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    7S0 MARKING Search Results

    7S0 MARKING Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    5962-8950303GC Rochester Electronics LLC ICM7555M - Dual Marked (ICM7555MTV/883) Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    54HC221AJ/883C Rochester Electronics LLC 54HC221AJ/883C - Dual marked (5962-8780502EA) Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    MG8097/B Rochester Electronics LLC 8097 - Math Coprocessor - Dual marked (8506301ZA) Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    5490/BCA Rochester Electronics LLC 5490 - Decade Counter - Dual marked (M38510/01307BCA) Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    5405/BCA Rochester Electronics LLC 5405 - Gate - Dual marked (M38510/00108BCA) Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy

    7S0 MARKING Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: b212 zener characteristics card DBM01 M2901cem ptc s1012 73M2901 74LVC4066D b202 capacitors b212 zener EIA-777A
    Text: 73M2901CE V.22bis Single Chip Modem Simplifying System Integration DATA SHEET DS_2901CE_031 January 2010 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 73M2901CE low speed modem integrates a data pump, controller, and analog front end in a 3.3 V device with a powerful "AT" command host

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 73M2901CE V.22bis Single Chip Modem Simplifying System Integration DATA SHEET DS_2901CE_031 January 2010 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 73M2901CE low speed modem integrates a data pump, controller, and analog front end in a 3.3 V device with a powerful "AT" command host

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    Abstract: 13001 YF 09 TRANSISTOR HP 5082 7000 5082-0825 33150A 2N6838 Hxtr 3101 Hxtr 3101 transistor 5082-2815 hsch-1001
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    Abstract: SSM2044 free transistor equivalent book 2sc DAC02 PMI SSM-2045 1V120 1N9148 ssm2100 sharp laser diodes SSM2142 SPICE MODEL
    Text: SUMER 13555 BISHOP'S COURT BROOKFIELD, WI. 53005 414/784-6641 ~""-"- IPMI SSM AUDIO PRODUCTS AUDIO HANDBOOK VOLUMEl TABLE OF CONTENTS Precision Monolithics Inc. Introduction . 4

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    7s0 marking

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TC7S02FJC7S02FU 2-INPUT NOR GATE The TC7S02 is a high speed C2MOS 2-INPUT NOR GATE fabricated with silicon gate C2MOS technology. It achieves high speed operation similar to equivalent LSTTL while maintaining the C2MOS low power dissipation. The internal circuit is composed of 3 stages including

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    Abstract: COMPENSATING CAPACITORS N750 N1500 N330 Disc ceramic capacitor U2J 2KV disc capacitors TUSONIX
    Text: DISC CERAMIC CAPACITORS TUSONIX Ceramic capacitors, because of their inherent reliability, small size, low cost and wide choice of elec­ trical characteristics available, now outsell all other types combined. TUSONIX manufactures both fixed and variable ceramic capacitors in

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    SFH 462

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS GaAIAs-IR-Lumineszenzdiode GaAIAs Infrared Emitter SFH 483 M aße in mm, wenn nicht anders angegeben/Dimensions in mm, unless otherwise specified. Wesentliche Merkmale Features • GaAIAs-IR-Lumineszenzdiode mit hohem Wirkungsgrad • Die Anode ist galvanisch mit dem

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3 DRAWING MADE IN THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION 1 2 ♦ LOC Of DIST f'O REVISIONS C o p y r i g h t 19 b y AMP I n c o r p o r a t e d , H a r r i s b u r g , P a . A l l I n t e r n a t i o n a l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d , AMP I n c o r p o r a t e d p r o d u c t s

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    diode MARKING CODE A9

    Abstract: 02CZ6 02CZ2 s32 schottky diode SS322 46/SMC 5/L4F1 DIODE List of Marking
    Text: 4. List of Principal Characteristics of Diodes 4. List o f Principal C h a r a c t e r istic s o f D io d e s * S c h o ttk y b a r r i e r diode. 59 4. List of Principal Characteristics o f Diodes U nit : mm u se S-M IN I U SM SS M 1 1 125*8:i s 5 H- pl *il"

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: /T u rm LT 112 0 A TECHNOLOGY Micropower Regulator with Com parator and Shutdown F€RTUR€S DCSCRICTIOn • 20nA Supply Current ■ 8-Lead SOIC ■ 125mA Output Current ■ 2.5V Reference ■ Reference Output Sources 4mA and Sinks 4mA ■ Open Collector Comparator Sinks 10mA

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    sram 2112

    Abstract: 2114 static ram STATIC RAM 2114
    Text: S-22S10R/I 64-word X4-bit parallel NON-VOLATILE RAM The S-22S10R/I is a non-volatile CM OS RAM, co m p o se d of a CM OS static RAM and a non-volatile e le ctrically erasable p ro gram m ab le m em ory E2PROM to backup the SRAM. The organization is 64-w ord x 4-bit (total 256 bits) and the

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    S-22S10R/I 64-word S-22S10R/I X2210 D01fifi4 sram 2112 2114 static ram STATIC RAM 2114 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Raytheon Electronics Semiconductor Division R C 6100 Horizontal Line Genlock Features Applications • High speed tracking sync separator easily follows hum or average picture level APL fluctuations • Glitch remover for operation in high im pulse noise

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MT4C4007J L 1 MEG X 4 DRAM (M IC R O N 1 MEG x 4 DRAM DRAM 5V, EDO PAGE MODE, OPTIONAL EXTENDED REFRESH PIN ASSIGNMENT (Top View) • • • • • Single +5V ±10% power supply JEDEC-standard pinout and packages High-performance CMOS silicon-gate process

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    clarostat POTENTIOMETER

    Abstract: clarostat RV4 potentiometers LA 2786 sj 2907 J-D1N clarostat cm POTENTIOMETER rheostat 25 watt 1000 ohm JAIN200P 201 200 OHM Variable Resistors Potentiometer Logarithmic Potentiometer B 203
    Text: Type J Hot-Molded Panel Potentiometers F eatures _ B e n e fits - • 2.25 Watts @ 70 C . ■ 50 Ohms to 5 Megohms . ■ Multiple Sections/Concenti» Shafts . . ■ UL Approved Switches . . .

