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    Abstract: LC7210 lc 7220 lc7222 LB3500 DIP42S LC7227 Single, Frequency Synthesizer LC7223
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 7b DE^| 7T17D7b O D O l ^ a 5 ^ ' a7 ì? 7 -Ó S '-6 £ ~ t LC7210 C IR C U IT D R A W IN G N o .4 0 5 3 c-m o s LSI TUNING CIRCUIT OF PSLSELECTRONIC TUNING SYSTEM 1 3012A Features • Multiband reception FM , MW, LW /F M , SW1, S W 2/T V , FM, MW, etc. is available with micro­

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    7T17D7b LC7210 450kHz 3025B 3026B LC7225, lc7220 LC7210 lc 7220 lc7222 LB3500 DIP42S LC7227 Single, Frequency Synthesizer LC7223 PDF


    Abstract: SK3590 Infrared Remote Control Transmitter
    Text: rdering number : EN 5K 3590 CMOS LSI LC7465M 0. SK 3590 Infrared Remote Control Transmitter 1C Preliminary OVERVIEW PINOUT The LC7465M is a 64-key infrared remote controller transmitter IC that incorporates key-scanning, oscillator and timing circuits on-chip, resulting in a very low

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    LC7465M LC7465M 64-key 30-pin 16-bit SK3590 Infrared Remote Control Transmitter PDF

    50w hybrid audio power amplifier

    Abstract: stk*401-130 STK401-340 TR28 transformer STK400-060 TR21 TR24 K401-060 VC40 equivalent transistor 58w
    Text: Ordering number: EN 5704 Thick Film H ybrid 1C S TK 400-060 A F Power A m plifier Split Power Supply (35W +35W +35W , TH D = 0.4% ) Overview Package Dimensions T he S T K 4 0 0 -0 6 0 is a 3-ch an n el A F pow er am plifier IC supporting m ultichannel speakers. O ne package includes

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    STK400-060 STK400-060 STK400- STK401- 50w hybrid audio power amplifier stk*401-130 STK401-340 TR28 transformer TR21 TR24 K401-060 VC40 equivalent transistor 58w PDF


    Abstract: 360q
    Text: Ordering number : ENN6188A Monolithic Digital 1C LB1964T jSA jtYoj Fan Motor Single-Phase Full-Wave Driver Overview The LB1964T is a driver for single-phase bipolar drive fan motors that features compact and low-profile MSOP-8 package. Low-saturation output and low-voltage operation

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    ENN6188A LB1964T 1964T LB1964T 360q PDF


    Abstract: DIP18 LB11988 FR-415
    Text: Ordering number :ENN6211 Monolithic Digital IC LB 11988 ¡SAHmj Refrigerator Fan Motor Driver Functions Package Dimensions • Three-phase full-wave current linear drive • Built-in current limiter circuit • Built-in saturation prevention circuits in both the upper

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    ENN6211 LB11988 007A-DIP18 LB11988] DIP18 0024EÃ DD242Ã 3007A-DIP18 DIP18 LB11988 FR-415 PDF


    Abstract: Cmosic LC82293 ZCAS UA79
    Text: |Ordering number : EN CMOS 1C LC82293 jsA fiY oj Image Memory Controller Preliminary Overview • Built-in IrDA 1.0 interface. T he LC82293 is an image m em ory controller that supports a w ide range o f applications such as video printers and video capture systems. It features a simple configuration

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    LC82293 LC82293 JV422 DRAM/16Mbits SQFP100 Cmosic ZCAS UA79 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: b3E_D • 7Ti707b LA9210M Goiiess TOb M T S A J SANYO S E M I C O N D U C T O R 3174 CORP M onolithic Linear IC Analog Signal Processor for Compact D isc Players OVERVIEW The LA9210M is a bipolar analog signal processor and servocontrailer IC for CD players. It is designed to

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    LA9210M LC7860/65 80-pin 100k0 7T17D7b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: b3E D LC7234 7 ^ 7 0 7 ^ OGllSfl? T7Û • TSA J SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP ♦ CM O S LSI 3620C Single-chip PLL and Microcontroller with LCD Driver OVERVIEW PINOUT The LC7234 is a single-chip microcontroller that incor­ porates a 0.5 to 150 MHz phase-locked loop PLL and

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    LC7234 3620C LC7234 C7234 64-pin LC72EV32 TB-72EV32 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN4715A Monolithic Linear IC LA1193M, 1193V 41 High-Performance FM Front End for Car Radios Overview The LAI 193M and LAI 193V are front-end ICs developed for use in car radios. It incorporates an extremely wide dynamic range mixer and a new AGC system consisting

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    EN4715A LA1193M, 3036B-MFP20 001bb7b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¡Ordering number EN5039 CMOS 1C LC74763,74763M On-Screen Display LSI Package Dimensions Overview The LC74763 and LC74763M are on-screen display CM O S L S Is th a t su p e rim p o se te x t and lo w -lev el graphics onto a TV screen video signal under the

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    EN5039 LC74763 74763M LC74763M 3196-DIP30SD 433618x4 PAL60 PDF


    Abstract: STK+Stereo+amplifier+4044v
    Text: Ordering number : EN 4391A T h ick Film H ybrid IC STK4044V AF Power Amplifier Split Power Supply (100W min, THD = 0.08%) Features Package Dimensions • C o m p a c t p a c k a g in g su p p o rts slim m e r set d e s ig n s un it : m m • S e r ie s d e s ig n e d from 2 0 up to 1 0 0 W (2 0 0 W ) and pin c o m p a tib ility (1 2 0 to 2 0 0 W h a v e 18 p in s)

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    STK4044V TOP56 STK+Stereo+amplifier+4044v PDF


    Abstract: ic555
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP lEE D I 7 ^ 7 0 7 ^ 0005145 2SD1653 /• .• ' -'.‘V . NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor 2039 Color TV Horizontal Deflection Output Applications D1751B Applications . High-voltage, power switching Features . Fast speed (t.jjnaxsO.^us .

