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    JJPD27 Search Results

    JJPD27 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC JJPD27C4001 524,288 X 8-Bit CMOS UV EPROM NEC Electronics Inc. Description Pin Configuration The ¿/PD27C4001 is a 4,194,304-bit ultraviolet erasable EPROM fabricated w ith double-polysilicon CMOS tech­ nology for a substantial savings in both operating and

    OCR Scan
    uPD27C4001 /PD27C4001 304-bit piPD27C4001 32-pin 28cm2 iPD27C4001 PD27C400ls pPD27C4001 JJPD27C4001 PDF

    eprom 66b

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JJPD27 C 1000A 131,072 x 8 -Blt CMOS UV EPROM iW /X Y * NEC Electronics Inc. Description Pin Configuration The ¿PD27C1000A is a 1,048,576-bit ultraviolet erasable and electrically programmable read-only memory fabri­ cated with double-polysilicon CMOS technology for a

    OCR Scan
    uPD27C1000A PD27C1000A 576-bit pPD27C1000A 32-pin 83IH-6266B fiPD27Cl000A 83TB60S7B JUPD27C1000A eprom 66b PDF


    Abstract: nec oe 128 D-20
    Text: \T M 7 f * ¿ IL E / W NEC Electronics Inc. fiPD27C1024A 65,536 X 16-Bit CMOS UV EPROM Description Pin Configuration The^PD27C1024A is a 1,048,576-bit ultraviolet erasable and electrically program mable ROM fabricated w ith an advanced CMOS process for substantial power sav­

    OCR Scan
    uPD27C1024A 16-Bit PD27C1024A 576-bit juPD27C1024A 40-pin fPD27C1024A /JPD27C1024A PD27c1024 nec oe 128 D-20 PDF


    Abstract: intel D27c64 rt 7257 NEC D27C64 ha 11747 D27C64 intel nec A2C 71454 upd27c64
    Text: ì ; SEC OM ,y NEC Electronics Inc. 006074 Pin C onfiguration A d is tin c tiv e fe atu re o f the ¿/PD27C64 is an o u tp u t enable OE separate fro m the c h ip enable (CE). The OE c o n tro l elim ina tes bus c o n te n tio n in m u ltip le -b u s m icro p ro c e s s o r systems. The//P D 27C 6 4 features fast,

    OCR Scan
    27C64 uPD27C64 536-bit /PD27C64 D27C64 intel D27c64 rt 7257 NEC D27C64 ha 11747 D27C64 intel nec A2C 71454 PDF


    Abstract: UPD27C1000A D-20 PD27C1000
    Text: SEC JUPD27C1000A 131,072 X 8-Bit CMOS UV EPROM NEC Electronics Inc. Description Pin Configuration The fiPD27C1000A is a 1,048,576-bit ultraviolet erasable and electrically programmable read-only memory fabri­ cated with double-polysilicon CMOS technology for a

    OCR Scan
    uPD27C1000A 32-Pin fiPD27C1000A 576-bit 3rH-62 JHPD27C1000A fiPD27C1000A JIPD27C1000A m23a D-20 PD27C1000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC fiPD27HC65 8,192 X 8-Bit CMOS UV EPROM NEC Electronics Inc. Pin Configuration Description The fiPD27HC65 is an ultraviolet erasable and electricaly programmable read-only memory fabricated with double-polysilicon CMOS technology for high speed and low operating and standby power. The ftPD27HC65

    OCR Scan
    uPD27HC65 24-Pin fiPD27HC65 ftPD27HC65 192-word JJPD27HC65 /JPD27HC65 AIPD27HC65 2S3IH-70MB PD27HC65 PDF


    Abstract: D27C64 27C640
    Text: MPD27C64 8,192 X 8-BIT CMOS UV/OTP EPROM NEC N E C Electronics Inc. Revision 1 Pin Configuration Description The nPD27C64 is a 65,536-bit 8,192 x 8-bit e le ctrica lly program m able read-only m em ory (EPROM). It operates from a single + 5 V power su pply m aking it ideal for

