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    74L SIGNETICS Search Results

    74L SIGNETICS Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 74S240 N74LS240N 74L5240 74LS240 74S241 N74LS241N N74S240N N74S241N S240
    Text: 74LS240, 74LS241, S240, S241 Signetics Buffers '240 Octal Inverter Buffer 3-State '241 Octal Buffer (3-State) Product Specification Logic Products T Y P IC A L P R O P A G A TIO N D E LAY T Y P IC A L SU PPLY C U R R E N T (T O T A L ) 74L S 240 11ns 24m A

    OCR Scan
    74LS240, 74LS241, 74LS240 74S240 74LS241 74S241 112mA N74LS240N, N74S240N N74LS241N, N74LS240N 74L5240 N74LS241N N74S241N S240 PDF

    74ls gate symbols

    Abstract: 74ls 74ls signetics 74LS136 N74LS136N 74ls Logic Family Specifications
    Text: Signetics | 74LS136 G ate Quad T w o -In p u t Exclusive-O R Gate Open C o lle cto r Product Specification Logic P rod ucts TY PE T Y P IC A L P R O P A G A T IO N DELAY T Y P IC A L S U P P LY C U R R E N T (T O T A L ) 18ns 6.1m A 74L S 136 FUNCTION TABLE

    OCR Scan
    74LS136 74LS136 N74LS136N 10LSul 20fiA WF07580S 74ls gate symbols 74ls 74ls signetics N74LS136N 74ls Logic Family Specifications PDF

    pin diagram of ic 74195

    Abstract: ic 74195 pin configuration 74LS195N IC 74195 4195N 74195N LS 74195 74195 function table 74195 pin diagram
    Text: 7 4 1 9 5 , LS1 9 5 A , S 1 9 5 Shift Registers S ig n e t ic s 4-Bit Parallel Access Shift Register Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES T Y P IC A L f MAX T Y P IC A L SU PP LY C U R R E N T 74195 39M H z 39m A 74L S 195A 39M H z 14m A 74S 195 105M H z

    OCR Scan
    4195N 1N916, 1N3064, 500ns pin diagram of ic 74195 ic 74195 pin configuration 74LS195N IC 74195 4195N 74195N LS 74195 74195 function table 74195 pin diagram PDF


    Abstract: 74LS 74LS620 74LS623 N74LS620N N74LS623N
    Text: Signetics 74LS620, LS623 Transceivers 'LS620 Inverting Octal Bus Transceiver 3-State 'LS623 Non-Inverting Octal Bus Transceiver (3-State) Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES • Octal bidirectional bus interface • 3-State buffer outputs - LS620, inverting

    OCR Scan
    LS620, LS623, LS623 LS620 LS623. 74LS620, LS623 1N916, S-2011A 74LS 74LS620 74LS623 N74LS620N N74LS623N PDF

    7492 circuit diagram

    Abstract: ttl 7492 7492 counter 7492 PIN CONFIGURATION 7492 pin out diagram circuit diagram of 74ls92 74LS92 7492 binary counter 1N3064 1N916
    Text: 7492, LS92 Signetics Counters D ivide-B y-Tw elve C ounter Product Specification Lo gic P rod ucts DESCRIPTION The '92 is a 4-bit, ripple-type Divide-by12 Counter. The device consists of four master-slave flip-flops internally con­ nected to provide a divide-by-two sec­

    OCR Scan
    Divide-by-12 1N916 1N3064, 500ns 7492 circuit diagram ttl 7492 7492 counter 7492 PIN CONFIGURATION 7492 pin out diagram circuit diagram of 74ls92 74LS92 7492 binary counter 1N3064 PDF

    cem wax a

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 74LS620, LS623 Signetics Transceivers 'LS620 Inverting Octal Bus Transceiver 3-State 'LS623 Non-Inverting Octal Bus Transceiver (3-State) Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES • Octal bidirectional bus interface • 3-State buffer outputs - LS620, inverting

    OCR Scan
    74LS620, LS623 LS620 LS623 LS620, LS623, 74LS620 74LS623 74LS620N cem wax a PDF

    pin DIAGRAM OF IC 7474

    Abstract: ic 7474 pin diagram 7474 ic pin configuration IC 7474 pin configuration pin IC 7474 logic ic 7474 pin diagram 74s74n ic 7474 pin configuration of 7474 ic IC 7474 flipflop
    Text: 7474, LS74A, S74 Signetics Flip-Flops Dual D-Type Flip-Flop Product Specification Logic Products DESCRIPTION T h e '7 4 is a dual positive edge-triggered D -type flip-flop featuring individual D ata, Clock, S et and R eset inputs; also com ­ plem entary Q and G outputs.

