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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN1044E Monolithic Digital IC LB1291 8-Channel Driver Array Overview The LB1291 has been designed for interfacing between low level digital devices and fluorescent display tubes. Its 8-channel independent Darlington output stage is used for digit or segment drivers. Also, with pull-down equivalent

    EN1044E LB1291 LB1291 5V/30mA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number:ENN992C Monolithic Digital IC LB1276 High-Sensitivity LED Driver Array Overview Package Dimensions The LB1276 is an LED driver array. By connecting this IC to LSI output pins whose output current capacity is small, LEDs can be lighted. It features high sensitivity IIN=80µA

    ENN992C LB1276 LB1276 3006C-DIP16 LB1276] 51min 65max DIP16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN1831F LB1205 Monolithic Digital IC High-Voltage, Large-Current Darlington Driver Overview The LB1205 is a 4-unit, high withstand voltage 65V , large-current (1.5A) Darlington driver array with input low active configuration and sync output.

    EN1831F LB1205 LB1205 DIP16F 300mil) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number:ENN1103B Monolithic Linear IC LA6393M High-Performance Dual Comparator Overview Package Dimensions The LA6393M is a high-performance dual comparator that is capable of operating from a single power supply over a wide range of 2V to 36V. Because of its excellent input

    ENN1103B LA6393M LA6393M 3032B-MFP8 LA6393M] PDF


    Abstract: MFP14
    Text: Ordering number:ENN1156B Monolithic Linear IC LA6339M High-Performance Quad Comparator Overview Package Dimensions The LA6339M is a high-performance quad comparator that is capable of operating from a single power supply over a wide range of 2V to 36V. Because of its excellent input

    ENN1156B LA6339M LA6339M 034A-MFP14 LA6339M] MFP14 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN1103D Monolithic Linear IC LA6393M For Parallel Comparator Circuits High-Performance Dual Comparator Overview The LA6393M is a high-performance dual comparator that is capable of operating from a single power supply over a wide range of 2V to 36V. Because of its excellent input characteristics and low power, it can be very conveniently applied to

    EN1103D LA6393M LA6393M PDF


    Abstract: LB1205 6265K
    Text: Ordering number : EN1831E Monolithic Digital IC LB1205 High-Voltage, Large-Current Darlington Driver Overview The LB1205 is a 4-unit, high withstand voltage 65V , large-current (1.5A) Darlington driver array with input low active configuration and sync output.

    EN1831E LB1205 LB1205 DIP16F 6265K PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN1156C LA6339M Monolithic Linear IC High-Performance Quad Comparator Overview The LA6339M is a high-performance quad comparator that is capable of operating from a single power supply over a wide range of 2V to 36V. Because of its excellent input characteristics and low power, it can be very conveniently applied to

    EN1156C LA6339M LA6339M PDF


    Abstract: DIP18 8-channel darlington array
    Text: Ordering number:ENN842F Monolithic Digital IC LB1290 8-Channel Driver Array Overview Package Dimensions The LB1290 has been designed for interfacing between low level digital devices and fluorescent display tubes. Its 8channel independent Darlington output stage is used for

    ENN842F LB1290 LB1290 3007B-DIP18 LB1290] 51min 55VLtd. DIP18 8-channel darlington array PDF


    Abstract: LB1293
    Text: Ordering number:ENN1045C Monolithic Digital IC LB1293 6-Channel Driver Array Overview Package Dimensions The LB1293 has been designed for interfacing between low level digital devices and fluorescent display tubes. Its 6channel independent Darlington output stage is used for

    ENN1045C LB1293 LB1293 3006C-DIP16 LB1293] 51min 65max ENN1045C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number:ENN992C Monolithic Digital IC LB1276 High-Sensitivity LED Driver Array Overview Package Dimensions The LB1276 is an LED driver array. By connecting this IC to LSI output pins whose output current capacity is small, LEDs can be lighted. It features high sensitivity IIN=80µA

    ENN992C LB1276 LB1276 3006C-DIP16 LB1276] 51min 65max DIP16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN1103F Monolithic Linear IC LA6393M For Parallel Comparator Circuits High-Performance Dual Comparator Overview The LA6393M is a high-performance dual comparator that is capable of operating from a single power supply over a wide range of 2V to 36V. Because of its excellent input characteristics and low power, it can be very conveniently applied to

    EN1103F LA6393M LA6393M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN1103E Monolithic Linear IC LA6393M For Parallel Comparator Circuits High-Performance Dual Comparator Overview The LA6393M is a high-performance dual comparator that is capable of operating from a single power supply over a wide range of 2V to 36V. Because of its excellent input characteristics and low power, it can be very conveniently applied to

