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    7Z TRANSISTOR Search Results

    7Z TRANSISTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22V / tf=120ns Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27V / tf=60ns Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XPQR8308QB Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch MOSFET, 80 V, 350 A, 0.00083 Ω@10V, L-TOGL Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XPQ1R00AQB Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch MOSFET, 100 V, 300 A, 0.00103 Ω@10V, L-TOGL Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TK190U65Z Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET, N-ch, 650 V, 15 A, 0.19 Ohm@10V, TOLL Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    7Z TRANSISTOR Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    7z transistor

    Abstract: J401 PH2226-50M
    Text: ,s= 7-z E -= 2= .- = = FE an AMP company * Radar Pulsed Power Transistor, 5OW, loops Pulse, 10% Duty 2.2 - 2.6 GHz PH2226-50M Features l l l l l l l ,900 22.85 NPN Silicon Power Transistor Common Base Configuration Broadband Class C Operation Diffused Emitter Ballasting Resistors

    PH2226-50M 7z transistor J401 PH2226-50M PDF

    transistor ECG123a

    Abstract: ECG123A ECG755 033FF
    Text: PHILIPS E C G INC 17E D'isa 0GD3MH1 i m ~7z ~7y-o5’'-0i ECG755 CLASS “A” AUDIO DRIVER semiconductors 0.025 03535 E C Q 755 ij designed for driving Class "A " PNP power output- transistor stage applica­ tions. • Drives to 4 Watts of Output Power

    OCR Scan
    ECG755 ECG755 ECG75S DDD34SS T-74-05-01 transistor ECG123a ECG123A 033FF PDF

    A 3121 IC

    Abstract: bu2042 BU2040F BA634 BU2042F of ic 3121 A6251
    Text: ROHM CO LTD 7 0 2 0 ^ MDE D 0003245 .'- l— rm iii - *CTWIJ p i;:n i . a IC T ESRHM J 7z- '/ 3 ~/sr T - 'K . - C ñ - O S ' • ICs for Industrial Equipment r -V 4 -û 7 -/S - • Drivers Function Type Package Configuration No. of pins Features Reference

    OCR Scan
    BA612 BA614 BA12001 BA12002 BA12003 BA12004 BA618 BA6212 BA664 BA6256 A 3121 IC bu2042 BU2040F BA634 BU2042F of ic 3121 A6251 PDF


    Abstract: 4512B
    Text: S cos/mos S S-THONSON 37C D | O O m ia i 7 | K' iS hcc/hcf « i 2B INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 7929225 r ifin ii i? i S G S S E M IC O N D U C T O R CORP * '7zàr?~/hS"f 8 -C H A N N E L DA TA SELECTOR • • • • • • • 3-STATE OUTPUT ST A N D A R D IZED SY M M ET R IC A L O UTPUT C H A RA C TER ISTIC S

    OCR Scan
    4512B S-2769 HCF4512BE 4512B PDF


    Abstract: bd 426 4512 HCF4512 phl 7 s 715 HCC4512BK 4512BD
    Text: S cos/mos S S-T H O NSON 37C D | INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 7929225 S rifinii i? O O m ia i 7 | K' iS hcc/hcf « i2B i G S SEMICONDUCTOR CORP '7zàr?~/hS"f * 8 -C H A N N E L D A TA SELECTOR • 3 -STA T E O U T P U T • S T A N D A R D IZ E D S Y M M E T R IC A L O U T P U T C H A R A C T E R IS T IC S

    OCR Scan
    4512B 16-lead 4512B bd 426 4512 HCF4512 phl 7 s 715 HCC4512BK 4512BD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SLE J> • 711DÛ2b GCm33SG 4b2 « P H I N Philips Components BDV64F/64AF/64BF/64CF r"33"^ Data sheet status Product specification date of issue December 1990 PNP Silicon Darlington power transistors DESCRIPTION PINNING - SOT199 PIN 1

    OCR Scan
    GCm33SG BDV64F/64AF/64BF/64CF OT199 BDV65F/ 65AF/65BF/65CF. BDV64F BDV64AF BDV64BF BDV64CF PDF


    Abstract: transistor bdx67 BDX66B BDX66A BDX66 BDX67B BDX66B TRANSISTOR BDX66 darlington power transistor 10a BDX66A BDX66B BDX66C
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE 25E D • bt.53^31 D G l T n ? 7 ■ BDX67; 67A BDX67B; 67C T-33-H7 SILICON DARLINGTON POWER TRANSISTORS N-P-N epitaxial base transistors in monolithic Darlington circuit for aûdio output stages and general amplifier and switching applications; TO-3 envelope. P-N-P complements are BDX66, BDX66A,