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: - PRELIMINARYc Q April 1996 Edition 2.2 PRO DUCT PROFILE SHEET _ FUJITSU M B 8 1 V 1 6 8 0 0 A -60/-70 CMOS 2M X 8BIT FAST PAGE MODE DYNAMIC RAM CMOS 2,097,152 x 8BIT Fast Page Mode Dynamic RAM The Fujitsu MB81V16800A is a fully decoded CMOS Dynamic RAM DRAM that contains

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    MB81V16800A 512-bits PDF


    Abstract: qml-38535 4502B CDFP4-F16

    OCR Scan
    5962-E097-96 MIL-BUL-103. MIL-BUL-103 0017ET7 4502BN qml-38535 4502B CDFP4-F16 PDF


    Abstract: d78p328cw EV-9200G64 D78P32 78327 PD78P328CW PA-78P328CW d78p PA-78P328GF 64-pin plastic
    Text: DATA SHEET M O S Integrated Circuit _ / ¿ P D 7 8 P 3 2 8 16/8-BIT SIN G LE-CH IP M IC R O C O N T R O LLE R The MPD78P328 is a product provided by replacing the /¿PD75328's internal mask ROM with one-time PROM or EPROM. The one-time PROM version is programmable only once and is useful for small-lot production of many

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    16/8-BIT uPD78P328 uPD75328 /iPD78328 IEU-1268 iPD78328 /iPD78P328 U10209EJ4V0DS01 C1996 b427S25 d78p328 d78p328cw EV-9200G64 D78P32 78327 PD78P328CW PA-78P328CW d78p PA-78P328GF 64-pin plastic PDF


    Abstract: SCR GATE DRIVER SCR T 780 Applications Handbook qml-38535 SCR Applications Handbook SCR Handbook, General electric MIL-STD-480 5962-90932
    Text: DESC FORM 193 > U S G O V H N M E N T P R IN T IN G O fFIC E: 1 9 8 7 — 7 4 8 -1 2 9 /4 0 9 1 1 SEP 87 D IS T R IB U T IO N S T A T E M E N T A. This Material 5962-E008 A p p ro v e d lo r p u b lic re le a s e ; d is trib u tio n is u n lim ite d . C o p y r i g h t e d B y Its R e s p e c t i v e M a n u f a c t u r e r

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    Abstract: marking 80L
    Text: b427525 0042407 Tbb « N E C E MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ju P D 4 2 S 1 6 1 8 0 L , 4 2 S 1 7 1 8 0 L , 4 2 S 1 8 1 8 0 L 16 M BIT D Y N A M IC RAM 3 .3 V FAST PAGE M O DE & BYTE R E A D /W R IT E M O DE -PRELIMINARY-DESCRIPTION The NEC ^PD42S16180L, u PD42S17180L and n PD42S18170L are 1 048 576 words by 18 b its

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    Abstract: 5962-8768401QX EL34 circuit EL34 EL34 amplifier circuit smd marking JD smd marking KD qml-38535 16T MARKING EL34 single ended
    Text: MIL-M—38510/87 684 REVISIONS LTR APPROVED DATE YR-MO-DA DESCRIPTION A Add case outline U. Add vendor CAGE 18324. Add programming method B. Change 4.3.1c and 4.3.1e. Editorial changes throughout. 1989 MAR 01 B Add device type 02 editorial changes throughout. Add test

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS HYB 39S13620TQ-6/-7/-8 Overview • Special Mode Registers High Performance: -6 -7 -7 -8 Units fcK 166 125 125 125 MHz latency 3 2 3 3 - tcKS 6 8 7 8 ns {AC3 5.5 5.5 5.5 6 ns Two color registers Burst Read with Single Write Operation Block Write and Write-per-Bit Capability

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    Abstract: JRC 072 D ST62T03 programmer ST6 CPU programming manual 311 JRC ST62T03B6/HWD ST62E01 ST62T03 ST62XX jrc 072
    Text: ^ 7 S G S -T H O M S O N ST62T03 RÆDÊ[SÎ Q IlUi(gîM)K!]D(§§ 8-BIT OTP MCUs PRODUCT PREVIEW • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 3.0 to 6.0V Supply Operating Range 8 MHz Maximum Clock Frequency -40 to +85°C Operating Temperature Range

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    Abstract: CV7476 CV7143 CV8805 BZV46 CV 7476 mullard CV7099 CV7100 diode mullard germanium BYW 64 bridge rectifier
    Text: The Mullard Technical Handbook i t made up of four sets of Books, each comprising several parts:Book 1 light blue Sem iconductor Devices Book 2 (orange) Valves and Tubes Book 3 (green) Com ponents, M aterials and Assem blies Book 4 (purple or dark blue)

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P S ta n d a rd P r o d u c t PMC-951010 I [ y I # | £ PM C-Sierra, Inc. ISSUE 4 PM5362 TUPP-PLUS SONET/SDH TRIBUTARY UNIT PAYLOAD PROCESSOR FEATURES • Configurable, multi-channel, payload processor for aligning SONET virtual tributaries VTs or SDH tributary units (TUs) in an STS-3 or STM-1 byte serial

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    PMC-951010 PM5362 PDF