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    Abstract: CD1516
    Text: May 1992 PRELIMINARY Micro Linear ML4568 Disk Pulse Detector + Embedded Servo Detector GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4568 is a hard disk pulse detector with two gated peak detectors to demodulate embedded servo information. The pulse detector section includes a

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    ML4568 8468-type ML4568CQ-1 MU568CQ-2 28-Pin precision FULL WAVE RECTIFIER CD1516 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M ay 1992 PR ELIM IN A RY ^ Micro Linear ML4568 Disk Pulse Detector + Embedded Servo Detector GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES T h e M L4568 is a hard d isk pulse d e te cto r w ith tw o gated peak d e te cto rs to d e m o d u late e m b e d d e d servo in fo rm atio n . T h e pulse d e te cto r se ctio n in c lu d e s a

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    ML4568 L4568 ML4568-1 L4568-2C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M ay 1992 PRELIM IN A RY % M i c r o L in e a r ML4568 Disk Pulse Detector + Embedded Servo Detector GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES T h e M L4568 Is a hard d isk p ulse d etector w ith tw o gated peak detectors to d e m o d u late e m b ed d ed servo in form ation . T h e pulse d e te cto r section in clu d e s a

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    ML4568 L4568 L4568-1C L4568-2CQ PDF

    FET Drivers

    Abstract: L4417 ML4401 motor damping data SSOP20 ML4413 ML8464C ML117
    Text: % M ic r o Linear Mass Storage Selection Guide READ/WRITE AMPLIFIERS Part Number Numbers of Channels Head Type ML117 2, 4 or 6 Ferrite 2.1 10 to 50 Write Current Disable Function PDIP-18, 22, 28; SO-18, 24; PCC-28 M L117R 2, 4 or 6 Ferrite 2.1 10 to 50 Internal Damping Resistors

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    ML117 L117R ML501 ML501R ML502 ML502R ML502S PDIP-18, SO-18, FET Drivers L4417 ML4401 motor damping data SSOP20 ML4413 ML8464C PDF

    FET Drivers

    Abstract: soic28 hdd spindle motor driver SSOP20 hdd servo controller hdd motor DRIVER hdd motor controller ML8464C "read channel" PCC-32
    Text: 3^ Micro Linear Mass Storage Selection Guide READ/WRITE AMPLIFIERS Part Number Numbers of Channels 4, 6 or 8 ML511 Head Type ' Max Input Write Current Noise nV/VHz Range (mA) Key Features Package Options Ferrite 1.5 10 to 40 Improved Write Stability SO-24; PCC-28,44

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    ML511 ML511R ML4610R MI4611R ML6320-3 ML6320-5 700fi) SO-24; PCC-28 FET Drivers soic28 hdd spindle motor driver SSOP20 hdd servo controller hdd motor DRIVER hdd motor controller ML8464C "read channel" PCC-32 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M ay 1992 PRELIM IN ARY M C M icro L in e a r _ M14568 Disk Pulse Detector + Embedded Servo Detector GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES T h e M L4568 is a hard disk pulse d etector w ith tw o gated peak d etectors to d em o d u late em bed ded servo

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    M14568 L4568 L4568-1CQ L4568-2CQ PDF