    EN1103E LA6393M LA6393M PDF


    Abstract: DIP-18 LB1290
    Text: Ordering number : EN842H Monolithic Digital IC LB1290 8-Channel Driver Array Overview The LB1290 has been designed for interfacing between low level digital devices and fluorescent display tubes. Its 8-channel independent Darlington output stage is used for digit or segment drivers. Also, with pull-down equivalent

    EN842H LB1290 LB1290 5V/30mA 3007B DIP-18 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7 cìtì7Q7b GG1S0SÔ 5TM O rdering num ber: EN 535B l SA \ YO LB1274 N0.535B Monolithic Digital IC i 6-Unit, Darlington Transistor Array Circuit structure of this IC is a 6-u nit Darlington transistor array w ith NPN transistors. The IC is ideal for driving

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    LB1274 18-digit 85-mA DIP16F MFP30S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7Tì7D7b DDlSD3h bbO O rdering number: EN 842E LB 1290 N 0 .8 4 2 E SA\YO i I Monolithic Digital IC I 8-Channel Driver Array The LB1290 has been designed for interfacing between lo w level digital devices and fluorescent display tubes. Its 8-channel independent Darlington output stage is used for digit or segm ent drivers. Also, w ith pull-dow n

    OCR Scan
    LB1290 DIP20H MFP30S PDF


    Abstract: LB1291
    Text: Ordering number: EN 1044C M onolithic Digital 1C LB1291 8-Channel Driver Array The LB1291 has been designed for interfacing between low level digital devices and fluorescent display tubes. Its 8 -channel independent Darlington output stage is used for digit or segment drivers. Also, with pull-down equivalent

    OCR Scan
    1044C LB1291 LB1291 5V/30mA 6283K PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR 12E » I 7 m a ? L aaaBS?^ CORP LB1269 i# * 3064 - " •+ 'r « M o n o lith ic D ig ita l IC 6-Unit Driver Array •• Z852B T he L B 1 2 6 9 is a 6 -u n it driver array. It pe rm its a large cu rre n t to be d riv en w ith in fin ite sim a l cu rren t inputs.

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    LB1269 Z852B lb1269 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O rdering num ber: EN 992B I SA U YO LB1276 N0.992B Monolithic Digital IC i High-Sensitivity LED Driver Array The LB1276 is an LED driver array. By connecting this IC to LSI output pins whose output current capacity is small, LEDs can be lighted. It features high

    OCR Scan
    LB1276 LB1276 80uAmax. DIP20H DIP16F MFP30S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O rd e rin g n u m b e r:EN 1044B LB1291 NO.1044B Monolithic Digital IC SANYO i 8-Channel Driver Array The LB1291 has been designed for interfacing between low level digital devices and fluorescent display tubes. Its 8-channel independent Darlington output

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    1044B LB1291 LB1291 5V/30mA DIP20H DIP16F DIP16 MFP30S PDF

    spark killer

    Abstract: LB1206 pfkr 1015a
    Text: L B 1206 NO.1904B F SA Monolithic D ig ita l IC Hig h -Vo l t a g e , Da r u n g t o n D r i v e r Hi g h - C u r r e n t J Functions and Features .sf» // . H-channel, high-voi tage 65V , high-current (1,5A) PNP Input low-active type On-chlp spark killer diodes

    OCR Scan
    1904b LB1206 100mA 190M-2/2 spark killer LB1206 pfkr 1015a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 12E D I SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 7 cH 7 Q 7 b 0003530 5 '1|!b12Ö§ 3054A M onolithic Digital IC High-Voltage High-Current Darlington Driver 1904B Functions and Features . 4-channel, high-voltage 65V , high-current (1.5A) Darlington driver . PNP input low-active type

    OCR Scan
    1904B 054A-D16FIC 7097KI/6275KI 00D3531 LB1206 100mA PDF


    Abstract: sink 8 low darlington array
    Text: Ordering number: EN 842F Monolithic Digital IC The LB1290 has been designed for interfacing between low level digital devices and fluorescent display tubes. Its 8-channel independent Darlington output stage is used for digit or segm ent drivers. Also, w ith pull-dow n

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    LB1290 sink 8 low darlington array PDF


    Text: Ordering number: EN 783C Monolithic Digital 1C LB 1272 N0.783C 6-Unit, Darlington Transistor Array The circuit configuration of this 1C is a 6-u nit Darlington transistor array consisting of NPN transistors and is ideally suited for use in printer ham m er driving, lamp or relay driving applications.

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