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    Abstract: MPY008 MPY08 28KUN5C MPY08H 28KUN TMC28KUB5V1
    Text: TMC208K, C28KU CM OS Multiplier 8 x 8 Bit, 45ns, 65ns The TM C208K and TM C28KU are high-speed 8 x 8 bit parallel multipliers which operate at a 45 or 65ns cycle time 22.2 or 15.3MHz multiplication rate . The multi­ plicand and multiplier are both two's complement

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    TMC208K, TMC28KU C208K C28KU C28KU, 16-bit PY008H MPY008H MPY008 MPY08 28KUN5C MPY08H 28KUN TMC28KUB5V1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LMU08/8U 8 x 8-bit Parallel Multiplier D E V IC E S IN C O R P O R A T E D FEATURES □ 20 ns W orst-Case M ultiply Time □ Low Power CMOS Technology □ LMU08 Replaces TRW TM C208K □ LMU8U Replaces TRW TM C28KU □ Tw o's Complement LMU08 , or Unsigned Operands (LMU8U)

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    LMU08/8U LMU08 C208K C28KU LMU08) 40-pin 44-pin C208K C28KU PDF


    Abstract: 28KUN5C MPY08 MPY008 MPY08HU 28KUR2C 208kn5c1 208KN5C 28KUN
    Text: TMC208K/C28KU TMC208K, C28KU CMOS MultìpUer 8 x 8 Bit, 45 ns, 65 ns Description TMC208K The TMC208K and C28KU are high-speed 8 x 8 bit parallel multipliers which operate at a 45 or 65 ns cycle time 22.2 or 15.3 MHz multiplication rate . The multiplicand and multiplier are both two's complement

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    TMC208K/TMC28KU TMC208K, TMC28KU TMC208K TMC28KU, 16-bit MPY008H 28KUN5C MPY08 MPY008 MPY08HU 28KUR2C 208kn5c1 208KN5C 28KUN PDF


    Abstract: TRW 012HJ1C MPY008H tdc1008 smd marking g8 smd Pl9 012hj TMC216H MPY012H 012HJ1C
    Text: TjRSnf F ix e d -P o in t A rith m e tic Description Product TM C208K-1 Size Clock Rate 1 MHz P o w e r1 (Watts) Grades2 Package Notes Page M u ltip lier 8x8 45 50 65 70 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 85, N5 B5 65, N5 B5 40 40 40 40 Pin Pin Pin Pin DIP DIP DIP DIP

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    TMC208K-1 MPY008H. TMC28KU-1 MPY012H 12x12 24-Bit MPY112K 16-Bit K3467 TRW 012HJ1C MPY008H tdc1008 smd marking g8 smd Pl9 012hj TMC216H 012HJ1C PDF


    Abstract: MPY008 trw mpy 16 trw radar ac 208KN5C1 208KN5C MARKING lsi logic TMC28KUN5C TRW TMC208K TMC28KU
    Text: TMC208K, C28KU C M O S Multiplier • Three-State Outputs 8 x 8 Bit, 45ns, 65ns • Single + 5 V Power Supply • TTL Compatible The TM C 208K and TM C 28KU are high-speed 8 x 8 bit parallel multipliers which operate at a 45 or 65ns cycle • Available In A 40 Pin CERDIP Or Plastic D I P

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    TMC208K, TMC28KU TMC208K TMC28KU TMC28KU, 16-bit MPY008H MPY008 trw mpy 16 trw radar ac 208KN5C1 208KN5C MARKING lsi logic TMC28KUN5C TRW PDF

    ix 3394

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMC208K/C28KU TMC208K, C28KU CMOS Multiplier 8 x 8 Bit, 45 ns, 65 ns Description TMC208K The TMC208K and C28KU are high-speed 8 x 8 bit parallel multipliers which operate at a 45 or 65 ns cycle time 22.2 or 15.3 MHz multiplication rate . The multiplicand and multiplier are both two’s complement

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    TMC208K/TMC28KU TMC208K, TMC28KU TMC208K TMC208K TMC28KU TMC28KU, 16-bit MPY008H ix 3394 PDF


    Abstract: C28K 28KUN
    Text: TM C208K, TM C 28 KU C M OS Multiplier • T h re e -S ta te O u tp u ts 8 x 8 Bit, 45ns, 65ns • S in g le + 5 V P o w e r S u p p ly • T TL C o m p a tib le T h e T M C 2 0 8 K a n d T M C 2 8 K U a re h ig h -s p e e d 8 x 8 b it p a ra lle l m u ltip lie rs w h ic h o p e ra te a t a 4 5 o r 6 5 n s cycle

    OCR Scan
    C208K, P102-5 C28K 28KUN PDF


    Abstract: TMC216
    Text: Fixed-Point Arithmetic 7,TwV Since the first m onolithic m ultiplier was introduced by TRW in 1976, and m ultiplication was changed from something difficult to something easy, this building block has becom e ubiquitous in the w orld o f signal processing. TRW continues to provide the broadest line o f fixed-point m ultipliers, with w ord

    OCR Scan
    C3211 32-bit 12x12 TMC2210-1 16x16 TMC3211 TMC216 PDF