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    Amphenol Corporation NLS0T14-35PC

    Circular MIL Spec Connector NLS 37C 37#22D P IN RECP SG
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    Mouser Electronics NLS0T14-35PC
    • 1 $211.63
    • 10 $204.57
    • 100 $193.28
    • 1000 $193.28
    • 10000 $193.28
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    S0T143 Datasheets Context Search

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    SCR S6025L

    Abstract: triac varistor diac triac control 230V 5a diode GU do-214aA working of fuse tube light by 4 diode thyristors catalog vrrm 1000 universal MOTOR speed control 1500w tvs-diode LED VARISTOR 275 K20 SIDACTOR 400A
    Text: CIRCUIT PROTECTION SOLUTIONS Electronics Circuit Protection Product Selection Guide A guide to selecting Littelfuse circuit protection components for electronic applications. Broadest and Deepest Portfolio of Product Backed by Unparalleled Circuit Protection

    EC102 EC1102v1E0905 SCR S6025L triac varistor diac triac control 230V 5a diode GU do-214aA working of fuse tube light by 4 diode thyristors catalog vrrm 1000 universal MOTOR speed control 1500w tvs-diode LED VARISTOR 275 K20 SIDACTOR 400A PDF

    marking U12

    Abstract: USB0403C USB0405C USB0412C USB0415C USB0424C
    Text: USB0403C 8700 E. Thomas Road Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Tel: 602 941-6300 Fax: (602) 947-1503 thru USB0424C TVSarray Series DESCRIPTION (300 watt) This 4 pin 1 line bidirectional ULTRA LOW CAPACITANCE array designed for use in applications where protection is required at the

    USB0403C USB0424C S0T-143 MSC0987 marking U12 USB0403C USB0405C USB0412C USB0415C USB0424C PDF

    FSQ510 Equivalent

    Abstract: BTA12 6008 bta16 6008 ZIGBEE interface with AVR ATmega16 Precision triac control thermostat thyristor t 558 f eupec gw 5819 diode transistor a564 A564 transistor BSM25GP120 b2
    Text: SEMICONDUCTORS MCU/MPU/DSP Atmel. . . . . . . . . 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172 Blackhawk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Cyan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Cypress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175, 176, 177, 178

    GP-20) FSQ510 Equivalent BTA12 6008 bta16 6008 ZIGBEE interface with AVR ATmega16 Precision triac control thermostat thyristor t 558 f eupec gw 5819 diode transistor a564 A564 transistor BSM25GP120 b2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8700 E. Thomas Road Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Tel: 480 941-6300 Fax: (480) 947-1503 USB50403C thru USB50424C TVSarray Series DESCRIPTION (500 watt) This 4 pin 1 line bidirectional ULTRA LOW CAPACITANCE array is designed for use in applications requiring board level protection from

    USB50403C USB50424C S0T-143 MSC1373 PDF

    MEXICO LF 2A 250V 313 FUSE

    Abstract: MEXICO LF 1A 250V 313 FUSE MEXICO LF 15A 250V 326 FUSE MEXICO LF 20A 250V 326 FUSE MEXICO LF 5A 250V 314 FUSE mosfet 5kw high power rf MEXICO LF 20A 250V 314 FUSE MEXICO LF 5A 250V 314 FUSE slo blo MEXICO LF 2A 250V 312 FUSE equivalent circuit of power transformer 11kv
    Text: Circuit Protection Specialists World Headquarters Littelfuse, Inc. 800 E. Northwest Highway Des Plaines, IL 60016, USA International Sales, Distribution and Engineering Facilities: North America • Des Plaines, Illinois USA Technical Assistance and

    EC102-A MEXICO LF 2A 250V 313 FUSE MEXICO LF 1A 250V 313 FUSE MEXICO LF 15A 250V 326 FUSE MEXICO LF 20A 250V 326 FUSE MEXICO LF 5A 250V 314 FUSE mosfet 5kw high power rf MEXICO LF 20A 250V 314 FUSE MEXICO LF 5A 250V 314 FUSE slo blo MEXICO LF 2A 250V 312 FUSE equivalent circuit of power transformer 11kv PDF

    msc diode

    Abstract: 2N2708 Sertech Labs mrf892 1N6815 Microsemi New MOSFETs MS1631 2N4033 "RF MOSFETs" 15KW
    Text: Fall 1998/Winter 1999 conditioning ThinKey Package in Production Microsemi's Santa Ana division is now in production on a complete line of hermetic rectifiers. These devices are offered in the Microsemi patented ThinKey package with RθJC ratings as low as 0.2oC/W. Available in strap to

