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    1N4001 GENERAL DIODE Search Results

    1N4001 GENERAL DIODE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CUZ24V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 24 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ13V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 13.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ36V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 36.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CUZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ5V6 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 5.6 V, USM Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    1N4001 GENERAL DIODE Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 1N4001-1N4007 PK 1N4004 1N4001-1N4007 datasheet 1N4001/1n4007 diode datasheet DO41 package 1N4003 1N4004 1N4005 1N4006
    Text: LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD. 1N4001 1N4007 1A 1A GENERAL DIODES TYPE Maximum Peak Reverse Voltage Maximum Average Rectified Current @ Half-Wave Resistive Load 60Hz PRV I O@ T L V PK 1N4001 1N4002 1N4003 1N4004 1N4005 1N4006 1N4007 50 100 200 400 600 800

    1N4001 1N4007 1N4002 1N4003 1N4004 1N4005 1N4006 1N4007 1N4001-1N4007 PK 1N4004 1N4001-1N4007 datasheet 1N4001/1n4007 diode datasheet DO41 package 1N4003 1N4004 1N4005 1N4006 PDF

    diode cross reference 1N4007

    Abstract: diode cross reference 1N4002
    Text: Formosa MS Axial Leaded General Purpose Rectifiers 1N4001 THRU 1N4007 List List. 1 Package outline. 2

    1N4001 1N4007 MIL-STD-750D METHOD-1051 METHOD-1056 METHOD-4066-2 1000hrs. diode cross reference 1N4007 diode cross reference 1N4002 PDF


    Abstract: diode 1N4001 specifications 1n4001
    Text: Formosa MS Axial Leaded General Purpose Rectifiers 1N4001 THRU 1N4007 List List. 1 Package outline. 2

    1N4001 1N4007 MIL-STD-750D METHOD-1036 JESD22-A102 METHOD-1051 METHOD-4066-2 1000hrs. DO-41 diode 1N4001 specifications PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Diodes DIP Type General Purpose Plastic Rectifier 1N4001 thru 1N4007 Features Low reverse leakage High forward surge capability Dimensions in inches and millimeters Maximum Ratings & Thermal Characteristics Ratings at 25 Parameter Peak Repetitive Reverse Voltage

    1N4001 1N4007 1N4002 1N4003 1N4004 1N4005 1N4006 1N4007 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1N4001 thru 1N4007 Vishay General Semiconductor General Purpose Plastic Rectifier FEATURES • • • • • Low forward voltage drop Low leakage current High forward surge capability Solder Dip 260 °C, 40 seconds Component in accordance to RoHS 2002/95/EC

    1N4001 1N4007 DO-204AL DO-41) 2002/95/EC 2002/96/EC DO-204AL, 08-Apr-05 1N4001 BRIDGE RECTIFIER PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1N4001 thru 1N4007 Vishay General Semiconductor General Purpose Plastic Rectifier FEATURES • Low forward voltage drop • Low leakage current • High forward surge capability • Solder Dip 260 °C, 40 seconds • Component in accordance to RoHS 2002/95/EC

    1N4001 1N4007 2002/95/EC 2002/96/EC DO-204AL DO-41) DO-204AL, 08-Apr-05 1N4001 BRIDGE RECTIFIER PDF

    bridge rectifier 1N4007

    Abstract: 1N4004 bridge rectifier 1N4001 BRIDGE RECTIFIER bridge rectifier using the diode 1N4007 1n4007 leakage current Diode Datasheet 1N4007 Symbol 1N4004 1N4004-E3/73 diode 1n4001 data sheet P-N Junction diode 1N4001 specifications
    Text: 1N4001 thru 1N4007 Vishay General Semiconductor General Purpose Plastic Rectifier FEATURES • • • • • Low forward voltage drop Low leakage current High forward surge capability Solder dip 260 °C, 40 seconds Component in accordance to RoHS 2002/95/EC

    1N4001 1N4007 2002/95/EC 2002/96/EC DO-204AL DO-41) DO-204AL, 08-Apr-05 bridge rectifier 1N4007 1N4004 bridge rectifier 1N4001 BRIDGE RECTIFIER bridge rectifier using the diode 1N4007 1n4007 leakage current Diode Datasheet 1N4007 Symbol 1N4004 1N4004-E3/73 diode 1n4001 data sheet P-N Junction diode 1N4001 specifications PDF