    OCR Scan
    uPD27C64 536-bit PD27C64 The/uPD27C64 fiPD27C64s nPD27C64s fjPD27C64 D27C640 D27C64 27C640 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC J1PD27C1001A 131,072 X 8-Bit CMOS UV EPROM NEC Electronics Inc. Description Pin Configuration The /ì PD27C1001A is a 1,048,576-bit u ltra vio le t erasable and e le c tric a lly program m able read-only m em ory EPROM fa b rica te d w ith d o u b le -p o lysilico n CMOS

    OCR Scan
    uPD27C1001A 32-Pin PD27C1001A 576-bit fiPD27Cl001A jtPD27Cl001A 32-cerdip JLIPD27C1001A JJPD27C1001A fiPD27C1001A D-20 PDF


    Abstract: UPD27C1001A S T A 933
    Text: NEC PPD27C1001A 131,072 X 8-Bit CM OS UV EPROM NEC Electronics Inc. Description Pin Configuration The ìiPD27C1001A is a 1,048,576-bit ultraviolet erasable and electrically programmable read-only memory EPROM fabricated with double-polysilicon CMOS technology for a substantial savings in both operating

    OCR Scan
    uPD27C1001A 32-Pin 27C1001A 576-bit jiPD27C1001A JJPD27C1001A JHPD27C1001A /JPD27C1001A PD27C1001A S T A 933 PDF


    Abstract: 27C1024A
    Text: ÍIPD27C1024A 65,536 X 16-Bit CMOS UV EPROM W NEC Electronics Inc. Description Pin Configuration T h e /JPD27C1024A is a 1,048,576-bit u ltra v io le t erasable a n d e le c tric a lly p ro g ra m m a b le ROM fa b ric a te d w ith an a d va nce d CMOS p ro ce ss fo r su b sta n tia l p ow er sav­

    OCR Scan
    uPD27C1024A 16-Bit /JPD27C1024A 576-bit JPD27C1024A 40-pin B3IH-6Q53B ffPD27C1024A 83TB-6057B d27c1024 27C1024A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC fiPD27C2001 262,144 X 8-Bit CMOS UV EPROM NEC Electronics Inc. Description Pin Configuration The mPD27C2001 is a 2,097,152-bit ultraviolet erasable EPROM fabricated with double-polysilicon CMOS tech­ nology for a substantial savings in both operating and

    OCR Scan
    uPD27C2001 mPD27C2001 152-bit /tPD27C2001 32-pin fiPD27C2001 JUPD27C2001 pPD27C2001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEC ffPD27HC65 8,192 X 8-Bit CMOS UV EPROM NEC Electronics Inc. Description Pin Configuration The ftPD27HC65 is an ultraviolet erasable and electricaly programmable read-only memory fabricated with double-polysilicon CMOS technology for high speed and low operating and standby power. The fiPD27HC65

    OCR Scan
    uPD27HC65 ftPD27HC65 fiPD27HC65 24-pin fiPD27HC65 JJPD27HC65 ffPD27HC65 7030a PDF

    nec "oe 128"

    Abstract: PD27C2001 D-20 2001d-15 UPD27C2001
    Text: pPD27C2001 262,144 X 8-Bit CMOS UV EPROM W Hé W NEC Electronics Inc. Description Pin Configuration The >iPD27C2001 is a 2,097,152-bit ultraviolet erasable EPROM fabricated with double-polysilicon CMOS tech­ nology for a substantial savings in both operating and

    OCR Scan
    uPD27C2001 iPD27C2001 152-bit juPD27C2001 32-pin fiPD27C2001 JJPD27C2001 JUPD27C2001 JLIPD27C2001 nec "oe 128" PD27C2001 D-20 2001d-15 PDF