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    HK3854 Search Results

    HK3854 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: REVISIONS C ustom er sru Drawing ECN B DATE DESCHPnON HK3854 5 /1 8 /0 6 RELEASE TO PROOUCllON APPROVED Mlcheal.lP 44 ,50 ± 0.1 43.00- -4 3 .80 - + 0.1 2*0 .80 -0 - 41 .13- oo + I RECOMMENDED PCB LAYOUT PC BOARD THICKNESS: 1 .6 0 m m ± 0 .1 0 % NOTE:

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: . _ . j| to b# dtoqlBMd. nprwluoad a r u—d, in vhoto er tn port, for m n u l M i n or Mfe by o t m m oHm t toon Am phm l - - * ” -1-1 *• “ —1 no right b granted to M m Customer SECTION 4 C -C 3 REVISIONS SYM Drawing

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    HK3854 HK4281 HK6127 S--SN--00 5ATA\CSATA0O1Q22SXX-1JJWO Hk612 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: This document Is ths propsrty of Amphsnol Corporation and Is dodvorsd on fho oxpross oondltlon that It Is not to bo dlsolosod, rsproduood or usod. In whols o r In part, for manufaoturs or sals by anyons othor than Am phono! Corporation without Hs prior oonoort, ft that no right Is granted to disclose

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    HK3854 HK4281 MATERI001 SATA0010225X-C PDF


    Abstract: SATA Drawing H045 SATA-001
    Text: This doounrwnt Is the property of Amphenol Corporation and Is delivered on the express oondttlon that It Is not to bo dleelosed, roproduood or used. In whols or In part, for manufacture or sale by anyone other than Amphenol Corporation without He prior concert, & that no right Is granted to disclose

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    HK3854 HK4281 10RESISTANCE: 1x10s 30mfi SATA0010225X-C SATA-001â 0225-X SATA-001-0225-X SATA Drawing H045 SATA-001 PDF