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    2SD1653 D1751B IS-126 1S-126A IS-20MA IS-313 IS-313A IC-524 ic555 PDF


    Abstract: Structure rotary phase shifter glass delay line 1av4f30b00100 3579545 crystal oscillator 3m color dropout compensation fm frequency converter VCR modulators alps LA7411 LA7416
    Text: O verview T h e L A 7425 is a sin g le -c h ip LSI t h a t p e rfo rm s N T S C video sig n a l p ro c e ssin g fo r V H S f o rm a t V C R s. C h ip in te r n a l tr im m in g h a s re d u c e d th e n u m b e r o f r e q u ire d a d ju s tm e n ts to a sin g le a d ju s tm e n t a n d

    OCR Scan
    LA7425 0D1B252 2SC2570 Structure rotary phase shifter glass delay line 1av4f30b00100 3579545 crystal oscillator 3m color dropout compensation fm frequency converter VCR modulators alps LA7411 LA7416 PDF


    Abstract: LA8200 peak Current Mode Type II Compensation
    Text: SA NY O S E M I C O N D U C T O R CORP 12e D I imaik □□□310b LA8200M? M onolithic Linear TC 3106 Read/W rite Amplifier for FDD Use 2638 Features . On-chip diodes for head select . The time domain filter contains capacitors for time cq ^s; ant. ,ny value.

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    LA8200M? LA8200M LA8200 peak Current Mode Type II Compensation PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7^^707fc. 0015033 ^51 Ordering num ber: EN 266D LB1287.1288 N0.266D Monolithic Digital IC SA\YO i Darlington Transistor Array These ICs have circuit configuration of 5-unit Darlington transistor array consisting of NPN transistors and are capable of causing small input current to

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    707fc. LB1287 14-pin 400mA LB1288 DIP20H DIP16F MFP30S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN5262 NMOS LSI LM7001J, 7001JM No. 5262 SA\YO Direct PLL Frequency Synthesizers for Electronic Tuning I Features Package Dimensions • The LM7001J and LM7001JM are PLL frequency synthesizer LSIs for tuners, making it possible to make up high-performance AM/FM tuners easily.

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    EN5262 LM7001J, 7001JM LM7001J LM7001JM LM7000, D01b3DH PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN*6195 Monolithic Digital IC LB1934T jsA fiY o j 3V Camera 1.5-Channel Driver Preliminary Overview The LB 1934T is a low-voltage, low-saturation forward/ reverse driver IC with built-in 1.5-channel bridge. Its compact, low-profile package makes it ideal for use in

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    LB1934T 1934T 7T17D7b 00B31Sfl PDF

    tt 2146

    Abstract: BT 151 PIN DIAGRAM LC321664 AO9377 LC321664BJ LC321664BM LC321664BT A0S27
    Text: Ordering number: EN^5082] _ '_ CMOS LSI _ LC321664BJ, BM, BT-70/80 SA \Y O 1 MEG 65536 words x 16 bits DRAM Fast Page Mode, Byte Write I Preliminary Overview Package Dimensions The LC321664B series is a CMOS dynam ic RAM

    OCR Scan
    LC321664BJ, BT-70/80 LC321664B 40-pin 001517M A02160 tt 2146 BT 151 PIN DIAGRAM LC321664 AO9377 LC321664BJ LC321664BM LC321664BT A0S27 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENì%5084A CMOS LSI LC322270J, T-70/80 No. -&5084A 2 MEG 131072 words x 16 bits DRAM Fast Page Mode, Byte Write Preliminary Overview The LC322270J, T is a CMOS dynamic RAM operating on a single S V power source and having a 131072 words

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    LC322270J, T-70/80 40-pin 44-pin. T-70/80 7TT707fci DD171b2 508412 PDF


    Abstract: C4585 C4554 C4015 C4581 TTL74 C4029 C4081 C4516 C4071
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CÔRP LC9100Series, ies 22E D 7 <^ 7 0 7 f c > o c m b fa i2 o -L /Z -lh O I CMOS LSI Gate Array 2723A O verview The LC9100,92000 series are semicustom LSIs especially suited to develop the user-requested LSI in a short period of tim e and a t a low cost. The LC9100,92000 series provide 17 types of m aster chip having

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    LC9100Series, LC9100 LC9100, TTL74 CMOS4000, 17Q7ti MFP18 DIP52S C4549 C4585 C4554 C4015 C4581 C4029 C4081 C4516 C4071 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¡Ordering number : EN 5160A CMOS IC LC89585 SAfSVOl CD Encoder LSI for CD-R Systems Overview Package Dimensions The L C89585 is an LSI that im plem ents the digital processing required for CD-R recording in conformance with the orange book specifications. The LC89585 adds

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    LC89585 C89585 LC89585 3151-QFP100E LC89585] 7T17D7b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¡Ordering number : EN*4250C CMOS 1C LC78816MB, 78816MC js A fiY o j 16-Bit D/A Converter for Use in Digital Audio Products Preliminaly Overview Package Dimensions T h e L C 7 8 8 1 6 M B and 7 8 8 1 6 M C are 16-b it C M O S D /A unit: m m converters for use in digital audio products. T h ey em ploy

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    4250C LC78816MB, 78816MC 16-Bit 3036B-MFP20 Q0237E3 PDF