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    TC74HC4022AP Search Results

    TC74HC4022AP Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: TC74HC4022
    Text: TOSHIBA TC74HC4022AP/AF Octal Counter/Divider The TC74HC4022A is a high speed CMOS OCTAL COUNTER DIVIDER fabricated with silicon gate C2MOS technology. It achieves the high speed operation similar to equivalent LSTTL while maintaining the CMOS low power dissipation. It

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    TC74HC4022AP/AF TC74HC4022A TC74HC4022 PDF


    Abstract: HC-701
    Text: TC74HC4022AP/AF O C T A L C O U N TER /D IVID ER The TC74HC4022A is a high speed CMOS OCTAL COUNTER DIVIDER fabricated with silicon gate C* MOS technology. It achieves th e high speed operation sim ilar to equiv­ alen t LSTTL w hile m aintaining th e CMOS low power

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    TC74HC4022AP/AF TC74HC4022A HC-701 TC74HC4022 HC-701 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TC74HC4022AP/AF O C TA L C O U N T E R / D IV ID E R The TC74HC4022A is a high speed CMOS O CTA L C O U N T ER D IV ID E R fab ricated with silicon gate C 2 MOS technology. It achieves the high speed operation sim ila r to equivalent L S T T L while maintaining the CMOS low power dissipatio n .

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    TC74HC4022AP/AF TC74HC4022A TC74HC4022AP/AF-4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 'J TC74HC4022AP/AF OCTAL C O U N T E R /D IV ID E R Q1 D ie ’ C o o FEATURES: • High S p e e d . fMAX= 57MHz typ. at Vcc=5V • Low Pow er D iss ip a tio n . lcc= 4/i A (M ax.) a t Ta=25°C • H ig h Noise Im m u n ity . V nih = V ml =2896 V<x(Min.)

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    TC74HC4022AP/AF C4022A TC74HC4022AP/AF-4 PDF