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    7232 DIODE Search Results

    7232 DIODE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CUZ24V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 24 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ13V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 13.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ36V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 36.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CUZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ5V6 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 5.6 V, USM Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    7232 DIODE Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: VP0340 VP0340N1 VP0340N5 TA 7230 P 7232 diode
    Text: VP0340 P-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Ordering Information Order Number / Package BVDSS / BVDGS RDS ON (max) ID(ON) (min) TO-3 TO-220 Die† -400V 6.0Ω -1.5A VP0340N1 VP0340N5 VP0340ND †MIL visual screening available 7 Advanced DMOS Technology

    VP0340 O-220 -400V VP0340N1 VP0340N5 VP0340ND -10mA VP0340ND VP0340 VP0340N1 VP0340N5 TA 7230 P 7232 diode PDF


    Abstract: VP0335 VP0340 VP0335N5 VP0335ND VP0340N5 VP0340ND
    Text: VP0340 E– T E L O S – OB VP0335 VP0340 P-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Ordering Information Order Number / Package BVDSS / BVDGS RDS ON (max) ID(ON) (min) TO-3 TO-220 Die† -350V 6.0Ω -1.5A — VP0335N5 VP0335ND -400V 6.0Ω -1.5A VP0340N1

    VP0340 VP0335 O-220 -350V VP0335N5 VP0335ND -400V VP0340N1 VP0340N5 VP0340N1 VP0335 VP0340 VP0335N5 VP0335ND VP0340N5 VP0340ND PDF


    Abstract: VP0340N1 VP0335 VP0335ND VP0340 VP0340N5 VP0340ND
    Text: VP0335 VP0340 P-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Ordering Information Order Number / Package BVDSS / BVDGS RDS ON (max) ID(ON) (min) TO-3 TO-220 Die† -350V 6.0Ω -1.5A — VP0335N5 VP0335ND -400V 6.0Ω -1.5A VP0340N1 VP0340N5 VP0340ND †MIL visual screening available

    VP0335 VP0340 O-220 -350V VP0335N5 VP0335ND -400V VP0340N1 VP0340N5 VP0340ND VP0335N5 VP0340N1 VP0335 VP0335ND VP0340 VP0340N5 VP0340ND PDF

    LT 7232

    Abstract: 7232 diode LDB726 7231-IC
    Text: IC M 7 2 3 1 - IC M 7 2 3 2 Ìf j I V IC M 7231-IC M 7232 H A R R IS S E M I C O N D U C T O R Numeric/Alphanumeric Triplexed LCD Display Driver GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ICM7231-7232 family of integrated circuits are de­ signed to generate the voltage levels and switching wave­

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    7231-IC ICM7231: ICM7232: 500/xW LT 7232 7232 diode LDB726 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IC M 7 2 3 1 -IC M 7 2 3 2 31 HARRIS u u s e m i c o n d u c t o r IC M 7231-IC M 7232 N u m e r ic /A ip h a n u m L C D e r ic T r ip le x e d D is p la y D r iv e r GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ICM7231-7232 family of integrated circuits are de­ signed to generate the voltage levels and switching wave­

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    7231-IC ICM7231-7232 CM7231AFÃ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA LASER/FBR OPTIC SGE D • =10^7232 O O l b E S Ö TMÌ ■ TOSb^-öS' TOLD9220(s) MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tc =25°C) SYMBOL RATING UNIT Po 3 mW LD Reverse Voltage V r (l d ) 2 V PD Reverse Voltage V r (pd ) 30 V Tc -1 0 -4 0 °C Tstg -4 0 -8 5 °C CHARACTERISTIC

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    OLD9220 told9220 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA LASER/FBR OPTIC RO D • ^0=17252 [3015007 S « T O S b TOSHIBA LASER DIODE TOLD 130 is a GaAlAs ty p e la se r diode w ith a g lass w indow . Its. p eak em ission w avelength is 830nm an d maximum optical o u tp u t pow er is 40 mW. TOLD 130 h as a double h ete ro -ju n c tio n

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    830nm T-41-07 PDF

    PFA 10Z

    Abstract: intersil icm7233 m80c48 12 pin 7 segment display layout -LD-5461BS ICM7231 ICM7232 ICM7233 ICM7234 LT 7232 ICM7231BFIPL
    Text: MMM^OIL IC M 7 2 3 1 /3 2 /3 3 /3 4 Display D eco d er/D rivers for Triplexed Liquid Crystal Displays FEATURES The fam ily is designed to interface to m odern high perform ance m icroprocessors and m icrocom puters and ease system requirem ents fo r ROM space and