    1N4007 DEC

    Abstract: bridge rectifier 1N4007 1N4001 1N4007 DO-204AL JESD22-B102D J-STD-002B 1N4004 bridge rectifier 1N4007 vishay 1N4001 BRIDGE RECTIFIER vishay
    Text: 1N4001 thru 1N4007 Vishay General Semiconductor General Purpose Plastic Rectifier FEATURES • • • • • Low forward voltage drop Low leakage current High forward surge capability Solder Dip 260 °C, 40 seconds Component in accordance to RoHS 2002/95/EC

    1N4001 1N4007 2002/95/EC 2002/96/EC DO-204AL DO-41) 08-Apr-05 1N4007 DEC bridge rectifier 1N4007 1N4007 DO-204AL JESD22-B102D J-STD-002B 1N4004 bridge rectifier 1N4007 vishay 1N4001 BRIDGE RECTIFIER vishay PDF


    Abstract: 1N4007 DO-204AL JESD22-B102D J-STD-002B 1N4001 general diodes 1N4007 vishay 1N4001 BRIDGE RECTIFIER vishay 1N4007 VISHAY 88503 1N4002 bridge rectifier
    Text: 1N4001 thru 1N4007 Vishay General Semiconductor General Purpose Plastic Rectifier FEATURES • • • • • Low forward voltage drop Low leakage current High forward surge capability Solder Dip 260 °C, 40 seconds Component in accordance to RoHS 2002/95/EC

    1N4001 1N4007 2002/95/EC 2002/96/EC DO-204AL DO-41) 08-Apr-05 1N4007 DO-204AL JESD22-B102D J-STD-002B 1N4001 general diodes 1N4007 vishay 1N4001 BRIDGE RECTIFIER vishay 1N4007 VISHAY 88503 1N4002 bridge rectifier PDF

    diode 1N4001 specifications

    Abstract: 1n4001 1N4001 general diodes parameter 1N4001 function of 1n4007 1N4001 silicon GENERAL PURPOSE 1N4007 DIODES 1N4007 datasheet d 1n4007 equivalent components of diode 1n4001
    Text: General Purpose Rectifiers Standard Recovery Plastic Silicon Rectifiers AXIAL LEAD DO-41 Specification Features: Case: Epoxy, Molded Weight: 0.4 gram approximately Finish: All External Surfaces Corrosion Resistant And Terminal Leads Are 1N4001 KEL DEVICE MARKING DIAGRAM

    DO-41 1N4001 1N4001 1N4007 diode 1N4001 specifications 1N4001 general diodes parameter 1N4001 function of 1n4007 1N4001 silicon GENERAL PURPOSE 1N4007 DIODES 1N4007 datasheet d 1n4007 equivalent components of diode 1n4001 PDF


    Abstract: 1N4007-G 1N 4007 SMD 1N4001 SMD 1n4007 smd 4001 1n diode diode 4007 smd diode 1N4001 1N4002 1N4003
    Text: COMCHIP General Purpose Silicon Rectifiers SMD Diodes Specialist 1N4001-G Thru. 1N4007-G Voltage: 50 to 1000 V Current: 1.0 A RoHS Device Features DO-41 -Low cost construction. -Fast forward voltage drop. -Low reverse leakage. -High forward surge current capability.

    1N4001-G 1N4007-G DO-41 MIL-STD202E, QW-BG013 1N4007-G 1N 4007 SMD 1N4001 SMD 1n4007 smd 4001 1n diode diode 4007 smd diode 1N4001 1N4002 1N4003 PDF

    1n4007 do-35

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1N4001 thru 1N4007 Vishay General Semiconductor General Purpose Plastic Rectifier FEATURES • Low forward voltage drop • Low leakage current • High forward surge capability • Solder dip 260 °C, 40 s DO-204AL DO-41 • Component in accordance to RoHS 2002/95/EC