    1998/Winter 1N6815, 1N6817, 1N6818, 1N6820, 1N6821, 1N6823, MSAQX15G60K MSAQX25G60G MSAQX35G60L msc diode 2N2708 Sertech Labs mrf892 1N6815 Microsemi New MOSFETs MS1631 2N4033 "RF MOSFETs" 15KW PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: USB50403 8700 E. Thomas Road Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Tel: 480 941-6300 Fax: (480) 947-1503 thru USB50424 TVSarray Series DESCRIPTION (500 watt) This 4 pin 1 line unidirectional ULTRA LOW CAPACITANCE array is designed for use in applications requiring board level protection from

    USB50403 USB50424 S0T-143 OT-143 MSC1372 PDF

    sot143 Marking code 53

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: USB50403C 8700 E. Thomas Road Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Tel: 480 941-6300 Fax: (480) 947-1503 thru USB50424C TVSarray Series DESCRIPTION (500 watt) This 4 pin 1 line bidirectional ULTRA LOW CAPACITANCE array is designed for use in applications requiring board level protection from

    USB50403C USB50424C S0T-143 OT-143 MSC1373 sot143 Marking code 53 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8700 E. Thomas Road Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Tel: 480 941-6300 Fax: (480) 947-1503 USB50403 thru USB50424 TVSarray Series DESCRIPTION (500 watt) This 4 pin 1 line unidirectional ULTRA LOW CAPACITANCE array is designed for use in applications requiring board level protection from

    USB50403 USB50424 S0T-143 MSC1372 PDF

    mosfet marking code gg

    Abstract: BF997
    Text: • bbS3*ì31 0024753 n i «APX N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE BF997 b?E ]> _ SILICON N-CHANNEL DUAL GATE MOS-FET Depletion type field-effect transistor in a plastic S0T143 microminiature envelope with source and substrate interconnected, intended for u.h.f. and v.h.f. applications, such as u.h.f./v.h.f. television

    OCR Scan
    002M753 BF997 S0T143 mosfet marking code gg BF997 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • 7110öEb D0bfi7QS m s ■PHIN BF991 SILICON N-CHANNEL DUAL GATE MOS-FET Depletion type field-effect transistor in a plastic S0T143 microminiature envelope with source and substrate interconnected. This MOS-FET tetrode is intended for use in v.h.f. applications, such as v.h.f.

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    BF991 S0T143 SQT103 PDF


    Abstract: 2n2222a SOT23 BC557 smd sot23 2n2222 sot23 BC547 smd BC547 2N2222 2n3906 sot23 2N2222 SMD SOT23 2n2907 smd 2n4401 smd
    Text: SMD w COMPONENT i w i h i i S M D S E M IC O N D U C T O R S ON M A R K IN G ^ ^ ^ e l e c t r B n ic microe@ptt.yu M A R K IN G T Y PE N U M B E R PACKAGE C O N V E R C IN A L TY PE M A R K IN G T Y PE N U M B E R PACKAGE C O N V E R C IN A L

    OCR Scan
    BZV49-C10 BZV85-C10 BZV49-C11 BZV85-C11 BZV49-C12 S0T89 BZV85-C12 BZV49-C13 BZV85-C13 bc5478 2n2222a SOT23 BC557 smd sot23 2n2222 sot23 BC547 smd BC547 2N2222 2n3906 sot23 2N2222 SMD SOT23 2n2907 smd 2n4401 smd PDF


    Abstract: 2SC4631LS 2SC4632LS 2SC4633LS 2SC4634LS 2SC4635LS 2SC4636LS 2SC4637LS 2SC4710LS T0-126ML
    Text: SAflYO T r a n s i s t o r s f o r V e r y H i g h - D e f in i t i o n C R T D i s p l a y H o r i z o n t a l D e f l e c t i o n O u t p u t U s e 3 afci D y n a m i cs F ' o c s t j i s U s e ( N o p i c t u r e e v e r o u t of f o c u s w i t h b e t t e r f o c u s c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s )

    OCR Scan
    T0-220FI T0-220. diffus-126 T0-126LP T0-220CI T0-220ML SC-67, OT-186) O-220FIÂ SC-67KS0T-189} 2SC4630LS 2SC4631LS 2SC4632LS 2SC4633LS 2SC4634LS 2SC4635LS 2SC4636LS 2SC4637LS 2SC4710LS T0-126ML PDF

    IRF 850 mosfet

    Abstract: Mini size of Discrete semiconductor elements 2SJ335 cp 035 sanyo CP 022 ND fa214 8ROM 2SK2637 marking 85m ok 2SJ382
    Text: Medium Output Power MOSFETs l N ew P a d o - g e : T S S O P 8 *0ne size sm aller than S0P8. Best su ited fo r higher performance and effic ie n c y of battery-pow ered equipment and av ailab le fo r h igh-density surface mount. S O P S ^Reduced surface mount area by 502 and thickness by 30Z over the SC-63(TP).package.

