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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S-25A010A/020A/040A 125°C OPERATION SPI SERIAL E PROM FOR AUTOMOTIVE 2 Rev.5.1_00 Seiko Instruments Inc., 2008-2014 2 This IC is a SPI serial E PROM which operates under the high temperature, at high speed, with the wide range operation for

    PDF S-25A010A/020A/040A S-25AxxxA


    Abstract: S-25C080A0I-T8*G S-25C080A0I-J8T1G S-25C080A
    Text: Rev.3.0_00_C S-25C080A CMOS SPI SERIAL E2PROM The S-25C080A is a SPI serial E2PROM which operates at high speed, with low current consumption and the wide range operation. The S-25C080A has the capacity of 8K-bit and the organization of 1024 words x 8-bit, is able to Page Write and

    PDF S-25C080A S-25C080A S-25C080A0I-T8T1G S-25C080A0I-T8*G S-25C080A0I-J8T1G


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Rev.2.1_00_H S-24C08C 2-WIRE SERIAL E2PROM The S-24C08C is a 2-wire, low current consumption and wide range operation serial E2PROM. The S-24C08C has the capacity of 8 Kbit, and the organization is 1024 words x 8-bit. Page write and sequential read are available.

    PDF S-24C08C S-24C08C 106cycles 24C08c


    Abstract: S-93L76AD0I-I8T1G S-93L76AD0I-J8T1G S-93L76AD0I-T8T1G S-93L76AD0I-K8T3U
    Text: Rev.3.0_00 LOW VOLTAGE OPERATION CMOS SERIAL E2PROM S-93L76A The S-93L76A is a low voltage operating, high speed, low current consumption, 8 K-bit serial E2PROM with a wide operating voltage range. It is organized as 512-word x 16-bit respectively. Each is

    PDF S-93L76A S-93L76A 512-word 16-bit S-93L76AD0I-I8T1G S-93L76AD0I-J8T1G S-93L76AD0I-T8T1G S-93L76AD0I-K8T3U


    Abstract: S-25C020A0I-T8T1G S-25C010A S-25C020A S-25C040A
    Text: Rev.2.0_00_C S-25C010A/020A/040A CMOS SPI SERIAL E2PROM The S-25C010A/020A/040A is SPI serial E2PROM which operate at high speed, with low current consumption and the wide range operation. The S-25C010A/020A/040A respectively has the capacity of 1K-bit, 2K-bit, 4K-bit and the organization of 128

    PDF S-25C010A/020A/040A S-25C010A/020A/040A 25c010 S-25C020A0I-T8T1G S-25C010A S-25C020A S-25C040A


    Abstract: S-93A86A
    Text: Rev.4.1_00 125°C OPERATION 3-WIRE SERIAL E2PROM FOR AUTOMOTIVE S-93A86A The S-93A86A is a high temperature operation 3-wire serial E2PROM for automotive components. The memony size is 16 K-bit. It is organized as 1024-word x 16-bit. It is capable of sequential read, at which time addresses are

    PDF S-93A86A S-93A86A 1024-word 16-bit. 16-bit 93a86


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Rev.2.1_00_H S-24C32C/64C 2-WIRE SERIAL E2PROM The S-24C32C/64C is a 2-wire, low current consumption and wide range operation serial E2PROM. The S-24C32C/64C has the capacity of 32 K-bit and 64 K-bit, and the organization is 4096 words x 8-bit, 8192 words × 8-bit, respectively. Page write and sequential

    PDF S-24C32C/64C S-24C32C/64C 106cycles s-24c32c


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S-24C32C/64C 2-WIRE SERIAL E2PROM Rev.4.0_01_H Seiko Instruments Inc., 2009-2013 The S-24C32C/64C is a 2-wire, low current consumption and wide range operation serial E2PROM. The S-24C32C/64C has the capacity of 32 K-bit and 64 K-bit, and the organization is 4096 words x 8-bit, 8192 words × 8-bit, respectively. Page write

    PDF S-24C32C/64C S-24C32C/64C


    Abstract: S93A56 S-93A66AD0A-J8T2UD 93a56 S93A46 S93A66AD
    Text: S-93A46A/56A/66A 125°C OPERATION 3-WIRE SERIAL E2PROM FOR AUTOMOTIVE Rev.5.0_00 Seiko Instruments Inc., 2003-2010 The S-93A46A/56A/66A is a high temperature operation 3-wire serial E2PROM for automotive components. Depending on the product, the memony size is 1 K-bit, 2 K-bit, 4 K-bit. It is organized as 64-word x 16-bit, 128word × 16-bit and 256-word × 16-bit in each. It is capable of sequential read, at which time addresses are

    PDF S-93A46A/56A/66A S-93A46A/56A/66A 64-word 16-bit, 128word 16-bit 256-word 93a66 S93A56 S-93A66AD0A-J8T2UD 93a56 S93A46 S93A66AD