    OCR Scan
    ICM7231/32/33/34 ICM7231: ICM7232: ICM7233: ICM7234: ICM7231732/33/34 ICM7233 ICM7234 PFA 10Z intersil icm7233 m80c48 12 pin 7 segment display layout -LD-5461BS ICM7231 ICM7232 ICM7233 LT 7232 ICM7231BFIPL PDF

    ITE 8987

    Abstract: 1N736 1N736A 1N4131 ITE 8985
    Text: Zener Regulator Diodes P art Num ber i M icro sem i I: P ack a g e D ivision I O utline Type Mil Spec Micmsemi P o w er, V z Data Sh e e t ID W I (V) Izt I (mA) I 1N735 (D 07) 1N735A 1N735A |D 0 7 ) 1N4131 1N4131 (D 035) JAN1N4131 JAN1N4131-1 JAN1N4131UR-1

    OCR Scan
    1N735 1N735A 1N735A 1N4131 1N4131 JAN1N4131 JAN1N4131-1 JAN1N4131UR-1 JANTX1N4131 JANTX1N4131-1 ITE 8987 1N736 1N736A ITE 8985 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: -r-y* To:. / / / -TOLD 120 / «Î017252 OülSñSfl 1 • TOSb OSHIBA LASER/FBR OPTIC | T E W T A T ÎV E TOSHIBA LASER DIODE, TOLD 120* Is a.GaALAs ty p e la s e r diode with a ; g la s s window . : . I ts peak em ission w a v e le n g th is 780 nmand maximum optical ou tp u t power is

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    T-41-07 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA LASER DIODE OSHIBA LASER/FBR OPTIC ID I • ^7252 OülS'lbM ö ■ T 0 S b t T—41 —07 TENTATIVE TO SHIBA LASER DIODE, F4048 , is a GaAlAs t y p e l a s e r d iod e w ith a g la s s w indow . I t s p e a k em issio n w a v e l e n g t h is 810 nm

    OCR Scan
    T--41 F4048 F4048 X-41-07 PDF

    equivalent for transistor tt 2222

    Abstract: LT 7232 lg display
    Text: £0 M a r r j ICM 7 2 3 1 , ICM 7 2 3 2 Numeric/Alphanumeric Triplexed LCD Display Drivers August 1997 Features Description • ICM7231 Drives 8 Digits of 7 Segments with Two Independent Annunciators Per Digit Address and Data Input in Parallel Format The ICM7231 and ICM7232 family of integrated circuits are

    OCR Scan
    ICM7231 ICM7232 10MHz ICM7231, CM7232 equivalent for transistor tt 2222 LT 7232 lg display PDF


    Abstract: CM723 7232 diode
    Text: y n Both devices feature tw o independent annunciators per digit. The MAX7233 drives 4 alphanum eric 18 segment characters. The MAX7234 drives 5 alpha­ num eric 18 segm ent characters. Each device includes an input buffer, d ig it address decoding circ u itry and masK-programmed ROM

    OCR Scan
    MAX7S31/32/33/94 WAX7231. MAX7231 MAX7232 MAX7232 MAXT233 CM723 7232 diode PDF

    7232 diode

    Abstract: VP0335N5
    Text: VP0335 VP0340 Supertex inc. P-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Ordering Information b v dss / ^DS ON BV dgs (max) I d(ON) (min) -350V -400V Order Number / Package TO-3 TO-220 Diet 6.on -1.5A — VP0335N5 VP0335ND 6.on -1.5A VP0340N1 VP0340N5 VP0340ND

    OCR Scan
    VP0335 VP0340 O-220 -350V -400V VP0335N5 VP0340N5 VP0335ND VP0340ND VP0340N1 7232 diode PDF


    Abstract: I2708 MAX7231 i 2708
    Text: T rip te x o d LC D D ocddm r/D rh m rs MAX7231 drives 8 digits/7 segmento, parade! input form at; 2 annunciators per digit MAX7232 drives 10 digits/7 segments; serial input form at 2 annunciators per digit MAX7233 drives 4 alphanum eric characters/ 18 segments; parallel input form at

    OCR Scan
    MAX7231/32/33/34 MAX7231 MAX7232 MAX7233 MAX7234 AX723! AX7232 UAX7234 MAX7239 I2708 i 2708 PDF


    Abstract: VP0340N5 VP0340 VP0340ND TO2I 7232 diode
    Text: Supertex inc. VP0340 P-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Ordering Information BV dss / R d S ON Order Num ber / Package I d (ON) b v dgs (max) (min) TO-3 TO-220 Diet -400V 6.0Î2 -1.5A VP0340N1 VP0340N5 VP0340ND iM IL visual screening available