    OCR Scan
    SC-63 T0-126LP T0-220CI T0-220ML SC-67, OT-186) O-220FIÂ SC-67KS0T-189} T0-220MF lsDwATT220> IRF 850 mosfet Mini size of Discrete semiconductor elements 2SJ335 cp 035 sanyo CP 022 ND fa214 8ROM 2SK2637 marking 85m ok 2SJ382 PDF

    varistor sem ad 222 m

    Abstract: varistor 222 ste Surgector varistor Z 500 ps
    Text: Overvoltage Suppression Facts V oltage T ra n s ie n ts can be d e fin e d as sho rt du ra tio n e xcu rsio n s o r surges of e le ctrica l energy. T ra n s ie n ts re sult fro m th e s ud den re le ase of pre vio u sly s to re d energy. In te rm s of e le ctrica l o r e le c tro n ic circuits, this

    OCR Scan
    SC70-6 varistor sem ad 222 m varistor 222 ste Surgector varistor Z 500 ps PDF

    pj 929 diode picture

    Abstract: bf471 A7R SMD Transistor TDA8391 transistor f488 tda8351 pin-compatible tda1000 Germanium drift transistor marking 3U 3T 3C diode germanium transistor
    Text: Philips Sem iconductors Semiconductors for Television and Video Systems Contents PART A page SELECTION GUIDE Functional index 5 Numerical index 17 Maintainance list 27 GENERAL Quality 31 Pro Electron type numbering system for Discrete Semiconductors 31 Pro Electron type numbering system for Integrated Circuits

    OCR Scan
    BA481 SAA7197 SAA7199B TDA4680 TDA4685 pA733C LFC02 MEH469 pj 929 diode picture bf471 A7R SMD Transistor TDA8391 transistor f488 tda8351 pin-compatible tda1000 Germanium drift transistor marking 3U 3T 3C diode germanium transistor PDF

    sanyo transistor tt series

    Abstract: TO225 LEAD FORMING TRANSISTORS SANYO sanyo transistor SSFP package 2SB1269 2SB1449 2SB1450 2SC5264 2SC5420
    Text: Power Transistor Surface Mount Package S M P Surface Mount Power In r e c e n t y e a r s s u r f a c e m ount s e m ic o n d u c to r p ro d u c ts have found wide a p p li c a t io n from s m a ll - s i g n a l consum er equipm ent to h ig h -p o w e r i n d u s t r i a l e q u ip m e n t.

    OCR Scan
    becom-126 T0-126LP T0-220CI T0-220ML SC-67, OT-186) O-220FIÂ SC-67KS0T-189} T0-220MF lsDwATT220> sanyo transistor tt series TO225 LEAD FORMING TRANSISTORS SANYO sanyo transistor SSFP package 2SB1269 2SB1449 2SB1450 2SC5264 2SC5420 PDF

    k669 transistor

    Abstract: k544 K932 transistor mosfet k544 k427 transistor k583 k427 K932 k222 mosfet k546
    Text: SAfÊYO Small-signal Junction FETs/MOSFETs F e a tu re s Case O u tlin e s unit.'m m SANYO:SMCP 1 : S ource, 2 : Drá i n, 3 : Ga te * V e r y low n o is e f ig u r e * L arge |Y f s | * Low g a te le a k c u r r e n t * S m a ll-s iz e d package p e r m ittin g FET-used s e t s to be made s m a lle r

    OCR Scan
    250mm Ratings/Ta-25 2SK2170UA) 2SK1069 2SK1332CV) 2SK209KH) 2SK2219CD) T0-126LP T0-220CI T0-220ML k669 transistor k544 K932 transistor mosfet k544 k427 transistor k583 k427 K932 k222 mosfet k546 PDF