    Abstract: S-93A86A 13003 fsk50 S93A86
    Text: S-93A86A 125°C OPERATION 3-WIRE SERIAL E2PROM FOR AUTOMOTIVE Rev.5.0_00 Seiko Instruments Inc., 2004-2010 The S-93A86A is a high temperature operation 3-wire serial E2PROM for automotive components. The memony size is 16 K-bit. It is organized as 1024-word x 16-bit. It is capable of sequential read, at which time addresses

    PDF S-93A86A S-93A86A 1024-word 16-bit. 16-bit 93a86 13003 fsk50 S93A86

    transistor Eb 13003 A

    Abstract: transistor EN 13003 A transistor eb 13003 eb 13003 S-8244AAZPH S-8244 8244A S-8244ABGFN-CFGT2S s-8244abafn-cfat2z transistor EN 13003
    Text: S-8244 Series BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-SERIAL TO 4-SERIAL-CELL PACK SECONDARY PROTECTION Rev.6.0_00 Seiko Instruments Inc., 2003-2010 The S-8244 Series is used for secondary protection of lithium-ion batteries with from one to four cells, and incorporates a

    PDF S-8244 transistor Eb 13003 A transistor EN 13003 A transistor eb 13003 eb 13003 S-8244AAZPH 8244A S-8244ABGFN-CFGT2S s-8244abafn-cfat2z transistor EN 13003


    Abstract: 25020A S-25A040A s-25a010a
    Text: S-25A010A/020A/040A 車載用 125°C 動作 SPI シリアル E2PROM Rev.4.0_00 Seiko Instruments Inc., 2008-2010 S-25A010A/020A/040A は高速・低消費電流、ワイドレンジ動作の SPI シリアル E2PROM です。容量は 1K、2K、4K ビッ

    PDF S-25A010A/020A/040A S-25A010A S-25A020A S-25A040A FM008-A-P-SD-1 FM008-A-C-SD-1 S-25A010A0A-J8T2UD 25020A S-25A040A s-25a010a

    93C66* SEIKO

    Abstract: S-93C46B S-93C56B S-93C66B CS 13003 transistor 93C66BD0H S93C56BD S93C46BD 93c66bd
    Text: S-93C46B/56B/66B H Series 105°C OPERATION 3-WIRE SERIAL E2PROM FOR AUTOMOTIVE Rev.2.0_00 Seiko Instruments Inc., 2010 The S-93C46B/56B/66B H Series is a high temperature operation 1/2/4 K-bit 3-wire serial E2PROM for automotive components. It is organized as 64-word x 16-bit, 128-word × 16-bit, 256-word × 16-bit, respectively. Each is capable of

    PDF S-93C46B/56B/66B S-93C46B/56B/66B 64-word 16-bit, 128-word 256-word 16-bit 93C66* SEIKO S-93C46B S-93C56B S-93C66B CS 13003 transistor 93C66BD0H S93C56BD S93C46BD 93c66bd


    Abstract: 13003 bd S93A56 93a66 S-93A66AD0A-J8T2UD s-93a66 S-93A46A
    Text: S-93A46A/56A/66A 車載用 125°C 動作 3 ワイヤシリアル E2PROM Rev.5.0_00 Seiko Instruments Inc., 2003-2010 S-93A46A/56A/66A は車載用、高温動作の 3 ワイヤシリアル E2PROM です。容量は 1K、2K、4K ビット

    PDF S-93A46A/56A/66A FM008-A-P-SD-1 FM008-A-C-SD-1 FM008-A-R-SD-1 S-93A56AD0A-K8T2UD 13003 bd S93A56 93a66 S-93A66AD0A-J8T2UD s-93a66 S-93A46A


    Abstract: S-24CS02AFJ-TBH-U S-24CS04AFM-TFH-U S-24CS02AFM-TFH-U S-24CS01A s24CS0 S-24CS02A S-24CS04A s24cs0xa s24cs04a
    Text: S-24CS01A/02A/04A H 系列 车载用 工作温度 105°C 2 线串行 E2PROM Rev.3.0_00 Seiko Instruments Inc., 2009-2010 S-24CS01A/02A/04A H 系列是用于车载的可高温工作的 2 线串行 E2PROM。容量有 1 K、2 K 及 4 K 位,构成分别是 128

    PDF S-24CS01A/02A/04A S-24CS01A/02A) S-24CS04A) S-24CS01A S-24CS02A S-24CS04A FM008-A-P-SD-1 FM008-A-C-SD-1 S24CS01A S-24CS02AFJ-TBH-U S-24CS04AFM-TFH-U S-24CS02AFM-TFH-U S-24CS01A s24CS0 S-24CS02A S-24CS04A s24cs0xa s24cs04a


    Abstract: s24c08c
    Text: S-24C08C 2-WIRE SERIAL E2PROM Rev.3.0_00_H Seiko Instruments Inc., 2009-2010 The S-24C08C is a 2-wire, low current consumption and wide range operation serial E2PROM. The S-24C08C has the capacity of 8 K-bit, and the organization is 1024 words x 8-bit. Page write and sequential read are available.

