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    222 TRIODE Search Results

    222 TRIODE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    BCR3KM-12RB#B01 Renesas Electronics Corporation Triacs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    BCR5KM-12LA#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Triacs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    BCR20LM-16LBJB#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Triacs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    BCR8LM-14LB-AR#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Triacs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    BCR8LM-12LB1AR#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Triacs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    222 TRIODE Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    TRIODE itk 30

    Abstract: thales "Power Triode" TRIODE itk 15-2
    Text: INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING ITK 15-2 Water cooled triode 63 kW Output power: 63 kW in CW mode Anode voltage: 13 kV Anode dissipation: 20 kW Frequency up to 120 MHz INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING T he ITK 15-2 is a RF power triode designed specifically for industrial applications.



    Abstract: 280MA EC801
    Text: EC8010 S.Q. TUBE Special quality U .H .F . triode designed for use as R . F . am plifier and o s c il­ lator m ax. frequency 1000 MHz . QUICK REFERENCE DATA Life test 10 000 hours Low interface resista n ce Mechanical quality Shock and vibration resistan t

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    EC8010 7Z0467Ã EC8010 280MA EC801 PDF


    Abstract: Scans-0017955 kdd1
    Text: KC 3 Iv C 3 Iriode This triode is a driver valve for Class B o u tp u t stages in which th e grid of th e o u tp u t valve passes a certain am ount of current. In view of th e high power required for th e excitation of a Class B o u tp u t circuit in which grid current flows, th e fila­

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    Abstract: ukwsender
    Text: TELEFUNKEN RS 721 n 134> Luftgekühlte 20-kW-Triode mit scheibenförmiger Gitterdurchführung - 1021 für UKW-Sender Allgemeine Daten -16S<t>- |ooooo,ooooo| 9 Kathode M a te ria l.— Wolfram thoriert, direkt geheizt Heizspannung . . . . uf . . 4,9 V

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    20-kW-Triode 0015J ukwsender PDF

    ECC 84

    Abstract: ecc84 Double Triode type 45 triode
    Text: ECC84 DOUBLE TRIODE A M P LIFIC A TR IC E HF CASCODE C A R A C TÉ R IS TIQ U E S Chauffage ! V f = 6,3 V ( If = 0,37 A Indirect (cathodes isolées du filam ent). . . A lim e n ta tio n du filam ent en parallèle C O N D IT IO N S N O M IN A L E S D 'E M P L O I

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    TRIODE RS 1016

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TELEFUNKEN RS 721 n 13<t> Luftgekühlte 20-kW-Triode mit scheibenförmiger Gitterdurchführung \~ 1 0 2 für U K W -Sender Allgem eine Daten 165$ T 3 | O O O Q O |O O O O O j Kathode r . s M a te ria l . . W olfram thoriert, direkt geheizt

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    00000j 20-kW-Triode TRIODE RS 1016 PDF


    Abstract: D2G triode diode 29 h 48 diode
    Text: UBC81 DOUBLE DIODE-TRIODE Double diode-triode. Triode intended for use as A. F. amplifier. QUICK REFERENCE DATA Triode section Anode current Transconductance Amplification factor la S ß HEATING: Indirect by A. C. or D .C .; series supply Heater current Heater voltage

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    UBC81 UBC81 D2G triode diode 29 h 48 diode PDF


    Abstract: control valve high power Triode cathode ray Scans-0017396 Ediswan valve data
    Text: EDISWAN MAZDA 30PLI4 TRIODE OUTPUT BEAM TETRODE Indirectly heated— for series operation TENTATIVE GENERAL The 30PL14 is a H igh Pow er Triode Beam Tetrode, designed principally for the Frame Tim e Base circuit of television receivers using 110° and 114° cathode ray tubes.