    C4106 transistor

    Abstract: C4106 transistor c3457 B824 transistor c4106 semiconductor transistor c3447 transistor c4106 transistor d1061 D1060 d1061
    Text: SA\YO T0-220MF Mini Fin Power Transistor Series Features Sanyo power tra n sisto r case o utline T0-220MF (Mini Fin) is a sm all-sized package suited for mounting on electronic equipment th at is lim ited in height. When mounted on the board, the height above the board is approximately 10mm lower

    OCR Scan
    T0-220MF O-220 Ratings/Ta-25 T0-220) 2SB1267 2SD1903 D1235 2SB1268 2SD1904 C4106 transistor C4106 transistor c3457 B824 transistor c4106 semiconductor transistor c3447 transistor c4106 transistor d1061 D1060 d1061 PDF


    Abstract: SPD221R sanyo transistor SGD102 SGD102T SPD121 MCP6 Marking sanyo SPD121P SPD122P SPD221
    Text: S A f/ Y O GaAs Di odes 1 j f c GaAs Schot tky Bar-r-ier Di odes Packaged Type The Sanyo SPD Series are packaged type GaAs Schottky barrier diodes designed for converters, modulators,detectors that can be operated in the X band (8.2 to 12.4GHz) and KU band (12.4 to 18.0GHz).

    OCR Scan
    SGD102, SGD102T) Ratings-126 T0-126LP T0-220CI T0-220ML SC-67, OT-186) O-220FIÂ SC-67KS0T-189} SPD221P SPD221R sanyo transistor SGD102 SGD102T SPD121 MCP6 Marking sanyo SPD121P SPD122P SPD221 PDF

    transistor f6 13003

    Abstract: equivalent transistor bj 131-6 transistor Eb 13003 BM BB112 smd TRANSISTOR code marking 2F 6n a1211 lg CQY58 BU705 TRANSISTOR 131-6 BJ 026 philips om350
    Text: W IDEBAND TRANSISTORS AND W IDEBAND HYBR ID 1C MODULES page P refa ce. 3 Selection guide Wideband transistors.

    OCR Scan
    SC08b transistor f6 13003 equivalent transistor bj 131-6 transistor Eb 13003 BM BB112 smd TRANSISTOR code marking 2F 6n a1211 lg CQY58 BU705 TRANSISTOR 131-6 BJ 026 philips om350 PDF

    W1P 59 transistor

    Abstract: W1p 48 TRANSISTOR transistor w1P 83 ICM AP 1703 transistor SMD marked RNW transistor BD139 PH 71 W1P 66 transistor transistor w1P 91 Pnp transistor smd ba rn w1p npn
    Text: Philips S em iconductors S urface m oun ted sem ico n d u cto rs C on ten ts PART A page SELECTION GUIDE General purpose transistors 4 High frequency transistors 8 Broadband transistors 8 Switching transistors 10 Power transistors for switching 12 Low-noise transistors

    OCR Scan
    197/197X S310N W1P 59 transistor W1p 48 TRANSISTOR transistor w1P 83 ICM AP 1703 transistor SMD marked RNW transistor BD139 PH 71 W1P 66 transistor transistor w1P 91 Pnp transistor smd ba rn w1p npn PDF


    Abstract: 2sc55 marking WMM 2SC5488 2SC4853 2SC4931 2SC5277 2SC5374 2SC5489 2SC553
    Text: SAfiYO NEW PRODUCT VERY HIGH-FREQUENCY TRANSISTOR SERIES lt>2 Newly developed SANYO very high-frequency tra n sis to rs can be used fo r various ap p licatio n s such as fo r communication equipment and measuring equipment. They are superior when used with low voltage drive.

    OCR Scan
    Cas-126 T0-126LP T0-220CI T0-220ML SC-67, OT-186) O-220FIÂ SC-67KS0T-189} T0-220MF lsDwATT220> F527S 2sc55 marking WMM 2SC5488 2SC4853 2SC4931 2SC5277 2SC5374 2SC5489 2SC553 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SAtfYO P o w e r S c h o t t k y B a r r i e r D i o d e s For L a r g e - S i g n a l Use Sanyo Schottky barrier diodes (SBD) have been developed by our original technology. They are available for making sets smaller in size and lighter in veight. Sanyo power SBDs with breakdown voltages of 50V, 90V and 180V can be applied to various uses.

    OCR Scan
    T0-220AB, SC-45 T0-220AA) T0-220FIÃ LSXSC-67^ OT-189 weight-Og186, T0-220MF SC-65, O-218) PDF