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    2M1541 Search Results

    2M1541 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 2n1547 2N1544 2N1545 2n1540 2N1533 2N1537 2N1542 2n1541 2N1535
    Text: TYPES 2N1529 THRU 2N1548 P-N-P ALLOY-JUNCTION GERMANIUM POWER TRANSISTORS §m s* i s PS FOR HIGH-POWER SWITCHING g% AND AMPLIFIER APPUCATIONS §% M z o < m m ech an ical d a ta g These transistors are in precision welded, hermetically sealed enclosures.The mounting base provides an

    OCR Scan
    2N1529 2N1548 2N1536 2n1547 2N1544 2N1545 2n1540 2N1533 2N1537 2N1542 2n1541 2N1535 PDF