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    30PLI4 30PL14 6/30L2 210mA 235mA 135mA 151mA control valve high power Triode cathode ray Scans-0017396 Ediswan valve data PDF


    Abstract: EBC81 TUBE diode tube double triode af 51 diode
    Text: EBC81 DOUBLE DIODE-TRIODE Double diode-triode. T riode intended for use as A .F . am p lifier. QUICK REFERENCE DATA T riode section Anode cu rren t la 1.0 mA T ransconductance S 1.2 mA/V A m plification factor ß 70 - HEATING: Indirect by A .C . o r D .C .; p a ra lle l supply

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    EBC81 ebc81 EBC81 TUBE diode tube double triode af 51 diode PDF

    ecf 802

    Abstract: ECF802 ECF80 4953 la 4953 ecf 804 5MC22 ecf 200 Radiotechnique 120
    Text: ECF 802 TRIODE PENTODE OSCILLATRICE POUR BASE DE TEMPS DE LIGNES C A R A C T É R IS T IQ U E S Chauffage V f = 6,3 V If = 430 m A Indirect cathodes isolées du filam ent . A lim e n td tio n du filam e n t en parallèle CAPACITÉS Triode Pentode

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    Abstract: EF85 IG3GT g3 jl RG2 -relay valve ECH-81 marconi company ebf80 marconi
    Text: X719/ ECH81 TRIODE-HEPTODE 6 3V IN D IRECTLY HEATED ISSUE 1 JANUARY, 1958 Prim arily designed for use as a frequency changer. BASE C O N N E C T IO N S A N D V A L V E D IM EN SIO N S Base Bulb Max. Max. Max. : B9A : Tubular overall length seated length :

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    ECH81 20kil X719/ECH81 W719/EF85. WD709/EBF80. X719/ECH81 ECH81 EF85 IG3GT g3 jl RG2 -relay valve ECH-81 marconi company ebf80 marconi PDF


    Abstract: ELECTRONIQUES Double Triode Scans-0017269
    Text: M AZDA I I I V' DOUBLE TRIODE H A ¥ Amplificateur - O scillateur Sécurité "Cinq E to ile s " T Ç ★★ ★ ★ ★ Le 12 AX 7 S e st une double triode à cathodes sép arées de caractéristi­ ques analogues à c e lle s d u 12 AX 7 A /E C C 83. Ce tube a été conçu pour résister aux ch ocs et vibrations auxquels peu­

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 5300F Scans-0017396 30PLI
    Text: 30PLI TRIODE—OUTPUT BEAM TETRODE Indirectly heated—for series operation TEN TA TIV E G EN ER A L This valve is a dual type, consisting of a Tnode and an Output Beam Tetrode in the same envelope, each section having its own cathode. It is suitable for use in the Audio Amplifier or

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    30PLI tetrode 5300F Scans-0017396 30PLI PDF

    5751 tube

    Abstract: tube 5751 5751 TRIODE 5751 ELECTRONIQUES TRIODE itk 2-1
    Text: M AZDA DOUBLE TRIODE BELVU 5751 Am plificateur Sécurité "Cinq E toiles" ★★ ★ ★ ir Le 5751 e st une double triode à cathode séparées. Ce tube a été conçu pour résister aux chocs et vibrations auxquels peuvent être soumis les équipements mobiles employés en particulier dans l'A éronau­

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    Abstract: ecc85 tube ECC-85 ECC85 philips eCc8 Self-Oscillating mixer
    Text: ECC85 R.F. DOUBLE TRIODE Double trio d e intended fo r use a s R . F . and A .F . a m p lifie r and s e lf o sc illa tin g m ix e r. QUICK REFERENCE DATA each unit Anode c u rre n t la 10 T ran sco n d u ctan ce S 6 .1 A m plification fac to r ß 55 mA m A /V

