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    MB 10F

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Mil Standard to Delevan Conversion Chart MS 14046 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 LT10K 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 MS 1537 18130 LT4K -30K 17 090 -32K 18 091 -34K 19 092 -36K 20 093 -38K 21 094 -40K 22 095 -42K 23 096 -44K 24 097 -47K 25 098 -51K 26

    LT10K -333K -393K -473K -563K -683K -823K MB 10F PDF


    Abstract: 104j 50f 106 35K 532 MS14049 MS14047 106 35K 043 334J 250 v 274J MIL 83446/4 683j 032
    Text: Mil Standard to Delevan Conversion Chart MS 14046 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 LT10K 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 MS 1537 18130 LT4K -30K 17 090 -32K 18 091 -34K 19 092 -36K 20 093 -38K 21 094 -40K 22 095 -42K 23 096 -44K 24 097 -47K 25 098 -51K 26 099

    LT10K -102K -122K -152K -182K -222K -272K MS18100 104j 50f 106 35K 532 MS14049 MS14047 106 35K 043 334J 250 v 274J MIL 83446/4 683j 032 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UTE ? I SEMICONDUCTORS LT6A01 thru LT6A07 VOLTAGE RANGE 50 to 1000 Volts CURRENT 6.0 Amperes 6 AMPS. PLASTIC SILICON PEi R-6 FEATURES • 1 Low cost _ • Diffused junction • Low leakage • Low forward voltage drop » 3G 0_ .340 8.6 1.0 M IN . (25.4)

    OCR Scan
    LT6A01 LT6A07 L-STD-202, DO-15 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LITE ! I SEMICONDUCTORS UF3001 thru UF3007 DO-201 AD FEATURES • Low cost .210 5 3 • Ultrafast recovery time • Low leakage • Low forward voltage drop T .188 (4.8) 1 o (25.4) M IN L • High current capability • Easily cleaned with Freon, Alcohol, Chlorothene and

    OCR Scan
    UF3001 UF3007 DO-201 MIL-STD-202, DO-15 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product Bulletin T409/T419/T429 Series - MIL-PRF-55365/4 & /11 Tantalum Surface Mount Capacitor FEATURES Established Reliability Military Version of T497 Series High Grade COTS Capacitance Values and Voltages as shown in following part number table. Qualified to MIL-PRF-55365/4 & 11, Style CWR09,

    T409/T419/T429 MIL-PRF-55365/4 CWR09, CWR19, CWR29 Siz63-6300 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LITEM î I SEMICONDUCTORS 1N5400G thru 1N5408G V O LT A G E RANGE 50 to 1000 Volts C U R R EN T 3.0 Amperes 3 AMPS. GLASS PASSIVATED JUNCTION PLASTIC SILICON RECTIFIERS ; DO-201 AD FEATURES • Low cost • D iffused ju n c tio n • Low leakage • Low fo rw a rd voltage drop

    OCR Scan
    1N5400G 1N5408G DO-201 DO-15 DO-15 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LITEM?I SEMICONDUCTORS SR850 thru SR856 I 3 VO LTAG E RANGE 5 0 to 6 0 0 V o lts A M P S . S O F T R E C O V E R Y R E C T IF IE R S CURRENT 3.0 Am peres I DO-201 AD FEA TU RES • L o w cost • L o w leakage • L o w fo rw ard voltage drop • High current capability

    OCR Scan
    SR850 SR856 DO-201 D0-201 L-STD-202, DO-15 PDF


    Abstract: PBU604 PBU602 PBU606 650C PBU601 PBU603 PBU607 pbu 305
    Text: LITEM JI PBU601 thru PBU607 SE M IC O N D U C T O R S PBU •280 7.1 .2 60 (6.6) 895 I22-7T“ .uoia.ef^j .IB S |4.7) h*— ► I65|4.2) | -4 5" .065 (2 2) 1.0 65(1.7) t r .7 0 0 (1 7 .8 ) .6 6 0 (1 6 .8 } I .7 60 (1 9.3)M bx I .405110 3) 1 FEATURES • Ideal fo r printed circu it board

    OCR Scan
    PBU601 PBU607 E95060 DO-41 DO-15 D0201AD PBU605 PBU604 PBU602 PBU606 650C PBU603 PBU607 pbu 305 PDF

    CWR29 case size dimensions

    Abstract: kemet CWR29 datasheet CWR09 CWR19 CWR29 MIL-PRF-55365 T497
    Text: Product Bulletin T409/T419/T429 Series - MIL-PRF-55365/4 & /11 Tantalum Surface Mount Capacitor FEATURES Established Reliability Military Version of T497 Series High Grade COTS Capacitance Values and Voltages as shown in following part number table. Qualified to MIL-PRF-55365/4 & 11, Style CWR09,