    OCR Scan
    LS74A, 500ns 1N916, 1N3064, pin DIAGRAM OF IC 7474 ic 7474 pin diagram 7474 ic pin configuration IC 7474 pin configuration pin IC 7474 logic ic 7474 pin diagram 74s74n ic 7474 pin configuration of 7474 ic IC 7474 flipflop PDF


    Abstract: 1N3064 1N916 74LS N74LS290D N74LS290N diodes 5480
    Text: 74LS290 Signetics Counter Decade C o un te r Product Specification L o g ic P roducts DESCRIPTION The '290 is a 4-bit, ripple type decade counter. The device consists of four master-slave flip-flops internally c on­ nected to provide a divide-by-two sec­

    OCR Scan
    74LS290 provi74 1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 74LS290 1N3064 1N916 74LS N74LS290D N74LS290N diodes 5480 PDF


    Abstract: 74LS242 74LS243 74S242 74S243 LS243 N74LS242N N74LS243N S243
    Text: 74LS242, LS243, S242, S243 Signetics Transceivers '242 Quad Inverting Transceiver 3-State '243 Quad Transceiver (3-State) Product Specification Logic Products T Y P IC A L P R O P A G A TIO N D ELAY TY P IC A L SU PP LY C U R R E N T (T O T A L ) 74LS 242

    OCR Scan
    74LS242, LS243, 74LS242 74LS243 74S242 74S243 120mA N74LS242N, N74LS243N, N74524N, 1P2M LS243 N74LS242N N74LS243N S243 PDF


    Abstract: 74LS 74LS670 N74LS670D N74LS670N
    Text: Signetics 74LS670 Register File 4 x 4 Register File 3-State Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES • Simultaneous and independent Read and Write operations • Expandable to almost any word size and bit length • 3-State outputs • See '170 for open collector

    OCR Scan
    16-bit 1N916, N3064, 500ns 1N916 74LS 74LS670 N74LS670D N74LS670N PDF


    Abstract: 74LS 74LS253 74S253 N74LS253D N74LS253N N74S253D N74S253N I351
    Text: Signetics 74LS253, S253 Multiplexers Dual 4-Input Multiplexer 3-State Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES • 3-State outputs for bus interface and multiplex expansion • Common Select inputs • Separate Output Enable inputs DESCRIPTION The '253 has two identical 4-input multi­

    OCR Scan
    74LS253, 74LS253 74S253 1N916, 1N3064, 500ns S253 74LS N74LS253D N74LS253N N74S253D N74S253N I351 PDF


    Abstract: 1N916 74LS N74LS197D N74LS197N
    Text: Signetics 7 4 LS197 Counter Presettable 4-Bit Binary Ripple Counter Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES TY PE • A synchronous parallel load for presetting counter • Overriding M aster Reset PL [ T H jV c c Z H mr D2 [ T m o * Do EE °o E 33 d3

    OCR Scan
    74LS197 1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 74LS197 1N916 74LS N74LS197D N74LS197N PDF

    rs flip-flop IC 7400

    Abstract: 74ls105 TTL LS 7400 74LS series logic gates 7400 fan-out 74LS 3 input AND gate IC TTL 7400 schematic 74LS04 fan-out 74ls series logic family 90 watts inverter by 12v dc with 6 transisters
    Text: GENERAL DESCRIPTION ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Ovar operating free-air temper­ ature range unless otherwise noted Supply Voltage Vq c (See Note 1) Input Voltage V|n (See Note 1) Interemitter Voltage (See Note 2) Resistor Node Voltage, 54121, 74121 (See Note 1)