    PDF S-24C08C S-24C08C 106cycles 24C08c s24c08c


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S-89713 Series MINI ANALOG SERIES LOW INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE CMOS OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER Rev.3.0_00 Seiko Instruments Inc., 2009-2010 The mini-analog series is a group of ICs that incorporate a general purpose analog circuit in a small package.

    PDF S-89713 89713


    Abstract: S-25C640A0I-K8T3U3 wp 7 v
    Text: S-25C320A/640A CMOS SPI 串行 E2PROM Rev.3.0_00_H Seiko Instruments Inc., 2009-2010 S-25C320A/640A是高速低消耗电流和宽工作电压范围的 SPI 串行E2PROM。容量为32 K位、64 K位,构成为4096字x8位、 8192字×8位。可进行页写入、顺序读出。

    PDF S-25C320A/640A S-25C320A/640A E2PROM32 K4096 S-25C320A S-25C640A FM008-A-P-SD-1 FM008-A-C-SD-1 S25C320A S-25C640A0I-K8T3U3 wp 7 v


    Abstract: S-25C020A S-25C040A X110
    Text: S-25C010A/020A/040A CMOS SPI 串行 E2PROM Rev.3.0_00_C Seiko Instruments Inc., 2007-2010 S-25C010A/020A/040A是高速低消耗电流和宽工作电压范围的 SPI 串行E2PROM。容量为1K、2K、4K位,构成是128x8位、 256×8位、512×8位。可进行页写入、顺序读出。

    PDF S-25C010A/020A/040A S-25C010A/020A/040A E2PROM1K2K4K128 S-25C010A S-25C020A S-25C040A FM008-A-P-SD-1 FM008-A-C-SD-1 X110

    eb 13003

    Abstract: sc protector AAZZ S-8244AAAFM-CEAT2U S8244AAUFN S-8244 VCU40 S-8244AAFFM-CEFT2U S-8244AAPFM-CEPT2U 8pin V4500
    Text: S-8244シリーズ 1~4セル直列用バッテリー保護IC (セカンドプロテクト用) Rev.6.0_00 Seiko Instruments Inc., 2003-2010 です。

    PDF S-8244 S-8244IC max25 S-8244A FM008-A-P-SD-1 FM008-A-C-SD-1 eb 13003 sc protector AAZZ S-8244AAAFM-CEAT2U S8244AAUFN S-8244 VCU40 S-8244AAFFM-CEFT2U S-8244AAPFM-CEPT2U 8pin V4500


    Abstract: 24C04C1 24C04C K512
    Text: S-24C04C 2 线串行 E2PROM Rev.2.0_00_C Seiko Instruments Inc., 2010 S-24C04C是低消耗电流宽工作电压范围的2线串行E2PROM。容量为4 K位,构成为512字x8位。可进行页写入和顺序读出。 • 特点 • 宽工作电压范围

    PDF S-24C04C S-24C04C2E2PROM4 S-24C04CI-J8T1U FM008-A-P-SD-1 FM008-A-C-SD-1 FM008-A-R-SD-1 S-24C04C1 24C04C1 24C04C K512


    Abstract: S-93C76A 1827 8pin ic
    Text: S-93C76A H シリーズ 車載用 105°C 動作 3 ワイヤシリアル E2PROM Rev.3.0_00 Seiko Instruments Inc., 2010 S-93C76A H シリーズは車載用、高温動作の 3 ワイヤシリアル E2PROM です。容量は 8 K ビットで、構成は 512 語x16 ビッ

    PDF S-93C76A S-93C76A S-93C76ADFJ-TBH-U FM008-A-P-SD-1 FM008-A-C-SD-1 FM008-A-R-SD-1 S-93C76AFM-TFH-U 1827 8pin ic


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S-93A86A 125°C OPERATION 3-WIRE SERIAL E2PROM FOR AUTOMOTIVE Rev.6.0_00 Seiko Instruments Inc., 2004-2011 The S-93A86A is a high temperature operation 3-wire serial E2PROM for automotive components. The S-93A86A has the capacity of 16 K-bit, and the organization is 1024-word x 16-bit. It is capable of sequential read, at which time addresses are

    PDF S-93A86A S-93A86A 1024-word 16-bit. 16-bit


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3/5 VOLT SERIES 100 FLASH MEMORY MINIATURE CARD ÌFM002A, ÌFM004A, ÌFM008A • Low-Cost Linear Flash Card ■ Miniature Card Specification Compliant ■ Single Supply SmartVoltage Operation — 5 V or 3.3 V Read/Write ■ Fast Read Performance — 100 ns Max Access Time at 5 V

    OCR Scan
    PDF FM002A, FM004A, FM008A 28F008SC/28F016SC 28F004S3, 28F008S3, 29058