    T409/T419/T429 MIL-PRF-55365/4 CWR09, CWR19, CWR29 CWR29 case size dimensions kemet CWR29 datasheet CWR09 CWR19 CWR29 MIL-PRF-55365 T497 PDF

    cwr capacitor

    Abstract: CWR09 CWR19 CWR29 MIL-PRF-55365 T497 CWR29 case size dimensions 476 20k 048
    Text: Product Bulletin T409/T419/T429 Series - MIL-PRF-55365/4 & /11 Tantalum Surface Mount Capacitor FEATURES Established Reliability Military Version of T497 Series High Grade COTS Capacitance Values and Voltages as shown in following part number table. Qualified to MIL-PRF-55365/4 & 11, Style CWR09,

    T409/T419/T429 MIL-PRF-55365/4 CWR09, CWR19, CWR29 cwr capacitor CWR09 CWR19 CWR29 MIL-PRF-55365 T497 CWR29 case size dimensions 476 20k 048 PDF


    Abstract: ms16224 M83446/04 183j 226 35K M83446/08 R 226 35k 029 MS 75084 ms16225 19f 104j
    Text: PREVIOUS CURRENT PREVIOUS CURRENT PREVIOUS a ic hn CURRENT c Te MIL STANDARD to Delevan Conversion Chart PREVIOUS CURRENT l N TA RD -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 375 376 377 378 379

    M27/370 MIL8532 684J ms16224 M83446/04 183j 226 35K M83446/08 R 226 35k 029 MS 75084 ms16225 19f 104j PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LITE>] i I s e m PR6001 thru PR6007 Ic o n d u c to r s VOLTAGE RANGE 50 to 1000 Volts CURRENT 6.0 Amperes 6 AMPS. FAST RECOVERY REGTfFiERS R -6 FEATURES • Low cost • D iffused ju n c tio n .360 9.1 • Low fo rw a rd voltage drop .340 (8.6) • High cu rre n t c a p ability

    OCR Scan
    PR6001 PR6007 DO-15 0201AD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: lue :*: I SB820 thru SB860 SEMICONDUCTORS FEATURES DO-201 AD • Metal-Semiconductor junction with guard ring • • • • Epitaxial construction Low forward voltage drop High current capability High temperature soldering guaranteed: 250°C/10 .210 5.3

    OCR Scan
    SB820 SB860 DO-201 D0-201AD L-STD-202, DO-15 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: POWER UTEÜ»]?I SEMICONDUCTORS SR6001 thru SR6007 § AMPS SOFT RECOVERY RECTIFIERS VOLTAGE RANGE 50 to 1000 Volts CURRENT 6.0 Amperes .360 9.1 FEATURES • L o w co st • L o w fo rw a rd vo lta g e d ro p .340 (EeT 1.0 M IN . (25.4) • High current capability

    OCR Scan
    SR6001 SR6007 DO-15 0201AD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LITEM BI 1N5400 thru 1N5408 s e m ic o n d u c to r s FEATURES • L o w co st DO-201 AD • D iffu s e d ju n c tio n • L o w leakage • L o w fo rw a r d vo lta g e d ro p .2 1 0 1.0 25.4 M IN L • High current capability • (5.3) .188 (4.8) E a sily cle a n ed w ith F re o n , A lc o h o l, C h lo ro th e n e and

    OCR Scan
    1N5400 1N5408 DO-201 DO-15 0201AD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LITEM i? I SEMICONDUCTORS SR3001 thru SR3007 DO-201 AD FEATURES • L o w co st • L o w leakage • L o w fo rw a rd vo lta g e d ro p .2 1 0 5.3I .188 (4.8 • H igh c u rre n t c a p a b ility D IA • E a sily cleaned w it h F re o n , A lc o h o l, C h lo ro th e n e and

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    SR3001 SR3007 DO-201 DO-15 0201AD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LITEM?! PR3001 thru PR3007 SEMICONDUCTORS VO LTAG E 3 AMPS. FAST RECOVERY RECTIFIERS RANGE 5 0 t o 1 0 0 0 V o lts CURRENT 3.0 A m peres DQ-201 AD FEATURES • L o w co st • D iffu s e d ju n c tio n • L o w leakage • L o w fo r w a r d vo lta g e d ro p