    OCR Scan

    74LS293 Asynchronous counter

    Abstract: 54ls293 74LS293 74LS293 pin 74LS N74LS293D N74LS293N
    Text: Signetics 74LS293 Counter 4-Bit Binary Ripple C ounter Product Specification Lo g ic P rod ucts DESCRIPTION The '293 is a 4-bit ripple type binary counter. The device consists o f four master-slave flip-flops internally con­ nected to provide a divide-by-two sec­

    OCR Scan
    74LS293 500ns 74LS293 Asynchronous counter 54ls293 74LS293 74LS293 pin 74LS N74LS293D N74LS293N PDF


    Abstract: 74LS541 equivalent 1N916 74LS 74LS540 N74LS540D N74LS540N N74LS541D N74LS541N signetics 74LS541
    Text: Signetics I 74LS540, 74LS541 Buffers/Drivers Octal Buffer/Line Driver 3-State Product Specification Logic Products T Y P IC A L PR O P A G A TIO N D E LA Y TY PE T Y P IC A L SU PP LY C U R R E N T (T O T A L) 74LS540 9ns 22mA 74LS541 10ns 23mA ORDERING CODE

    OCR Scan
    74LS540, 74LS541 74LS540 74LS541 N74LS540N, N74LS541N SOL-20 N74LS540D, N74LS541D 30LSul 74LS541 equivalent 1N916 74LS N74LS540D N74LS540N N74LS541D N74LS541N signetics 74LS541 PDF


    Abstract: 1N3064 1N916 74LS N74LS375D N74LS375N
    Text: 74LS375 Signetics Latch Quad Bistable Latch Product Specification Lo gic P rod ucts FEATURES • C o m p le m e n ta r y o u t p u t s T Y P IC A L S U PP LY C U R R E N T T O T A L T Y P IC A L P R O P A G A T IO N D E LA Y TYPE • Q u a d tr a n s p a r e n t la tc h

    OCR Scan
    74LS375 74LS375 1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 1N3064 1N916 74LS N74LS375D N74LS375N PDF

    74160 pin description

    Abstract: 74160 pin diagram of 74163 74160 function table 74161 LS161A logic diagram of 74160 74160 pin 74163 LS161
    Text: Signetics 74160, 74161, 74163, LS160A, LS161A, LS162A, LS163A Counters '160, '162 BCD Decade C ounter '161, '163 4-Bit Binary C ounter Product Specification Lo gic P rod ucts FEATURES • Synchronous counting and loading • Two Count Enable inputs for nbit cascading

    OCR Scan
    74LS160A, 74LS162A) 74LS161A, 74LS163A) LS160A, LS161A, LS162A, LS163A 74160 pin description 74160 pin diagram of 74163 74160 function table 74161 LS161A logic diagram of 74160 74160 pin 74163 LS161 PDF


    Abstract: 74 HTC 08 74LS169A N74S169AN 74S168A 74S169A N74LS168AN N74LS169AN N74S168AN 74 HTC and y not
    Text: 74LS168A, 74LS169A, S168A, S169A Signetics 4-Bit Bidirectional Counters 4-Bit Up/Down Synchronous Counter Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES • Synchronous counting and loading • Up/down counting • Modulo 16 binary counter — '169 A • BCD decade counter— '168A

    OCR Scan
    counter85 74LS168A, 74LS169A, S168A, S169A 74LS168A 74 HTC 08 74LS169A N74S169AN 74S168A 74S169A N74LS168AN N74LS169AN N74S168AN 74 HTC and y not PDF


    Abstract: 74LS373N pin diagram of IC 74LS373 74ls373 buffer ic LD02S 74LS373 PIN CONFIGURATION AND SPECIFICATIONS 74LS374D 74s373n 74LS374 74LS373 74ls373 74S374N
    Text: Signetics 74LS373, 74LS374, S373, S374 Latches/Flip-Flops '373 Octal Transparent Latch With 3-State Outputs '374 Octal D Flip-Flop With 3-State Outputs Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES TY P IC A L PR O P A G A TIO N D E LA Y T Y P IC A L SU PP LY C U R R E N T

