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    29805JA Search Results

    29805JA Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ;-1 M etallized Polypropylene Capacitor for Motor Running & Lighting Ballast ECPBJ^ ECPB Series =i A c o m p a ct, lig h t-w e ig h t c a p a c ito r w ith a safety m echanism fo r use in m o to r running, d is c h a rg e lam p ballasts, etc. H eavy-edge d o u b le sid e m e ta llize d w ith a lu m in u m /

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    page150) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M etallized Polypropylene Capacitor for Lighting Ballast NEW ECP D B ECPD Series A compact, light-weight capacitor with a safety mechanism for use in discharge lamp ballasts, etc. Heavy-edge double side metallized with alumnum/ zinc polypropylene film are used.

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    29355JA 29405JA 29455JA 29505JA 29555JA 29605JA 29655JA 29705JA 29805JA 29905JA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Metallized Polypropylene Capacitor for Motor Running & Lighting Ballast ECWFJfc ECWF Series LTt&ft;? A compact, light-weight capacitor designed for use in motor running and in electrical equipment such as lighting, etc. Non-inductive type using metallized polyplopylene

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    29705JA 29805JA 29905JA( 29106JA( F33105JA 330VAC, 33205JA 33305JA 33405JA 33505JA PDF