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    Rochester Electronics LLC MX7528BQ

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    DigiKey MX7528BQ Bulk 36
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $8.53
    • 1000 $8.53
    • 10000 $8.53
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    Maxim Integrated Products MX7528BQ

    MX7528 CMOS Dual 8-Bit Buffered Multiplying DAC
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    Rochester Electronics MX7528BQ 919 1
    • 1 $8.2
    • 10 $8.2
    • 100 $7.71
    • 1000 $6.97
    • 10000 $6.97
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    MX7528BQ Datasheets (2)

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    MX7528BQ Maxim Integrated Products CMOS Dual 8 Bit Buffered Multiplying DACs Scan PDF
    MX7528BQ Maxim Integrated Products CMOS dual 8 bit buffered multiplying DAC. +5V to 15V single supply operation. Error ±1/2 LSB. Scan PDF

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ykiyjxiwi 19-017CRev3, 11/95 C M O S D u a l 8 - B it B u ffe re d M u ltip ly in g DAC s _ ♦ ♦ ±Vi LSB Linearity E ach D A C has a s e p a ra te re fe re n c e in p u t a n d in te rn a l fe e d b a c k re s is to r w h ic h a llo w f u lly in d e p e n d e n t

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CMOS D ual 8 -B it B uffered M ultiplying DACs General Description Features :_ The MX7528/MX7628 contains two 8-bit multiplying digital-to-analog converters DACs . Separate on-chip latches hold the input data for each DAC to allow easy

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    MX7528/MX7628 PDF


    Abstract: MX7528 MX7528KCWP MX7528KN MX7528LN MX7628 cq 0765
    Text: ykiyjxiwi 19-017C R ev 3, 11/95 CMOS D ual 8 -B it B uffered M u ltip lyin g DACs _ ♦ E ach D A C has a s e p a ra te re fe re n c e in p u t a n d in te rn a l fe e d b a c k re s is to r w h ic h a llo w f u lly in d e p e n d e n t

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    MX7528/MX7628 MX7528 MX7628 sup70 MX7528JCWP MX7528KCWP MX7528KN MX7528LN cq 0765 PDF


    Abstract: MX7528JCWP mx7528b MX7628 7628BQ 0170 v1 MX7528 MX7528JN MX7528KCWP MX7528KN
    Text: 19-0170: Rev 3; 11/95 y k i y j x i y k i CMOS D u al 8 -B it B u ffered M u ltip ly in g DACs _ The MX7528/MX7628 contains two 8-bit multiplying digital-to-analog converters DACs . Separate on-chip latches hold the input data for each DAC to allow easy

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    MX7528/MX7628 MX752S MX7628 MX7528 MX7529 MX7528JCWP mx7528b 7628BQ 0170 v1 MX7528JN MX7528KCWP MX7528KN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Æ /J X I/k l CMOS Dual Q-Bit B uffered M ultiplying DACs _ The MX7528/MX7628 contains two 8-bit multiplying digital-to-analog converters DACs . Separate on-chip latches hold the input daia for each DAC to allow easy interface to microprocessors. The data load operation

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    MX7528/MX7628 MX7528 MX7628 TheMX7528 MX7628BQ MX7628TQ mx7528kn PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ykiyjxiwi 19-017C R ev 3, 11/95 CMOS D ual 8 -B it B uffered M u ltip lyin g DACs _ ♦ E ach D A C has a s e p a ra te re fe re n c e in p u t a n d in te rn a l fe e d b a c k re s is to r w h ic h a llo w f u lly in d e p e n d e n t

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    19-017C MX7628-- MX7628 PDF