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    70343* MOLEX Search Results

    70343* MOLEX Datasheets Context Search

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    70343* molex

    Abstract: 22-61 molex
    Text: Dense Packaging A FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS Features and Benefits Electrical Voltage: 250V Current: 3.0A on unbroken edges Contact Resistance: 15mΩ max. • Easy breakaway to smaller sizes Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: 600V ■ Drawn .025" square wire provides 4-sided smooth surface Insulation Resistance: 1000 MΩ min.

    E29179 LR199866 10-89-7XX2 10-89-7XX0 10-89-7XX1 70343* molex 22-61 molex PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2.54mm .100" Pitch C-Grid Breakaway Header FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS Features and Benefits • Sizes 4 to 80 circuits ■ Stackable side-to-side and end-to-end (on unbroken edges) ■ Easy breakaway to smaller sizes ■ Drawn .025" square wire provides 4-sided smooth surface

    E29179 LR19980A 10-89-7XX2 10-89-7XX0 10-89-7XX1 PDF

    40312 Molex

    Abstract: 863-3258 70343* molex
    Text: GC/Waldom Molex Moles GC/Waldom C-Grid SLªCrimp Headers, Housings and Terminals C-Grid SLª Crimp Headers and Housings Dual Row Straight Pin Breakaway Headers C-GRID SLª Headers Surface mount compatible. Single-row. Available: Vertical or right-angle. Rating: UL94V-0. Pins: Gold plated in contact

    UL94V-0. 40312 Molex 863-3258 70343* molex PDF

    3bf bench press

    Abstract: phoenix ferrule crimp pull test crimp height specification JHTR1031C 19195-1002 40312 Molex bellmouth standard starrett 5512 connector molex 115v transformer stripper
    Text: application tooling General Information Crimp Tooling to U-4 Insulation Displacement Technology IDT Introduction. U-5



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: m o l e x * 2.54mm .100" Pitch C-Grid Breakaway Header FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS Features and Benefits Electrical • Sizes 4 to 80 circuits Voltage: 250V Current: 3.0A ■ Stackable side-to-side and end-to-end (on unbroken edges) ■ Easy breakaway to smaller sizes

    OCR Scan
    15mC2 E29179 10-89-7XX2 10-89-7XX0 10-89-7XX1 PDF

    smes-152 molex 2230

    Abstract: 69008-0956
    Text: Preferred Version in the US ORDERING INFORMATION molex Presses Description TM-44 Press without Mini-Mac 220V Order No. 11-09-2074 TM-42 Press without Dies (110V) TM-144 Press anil Stripper without Mini-Mat (220V) TM-7 Press without Mini-Mac (110V) TM-7 Press without Mini-Mac (220V)

    OCR Scan
    TM-44 TM-42 TM-144 610mm 152mm 267mm 380mm b2fl7325 000771b J-207 smes-152 molex 2230 69008-0956 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C -G rid m o l e x 2.54mm .100" Pitch C-Grid Breakaway Header FEATURES A H D SPEdfK ATIO H S Features and Benefits Flectrkal • Sizes 4 to 80 circuits Voltage: 250V ■ Stackable side-to-side and end-to-end Current: 3.0A (on unbroken edges) Contact Resistance: 15m C i max.

    OCR Scan
    E29179 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C -G rid m o l e x 2.54mm .100" Pitch C-Grid Breakaway Header FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS Features and Benefits Electrical • Sizes 4 to 80 circuits ■ Stackable side-to-side and end-to-end (on unbroken edges) Voltage: 250V Current: 3.0A Contact Resistance: 15 m i2 max.

    OCR Scan
    E29179 LR19980A b2A7325 DD070T1 PDF

    pin header male

    Abstract: 40312 Molex LM2043 LCD alphanumeric display densitron LM2212 10-89-1141 10822 70344 densitron lcd
    Text: STANDARD lALJUE ADDED ISB&K&SaIPTTONS FOR MATR|X MODULES INTRODUCTION Densitron offers the standard value added options described below for its extensive range of Alphanumeric LCD M ocules. This value added service enables the design engineer to easily select the appropriate connector/cable

    OCR Scan
    0400-A 0066-A 0430-A, 0451-A 0450-A pin header male 40312 Molex LM2043 LCD alphanumeric display densitron LM2212 10-89-1141 10822 70344 densitron lcd PDF


    Abstract: GX-403
    Text: _L I TO: 6037912594 N O TES: .1001 .0 0 2 I. WAFERS TO BE FLA T WITHIN .0 0 5 IN ./IN . l.0 2 i.0 S I 2. PIN PUSHOUT FORCE 2 L B S . MIN. D A. HOLES T Y P .) 3. PIN S O LD E R A B ILIT Y PER E .S . 15? REQUIREMENTS EXC EPT VOIDS PER M IS S IB LE AT BANDOLIER

    OCR Scan
    GX-403® AFER-20 L9191 GX-403 PDF