IgT WAC-013-B/WAC-413-A and NEC

    OCR Scan
    SY69951/952 PM5345, VNS67200, WAC-013-B/WAC-413-A IPD98402 52MHz 44MHz 84MHz 48MHz SY69951ZC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * SYNERGY SONET/SDH/ATM QUAD OC-3 CLOCK RECOVERING TRANSCEIVER S mS SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES DESCRIPTION • A complete single-chip 4 Channel Transmitter & Receiver ■ Complies with Bellcore, ITU/CCITT and ANSI specifications ■ Compatible with VLSI VNS67200 SUNI and IgT WAC413-A ATM Quad-UNI Processor

    OCR Scan
    VNS67200 WAC413-A 96MHz 44MHz SY69743 SY69743QC 10D13fll Q128-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * OC-3/STS-3 CLOCK RECOVERING TRANSCEIVER SYNERG Y SY69952 SEMICONDUCTOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES A complete ATM compatible single chip Transmitter & Receiver Seamless operation with PMC-Sierra PM5345, VLSI VNS67200, IgT WAC-013-B/WAC-413-A and NEC jjP D98402 UNI Processors

    OCR Scan
    SY69952 PM5345, VNS67200, WAC-013-B/WAC-413-A D98402 52MHz 44MHz 84MHz 48MHz SY69952 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * QUADOC-3SONETSDHATM SYNERGY CLOCKRECOVERINGTRANSCEIVER SEMICONDUCTOR FEA T U R E S inform^ ™ INF°Ty^9743 DESC RIPT IO N • A complete single-chip 4 Channel Transmitter & Receiver ■ Complies with Bellcore, CCITT and ANSI Specifications ■ Compatible with VNS67200 Quad UNI Processor

    OCR Scan
    VTIVNS67200 PM5345 WAC-013-B 96MHz 128-pin SY69743 R128-1) R1NP2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V OC-3/STS-3 CLO CK RECOVERING TRA N SC EIVER SYNERGY SY69952 SEMICONDUCTOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES • A complete ATM compatible single chip Transmitter & Receiver Synergy's SY69952 contains fully integrated transmitter and receiver functions designed to provide clock recovery

    OCR Scan
    SY69952 SY69952 52Mbit/s SY69952) 44MHz 52MHz 48MHz 84MHz PDF


    Abstract: atm source code
    Text: FEA TU R E S D E S C R IP TIO N • A complete ATM compatible single chip Transmitter & Receiver Synergy’s SY69952 contains fully integrated transmitter and receiver functions designed to provide clock recovery and generation for either 51.84M bit/s OC/STS-1 or

    OCR Scan
    PM5345, VNS67200, WAC-013-B/WAC-413-A PD98402 52MHz 44MHz 84MHz 48MHz CY7B952 SY69952 atm source code PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * f l DTK SYNERGY RECOVERING TRANSCEIVER SYb9 9 b2 A 5 EMI C O N D U C J OH FEATURES DESCRIPTION • A complete SONET/SDH/ATM compatible single chip Transmitter & Receiver S y n e r g y 's S Y 6 9 9 5 2 A c o n ta in s f u lly in te g ra te d tran sm itte r and receiver fu n ction s designed to provide

    OCR Scan
    PM5345, VNS67200, WAC-013-BAWAC-413-A iPD98402 52MHz 44MHz 84MHz 48MHz SY69952A SY69952AZC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V OC-3/STS-3 CLOCK RECOVERING TRANSCEIVER SYNERG Y S Y 69952A SEMICONDUCTOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES • A complete SONET/SDH/ATM compatible single chip Transmitter & Receiver S y n e r g y 's S Y 6 9 9 5 2 A c o n ta in s f u lly in t e g r a te d tra n s m itte r and re c e iv e r fu n c tio n s d e s ig n e d to p ro v id e

    OCR Scan
    9952A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SONET/SDH/ATM QUAD OC-3 CLO CK RECOVERING T R A N SC EIVER «ö > SYNERGY p r e l im in a r y SY69743 SEMICONDUCTOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES • A complete single-chip 4 Channel Transmitter & Receiver ■ Complies with Bellcore, ITU/CCITT and ANSI specifications

    OCR Scan
    SY69743 VNS67200 WAC413-A 96MHz 44MHz 128-pin ES5G PDF

    pec 810

    Abstract: SY69952
    Text: V OC-3/STS-3 CLOCK REC OVERING TRAN SCEIVER SYNERGY SY69952 SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES DESCRIPTION • A complete ATM compatible single chip Transmitter & Receiver S yn e rg y's S Y 69 95 2 co n ta in s fu lly Integrated tra n s m itte r and re c e iv e r fu n c tio n s d e s ig n e d to p ro vid e c lo ck re co ve ry

    OCR Scan
    SY69952 PM5345, VNS67200, WAC-013-B/WAC-413-A HPD98402 52MHz 44MHz 84MHz 48MHz 28-pin pec 810 SY69952 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V OC-3/STS-3 CLO CK RECOVERING TRA N SC EIVER SYNERGY SY69952A SEMICONDUCTOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES • A complete SONET/SDH/ATM compatible single chip Transmitter & Receiver S y n e rg y 's S Y 6 9 9 5 2 A c o n ta in s fu lly in te g ra te d transm itter and receiver functions designed to provide

    OCR Scan
    SY69952A SY69952) SY69952A PDF