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    ECC85 ECC85 ecc85 tube ECC-85 ECC85 philips eCc8 Self-Oscillating mixer PDF

    ie-1000 mixer

    Abstract: Telefunken ech 11 telefunken ra 200
    Text: Netzröhre für GW-Heizung indirekt geheizt Parallelspeisung DC-AC-Heating — ECH 8000 — TELEFUNKEN indirectly heated connected in parallel R egelb are Heptode mit Triode Rem ote cutoff heptode with triode Vorläufige technische Daten • Tentative data

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    Abstract: 6189 tube tube 6189 ELECTRONIQUES 6189 mazda Double Triode
    Text: M A Z D A d o u b le BELVU ¿ |g o t r io d e Amplificateu r - O scillateur Sécurité "Cinq E toiles" ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Le 6189 e s t une double triode à c ath o d e s sé p a ré e s de c a ra c té ris tiq u e s an alo g u e s à c e lle s du 12 AU 7 A /E C C 82.

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    Abstract: ECC 85 Double Triode filament
    Text: DOUBLE TRIODE ECC 85 P O U R A M P L IF IC A T IO N H F ET C O N V E R S IO N DE FRÉQUENCE C A R A C TÉ R IS TIQ U E S Chauffage In d ire c t. A lim e n ta tio n du filam ent en parallèle.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 330 vfk equivalente filament ecf 80 GT47
    Text: M AZDA BEELM U £C F TRIODE PENTODE 80 O scillateu r-chan geu r de fréquence V .H .P . C A R A C T E R IS T I Q U E S G E N E R A L E S Cathode à chauffage indirect A lim entation du filam ent en p arallèle T en sio n fila m e n t. V f

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    A22-2 ECF80 330 vfk equivalente filament ecf 80 GT47 PDF

    Eimac 3-500

    Abstract: HR-10
    Text: 592/3-200A3 E I M A C MEDIUM-MU TRIODE D iv is io n of Variar» MODULATOR OSCILLATOR AMPLIFIER S A N C A R L O S : O R K The EIMAC 592/3-200A 3 is a medium-mu power triode having a. m axi­ m um plate dissipation rating of 200 watts, and it is intended for use as a

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    592/3-200A3 Eimac 3-500 HR-10 PDF


    Abstract: r824 Triode
    Text: UCH81 TRIODE-HEPTODE T riode-heptode. Heptode section intended fo r use as m ix er R .F . - o r I .F . a m ­ p lifie r. T riode section intended fo r use as o sc illa to r in A .M ./F .M . re c e iv e rs. QUICK REFERENCE DATA T riode section Anode cu rren t

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    UCH81 Uch81 r824 Triode PDF


    Abstract: 6S4 tube 6s4a tube DIAGRAM TV I300N general electric
    Text: Page 1 7-5» TRIODE TUBES FOR TV VERTICAL-DEFLECTION AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS DESCRIPTION AND RATING — The 6S4-A is a miniature medium-mu triode for use as the vertical-deflection amplifier in television receivers. The tube features relatively high plate current

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    ET-T958A 600-milliampere K-556 I-TD80-k I-T080-2 K-556II-TD80-3 6s4a 6S4 tube 6s4a tube DIAGRAM TV I300N general electric PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TYPE 2N999 N-P-N DARLINGTON-CONNECTED SILICON TRANSISTOR B U L L E T IN N O . D L -S 7 3 1 2 0 1 1 , J U N E 1 9 7 3 TWO TRIODES INTERNALLY CONNECTED IN DARLINGTON CONFIGURATION • Very High hpE •■■4000 min at 10 mA • Low ICBO • ■• 10 nA max at 60 V

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    2N999 PDF


    Abstract: ecf 201 10C12 ECF 110 VABL
    Text: M AZDA BEELM U triode peitûqe e rp 201 O sc illa te u r - Séparateur A m plificateur P .I . à pente variable C A R A C T E R IS T I Q U E S G E N E R A L E S Cathode à chauffage indirect A lim entation du filam ent en p arallèle T en sio n fila m e n t. Vf

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    A22-2 10C12 ECF201 ecf 201 10C12 ECF 110 VABL PDF