    OCR Scan
    BDX67; BDX67B; T-33-H? BDX66, BDX66A, BDX66B BDX66C. BDX67 transistor bdx67 BDX66B BDX66A BDX66 BDX67B BDX66B TRANSISTOR BDX66 darlington power transistor 10a BDX66A BDX66C PDF

    D 1991 AR

    Abstract: BD644 transistor 648 transistor bd650 transistor bd644 b0651 BD65 BD651 lms-21 BD645
    Text: J BD644; 646; 648 ^B P 6 5 0 ; 652 SILICON DARLINGTON POWER TRANSISTORS PNP epitaxial-base transistors in a monolithic Darlington circuit. They are housed in a T0-220 envelope and intended for applications such as audio output stages, switching, and general amplifiers.

    OCR Scan
    BD644; BD650; T0-220 BD643, BD645, BD647, BD649 BD651. BD644 D 1991 AR transistor 648 transistor bd650 transistor bd644 b0651 BD65 BD651 lms-21 BD645 PDF


    Abstract: 5j12 transistor 307A
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DI SCRETE GbE D ^ 5 3 ^ 3 1 D 0 m *177 LTE42012R T-ZZ-OÉr M ICROW AVE LINEAR POWER T RA N SISTO R N-P-N silicon power transistor for use in a common-emitter, class-A amplifier up to a frequency of 4,2 G H z in c.w. conditions in military and professional applications.

    OCR Scan
    LTE42012R T-32-Oir 5j12 transistor 307A PDF

    Philips BGY36 VHF Power amplifier Module

    Abstract: BGY36 BGY33 Philips bgy32 BGY35 BGV33 BGY32 12p capacitor VB212
    Text: BGY32 BGY35 BGY33 BGY36 VHF POWER AMPLIFIER MODULES A range of broadband amplifier modules designed for mobile communications equipments, operating directly from 12 V vehicle electrical systems. The deviceswill produce 18 W output into a 50 Î2 load. The modules consist of a two stage RF amplifier using npn transistor chips, together with lumpedelement matching components.

    OCR Scan
    BGY32 BGY33 BGY35 BGY36 7110fl2b BGY36 Philips BGY36 VHF Power amplifier Module Philips bgy32 BGV33 12p capacitor VB212 PDF


    Abstract: BGY33 BGY32 BGY35 77209 vHF amplifier module
    Text: BGY32 BGY35 BGY33 BGY36 VHF POWER AMPLIFIER MODULES A range of broadband am plifier modules designed for mobile communications equipments, operating directly from 12 V vehicle electrical systems. The devices w ill produce 18 W output into a 50 f i load. The modules consist of a tw o stage RF amplifier using npn transistor chips, together w ith lumpedelement matching components.

    OCR Scan
    BGY32 BGY33 BGY35 BGY36 BGY33 7110A2b BGY36 77209 vHF amplifier module PDF

    ferrite 4312

    Abstract: SL 100 NPN Transistor
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL bSE D 711002b QDbEböS 333 I IPHIN BLT93/SL • A UHF POWER TRANSISTOR NPN silicon planar epitaxial transistor prim arily intended fo r use in hand-held radio stations in the 900 MHz communications band. This device has been designed specifically fo r class-B operation.

    OCR Scan
    711002b BLT93/SL OT122D) 7Z24076 7Z24077 7Z24078 ferrite 4312 SL 100 NPN Transistor PDF


    Abstract: IEC134
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL MIE D m 711002b Q0S73ÔÔ ö ‘' L IPHIN BLV97 r - 3 3 - // UHF POWER TRANSISTOR NPN silicon planar epitaxial transistor in SOT171 envelope intended for use in class-B operated base station transmitters in the 900 MHz communications band.

    OCR Scan
    OT171 T-33-11 7Z94379 BLV97 IEC134 PDF

    ferrite 4312

    Abstract: ferrite beat philips rf choke ferrite CF-800 lb533
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE tTE J> ^53=131 DDEÔ761 71S M A P X WÊ BLT92/SL UHF POWER TRANSISTOR NPN silicon planar epitaxial transistor primarily intended for use in handheld radio stations in the 900 MHz communications band. This device has been designed specifically for class-B operation.

    OCR Scan
    BLT92/SL OT122D) ferrite 4312 ferrite beat philips rf choke ferrite CF-800 lb533 PDF

    transistor ft 960

    Abstract: blt90 DB8900
    Text: D N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE • bbS3^31 0Q2ô7b7 34S H A P X B LT90/SL A U.H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor primarily intended for use in handheld radio stations in the 90 0 M H z communications band. This device has been designed specifically for class-B operation.