    OCR Scan
    PR3001 PR3007 DQ-201 DO-15 0201AD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LITEM ^I SEMICONDUCTORS SB320 thru SB360 3 AMPS. SCHOTFKY BARRIER RECTIFIEPS FEATURES • M e ta l-S e m ico n d u cto r ju n c tio n w ith guard ring • E p ita x ia l c o n s tru c tio n DO-201 AD • L o w fo rw a rd voltage d ro p • H igh c u rre n t c a p a b ility

    OCR Scan
    SB320 SB360 DO-201 DO-15 0201AD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: i I SEMICONDUCTORS L IT E M 1 N 5 8 2 0 th r u 1 N 5 8 2 2 VO LTAG E 20 to SCHOTTKY BARRIER RECTIFIERS -.3 A M P S 40 RANGE V o lts CURRENT 3 . 0 A m peres DO-201 AD FEATURES • M e ta l-S e m ic o n d u c to r ju n c tio n w ith gua rd ring • E p ita x ia l c o n s tru c tio n

    OCR Scan
    DO-201 DO-15 0201AD PDF


    Abstract: KO331 F KO 317 MS14049 ms75103 MS14043
    Text: Mil Standard to Delevan Conversion Chart / MS -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 -30 -32 -34 -36 -38 -40 -42 -44 -47 -51 MS o CO LT10K 1537 00 MS 14046 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 MS LT4K MS18100 -10 thru -20 See MS14040

    OCR Scan
    LT10K MS18100 MS14040 MS14041 MSI8100-28 MS14042 391K0 KO331 F KO 317 MS14049 ms75103 MS14043 PDF

    156 20k Tantalum Capacitor

    Abstract: kemet CWR29 datasheet T- 931 xl 08 40 t491b105m035at 04052-031 KEMET guide T496 T497 T525 kemet f 881
    Text: F-3113 5/06 TANTALUM SURFACE MOUNT CAPACITORS Tantalum Surface Mount Capacitors KEMET Series Page 1-10 T409/T419/T429 11-20 MIL-PRF-55365/08 T492 21-22 Military COTS T493 23-27 DSCC Drawing 95158 T495 28-29 DSCC Drawing 04053 T496 30-33 High Grade Military COTS

    F-3113 T409/T419/T429 MIL-PRF-55365/08 MIL-PRF-55365/4 156 20k Tantalum Capacitor kemet CWR29 datasheet T- 931 xl 08 40 t491b105m035at 04052-031 KEMET guide T496 T497 T525 kemet f 881 PDF


    Abstract: ER 2510 type bobbin RG-9B/U cable 2j 183j a431 csp 1040 39p SMD MARKING CODE 19l RG-180 connector 685 35K 222M SE SMD marking code BR24
    Text: Table of Contents RF Inductors Surface Mount Radial Leaded Series EMI Series 4221 Series 4222 Series 8454 Series SMB 2.5 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 Surface Mount Series P1330 Series P1812 Series 2512 Series 3483 Series S3483 Series SDS130 Series SDS680

    P1330 P1812 S3483 SDS130 SDS680 SDS850 CMT4545 FW1405 SPD62 SPD42R PT1000 CONVERSION TABLE ER 2510 type bobbin RG-9B/U cable 2j 183j a431 csp 1040 39p SMD MARKING CODE 19l RG-180 connector 685 35K 222M SE SMD marking code BR24 PDF

    A42 B331

    Abstract: 96182 eaton eaton 96182 MS27903-1 ms90311 mil-s-8834 NEC k719 ms24547-1 MS25237 nec k591
    Text: Electric Distribution & Controls Switch Catalog Making the Best Better Traditional aerospace component suppliers are being asked to assume even greater levels of responsibility. One trend is that component manufacturers are being asked to increase their subsystem integration

    TF300-5 A42 B331 96182 eaton eaton 96182 MS27903-1 ms90311 mil-s-8834 NEC k719 ms24547-1 MS25237 nec k591 PDF

    tm 48f 038 transformer

    Abstract: 2j 103k 51f smd
    Text: Custom Solutions & Manufacturing Excellence From the day our company opened for business in 1947, our continuous growth as a U.S. manufacturer has been a great source of pride. We have accomplished this, in part, by providing custom solutions for your challenging circuit designs. Our products are

    MIL-PRF-39010, tm 48f 038 transformer 2j 103k 51f smd PDF