    OCR Scan
    VP0340 O-220 -400V VP0340N1 VP0340N5 VP0340ND VP0340 VP0340ND TO2I 7232 diode PDF


    Abstract: LT 7232 7232B MAX7231 RM5 U1 R233B 7233A 7231C
    Text: A l i l X I / k l T rip lexed LCD D ecoder/D rivers _ G eneral D escription Features MAX7231 drives £ digits/7 segments; parallel input format; 2 annunciators per digit Each device includes an input buffer, digit address decoding circuitry and mask-programmed ROM

    OCR Scan
    MAX7231 AX7232 AX7233 MAX7231/32/33/34 7232A LT 7232 7232B RM5 U1 R233B 7233A 7231C PDF

    LM 3339

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T—41—07 T O SH IB A TOSHIBA L A S E R / F B R OPTIC DIE D • ^ 0 ^ 7 2 5 2 GQlbüflQ b23 « T O S b LIGHT EMITTING DIODES FOR OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Edge Emitting LED Modules T0ED312/313 (1.31pm) T0ED312/313 Applications Features • Light source for fiber optical communications.

    OCR Scan
    T--41--07 T0ED312/313 31/tm 100/xW. 88-1-AC LM 3339 PDF

    1117B 33

    Abstract: Transistor 1117b ICM7233AFIPL intersil icm7233 ICM7231AFIJL LDB726 m80c48 MC140498 SR 7231 7SEGMENT
    Text: ICM7231-ICM7233 G E SOLID STATE 01 D |'3ö7S0öl DDlllbfl-1 IC M 7231-IC M 7233 Numeric/Alphanumeric Triplexed LCD Display Driver S T -5 2 -1 3 -0 7 GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ICM7231-7233 family of integrated circuits are de­ signed to generate the voltage levels and switching wave­

    OCR Scan
    ICM7231-ICM7233 ICM7231-7233 C4I7S33AF/BF 1117B 33 Transistor 1117b ICM7233AFIPL intersil icm7233 ICM7231AFIJL LDB726 m80c48 MC140498 SR 7231 7SEGMENT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: National Semiconductor & 54F/74F283 4-Bit Binary Full Adder with Fast Carry General Description Features The 'F283 high-speed 4-bit binary full adder with internal carry lookahead accepts two 4-bit binary words A0-A 3, B0-B 3 and a Carry input (Co). It generates the binary Sum

    OCR Scan
    54F/74F283 section11 74F283PC 54F283DM 74F283SC 74F283SJ 54F283FM 54F283LL 16-Lead 0Da23fl3 F283 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 283 National Semiconductor 54F/74F283 4-Bit Binary Full Adder with Fast Carry General Description Features The ’F283 high-speed 4-bit binary full adder with internal carry lookahead accepts two 4-bit binary words A0 - A 3 , B0 - B 3 and a Carry input (Co). It generates the binary Sum

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    54F/74F283 74F283PC 54F283DM 74F283SC 74F283SJ 54F283FM 54F283LL 16-Lead PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary data SIEMENS BTS 621 TWO CHANNEL PROFET Description PROFETR an intellig ent pow er sw itch w ith integrated Tw o independent high-side switches Overtem perature protection for each channel Overload protection for each channel Short circuit protection by overtemperature protection

    OCR Scan

    Royer oscillator

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: September 1994 PRELIMINARY Micro Linear ML4864 LCD Backlight Lamp Driver with Contrast GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML4864 is a complete solution for controlling small cold cathode fluorescent tubes CCFL used in liquid crystal display (LCD) backlight applications. It provides

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    ML4864 ML4864 ML4864CR ML4864ER Royer oscillator PDF

    NEC lcd inverter schematic

    Abstract: inverter using two parallel transformer 7232 diode zero crossing detector inverter 24 volt 200 w to mosfet inverter circuit diagram flyback transformer pin configuration schematic PWM inverter 300 volt input transformer flyback zero voltage zero current flyback L4864
    Text: September 1994 PRELIM IN ARY Micro Linear ML4864 LCD Backlight Lamp Driver with Contrast GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M L4864 is a complete solution for controlling small cold cathode fluorescent tubes CCFL used in liquid crystal display (LCD ) backlight applications. It provides

    OCR Scan
    ML4864 ML4864. L4864CR ML4864ER NEC lcd inverter schematic inverter using two parallel transformer 7232 diode zero crossing detector inverter 24 volt 200 w to mosfet inverter circuit diagram flyback transformer pin configuration schematic PWM inverter 300 volt input transformer flyback zero voltage zero current flyback L4864 PDF