    OCR Scan
    BLT90/SL OT-172D) transistor ft 960 blt90 DB8900 PDF


    Abstract: w7 transistor transistor w7 IRF 502 TRANSISTOR BLW29 transistor j18 Si NPN c25a f0pf philips bfq42
    Text: P H IL IP S El b5E D INTERNATIONAL 711002b G0b2bD2 3 b l • P H I N BFQ42 V.H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor intended fo r use in cl ass-A, B or C operated mobile transmitters w ith a nominal supply voltage o f 13,5 V . The transistor is resistance stabilized and is

    OCR Scan
    711002b BFQ42 BFQ42 BLW29 7Z77622 7Z77623 7Z77624 w7 transistor transistor w7 IRF 502 TRANSISTOR transistor j18 Si NPN c25a f0pf philips bfq42 PDF


    Abstract: BRY39 circuit
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/MSCRETE bTE 3> bb53R31 0057635 R6T Philips Semiconductors Data sheet status Preliminary specification date of Issue December 1990 BRY39 Programmable unijunction transistor QUICK REFERENCE DATA PARAMETER PIN cathode 2 cathode gate 3 anode gate

    OCR Scan
    bb53R31 BRY39 0D27fl3b bry39 BRY39 circuit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Provisional Data Sheet No. PD - 9.1708 International TOR Rectifier dv/dt RATED HEXFET TRANSISTOR IRHNA7Z60 IRHNA8Z60 REPETITIVE AVALANCHE AND N-CHANNEL MEGA RAD HARD 30 Vo It, 0.009ft, MEGA RAD HARD HEXFET In te rn a tio n a l R e c tifie r’ s R A D H A R D te c h n o lo g y

    OCR Scan
    IRHNA7Z60 IRHNA8Z60 009ft, PDF


    Abstract: BLX69 7Z66 TRANSISTOR D 1978
    Text: PH I L IP S I N T E R N A T I O N A L MAINTENANCE TYPE 41E D • 711002b, D0E7Ö1S 1 I PHIN BLX69A r - 3 3 - n U.H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor for use in class-A, B and C operated mobile, industrial and military transmitters with a supply voltage of 13,5 V. The transistor is resistance stabilized and Is

    OCR Scan
    711002b BLX69A T-33-IÃ BLX69A BLX69 7Z66 TRANSISTOR D 1978 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE bbsa^ai □QañiD'i sqs BLV11 b^E IAPX JL V.H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor intended for use in class-A, B and C operated mobile, h.f. and v.h.f. transmitters with a nominal supply voltage of 13,5 V. The transistor is resistance stabilized and is

    OCR Scan
    OT-123. BLV11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BD949F; BD951F ^BD953F; BD955F J SILICON EPITAXIAL POWER TRANSISTORS NPN silicon power transistors each in a SO T 186 envelope w ith an electrically insulated mounting base. PNP complements are B D 950F, BD 952F, BD 9 5 4 F and BD 956F. Q U IC K R E F E R E N C E D A T A

    OCR Scan
    BD949F; BD951F BD953F; BD955F bb53T31 951F PDF


    Abstract: 2N4351 3N172 3N163 3N164 3N170 3N171 IT1750 M116 M117
    Text: I HA R R I S S E M I C O N D S E C T O R 27E D T SeS i; O 4302 27 1 QD157G1 0 BBHAS g • T r'O l" 0 I T -Z -7-Z 5 Switching/Am plifier Transistors M O S F E T s — N -C h a n n e l PART NUMBER PACKAGE VGS TH I V Max Min BVds S V Min •dss pA Max •gss

    OCR Scan
    43G2E71 2N4351 3N170 3N171 IT1750 3N164 3N172 3N173 -10nA IT1700 IT1701 3N163 M116 M117 PDF

    transistor 2n3053

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b'lE D bbSBTBl 002fll3b Eflb I IAPX 2N30b3 A SILICON PLANAR TRANSISTOR N-P-N transistor in a TO-39 metal envelope designed for medium speed, saturated and non-saturated switching applications for industrial service. QUICK REFERENCE DATA

    OCR Scan
    002fll3b 2N30b3 transistor 2n3053 PDF


    Abstract: 593221
    Text: BSV64 SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTOR N-P-N transistor in a TO-39 metal envelope primarily intended for use as a print hammer drive. It has good high current saturation characteristics. QUICK REFERENCE DATA Collector-base voltage open emitter v CBO max.

    OCR Scan
    BSV64 7Z60473 BSV64 593221 PDF