    OCR Scan
    74LS373, 74LS374, 500ns 500ns 1N916, 1N3064, 74LS374N 74LS373N pin diagram of IC 74LS373 74ls373 buffer ic LD02S 74LS373 PIN CONFIGURATION AND SPECIFICATIONS 74LS374D 74s373n 74LS374 74LS373 74ls373 74S374N PDF

    7493 binary counter

    Abstract: 7493 binary counter diagram 7493 counter pin configuration of 7493 7493 PIN CONFIGURATION TTL 7493 74LS93 logic symbol 3 bit ripple counter 7493 flip-flop counter 7493
    Text: 7493, LS93 Signetìcs Counters 4-Bit B inary Ripple C ounter Product Specification Lo gic P rod ucts DESCRIPTION The '93 is a 4-bit, ripple-type Binary Counter. The device consists of four master-slave flip-flops internally con­ nected to provide a divide-by-two sec­

    OCR Scan
    1n916, 1n3064, 500ns 7493 binary counter 7493 binary counter diagram 7493 counter pin configuration of 7493 7493 PIN CONFIGURATION TTL 7493 74LS93 logic symbol 3 bit ripple counter 7493 flip-flop counter 7493 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 74LS568A, 569A Signetics 3-State Bidirectional Counters '568A BCD Decade Up/Down Synchronous Counter 3-State '569A 4-Bit Binary Up/Down Synchronous Counter (3-State) Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES • Speed improved over LS568/ LS569 • Synchronous counting and

    OCR Scan
    74LS568A, LS568/ LS569 500ns 1N916, 1N3064, PDF

    pin diagram of 74109

    Abstract: 74109 PIN CONFIGURATION 74109 74109 dual JK TTL 74109 N74LS109AN ttl 74ls109 74LS109A LS109A 1N3064
    Text: 7 4 1 0 9 , LS1 0 9 A Flip-Flops S ig n e t ic s Dual J-K P ositive Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop Product Specification Logic P rod ucts DESCRIPTION The '109 is dual positive edge-triggered JK-type flip-flop featuring individual J, K, Clock, Set and Reset inputs; also com­

    OCR Scan
    LS109A 1N916, 1N3064. 500ns pin diagram of 74109 74109 PIN CONFIGURATION 74109 74109 dual JK TTL 74109 N74LS109AN ttl 74ls109 74LS109A LS109A 1N3064 PDF


    Abstract: logic diagram of ic 7475 pin diagram of ic 7475 D latch ci 7475 ic 7475 pin diagram of ic 7475 7475 D latch ic 7475 latch TTL 7475 pin of 7475
    Text: 7475, LS75 Latches Signetics Quad Bistable Latch Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES T Y P IC A L PR O P A G A TIO N D E LA Y T Y P IC A L SU PP LY C U R R E N T T O T A L 7475 18ns (tpi_H) 9ns (tpHLÌ 32m A 74LS75 15ns (tpLHÏ 9ns (tpH l) 6.3m A

    OCR Scan
    74LS375 1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 74LS75N logic diagram of ic 7475 pin diagram of ic 7475 D latch ci 7475 ic 7475 pin diagram of ic 7475 7475 D latch ic 7475 latch TTL 7475 pin of 7475 PDF

    74125 ic

    Abstract: ic 74126 ic 74125 TTL 74125 TTL 74126 logic table of ic 74126 74125 ic 74126 information ls125a ic ttl 74ls
    Text: Signetìcs 74125, 74126, LS125A, LS126A Buffers Quad 3-State B uffer Product Specification Logic P roducts TYPE FUNCTION TABLE 125, LS125A IN PU TS O U TP U T C A Y L L H L H X L H Z FUNCTION TABLE '126, IN PU TS T Y P IC A L P R O P A G A T IO N DELAY T Y P IC A L S U P P LY C U R R E N T

    OCR Scan
    LS125A, LS126A LS125A 74LS125A 74LS126A N74125N, N74LS125N N74126N, N74LS126N 74125 ic ic 74126 ic 74125 TTL 74125 TTL 74126 logic table of ic 74126 74125 ic 74126 information ls125a ic ttl 74ls PDF