    1N4001 1N4007 DO-204AL DO-41) 2002/95/EC 2002/96/EC DO-204AL, J-STD-002 JESD22-B102 08-Apr-05 1n4007 do-35 PDF

    1N4001 bridge rectifier

    Abstract: 1N4004 bridge rectifier bridge rectifier 1N4007 1n4004 bridge rectifier package 1N4007 1N4001 general diodes 1N4007 GENERAL PURPOSE 1N4007 DIODES 1N4007 vishay 1N4001
    Text: 1N4001 thru 1N4007 Vishay General Semiconductor General Purpose Plastic Rectifier FEATURES • Low forward voltage drop • Low leakage current • High forward surge capability • Solder dip 260 °C, 40 s DO-204AL DO-41 • Component in accordance to RoHS 2002/95/EC

    1N4001 1N4007 DO-204AL DO-41) 2002/95/EC 2002/96/EC DO-204AL, 1N4001 bridge rectifier 1N4004 bridge rectifier bridge rectifier 1N4007 1n4004 bridge rectifier package 1N4007 1N4001 general diodes 1N4007 GENERAL PURPOSE 1N4007 DIODES 1N4007 vishay PDF

    1N4007 vishay

    Abstract: bridge rectifier 1N4007 JESD22-B102 J-STD-002 1N4001 1N4007 DO-204AL 1N4001 BRIDGE RECTIFIER vishay 1N4001 BRIDGE RECTIFIER 1N4004 bridge rectifier
    Text: 1N4001 thru 1N4007 Vishay General Semiconductor General Purpose Plastic Rectifier FEATURES • Low forward voltage drop • Low leakage current • High forward surge capability • Solder dip 260 °C, 40 s DO-204AL DO-41 • Component in accordance to RoHS 2002/95/EC

    1N4001 1N4007 DO-204AL DO-41) 2002/95/EC 2002/96/EC DO-204AL, 18-Jul-08 1N4007 vishay bridge rectifier 1N4007 JESD22-B102 J-STD-002 1N4007 DO-204AL 1N4001 BRIDGE RECTIFIER vishay 1N4001 BRIDGE RECTIFIER 1N4004 bridge rectifier PDF


    Abstract: GENERAL 1n4004
    Text: 1N4001 thru 1N4007 Vishay General Semiconductor General Purpose Plastic Rectifier FEATURES • Low forward voltage drop • Low leakage current • High forward surge capability • Solder dip 275 °C max. 10 s, per JESD 22-B106 • Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC and in

    1N4001 1N4007 22-B106 DO-204AL DO-41) 2002/95/EC 2002/96/EC AEC-Q101 DO-204AL, 18-Jul-08 1N4001-E3/23 GENERAL 1n4004 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DIOTEC ELECTRONICS CORP. Data Sheet No. GPDP-101-1B 18020 Hobart Blvd., Unit B Gardena, CA 90248 U.S.A Tel.: 310 767-1052 Fax: (310) 767-7958 1 AMP GENERAL PURPOSE SILICON DIODES MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION FEATURES SERIES 1N4001 - 1N4007 ACTUAL SIZE OF DO-41 PACKAGE

    GPDP-101-1B 1N4001 1N4007 DO-41 DO-41, PDF


    Abstract: bridge rectifier package 1N4007 1N4007 vishay 1N4001 BRIDGE RECTIFIER 1N4001 BRIDGE RECTIFIER vishay 1N4007 VISHAY 88503 1N4007 definitions
    Text: 1N4001 thru 1N4007 Vishay General Semiconductor General Purpose Plastic Rectifier FEATURES • Low forward voltage drop • Low leakage current • High forward surge capability • Solder dip 275 °C max. 10 s, per JESD 22-B106 • Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC and in

    1N4001 1N4007 22-B106 DO-204AL DO-41) 2002/95/EC 2002/96/EC AEC-Q101 DO-204AL, 2011/65/EU 1N4007 bridge rectifier package 1N4007 1N4007 vishay 1N4001 BRIDGE RECTIFIER 1N4001 BRIDGE RECTIFIER vishay 1N4007 VISHAY 88503 1N4007 definitions PDF


    Abstract: 1N4001 bridge rectifier 1N4007 VISHAY 88503 1N4001 DO-204AL J-STD-002 1N4007 vishay 1N4001 BRIDGE RECTIFIER vishay
    Text: 1N4001 thru 1N4007 Vishay General Semiconductor General Purpose Plastic Rectifier FEATURES • Low forward voltage drop • Low leakage current • High forward surge capability • Solder dip 275 °C max. 10 s, per JESD 22-B106 • Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC and in

    1N4001 1N4007 22-B106 2002/95/EC 2002/96/EC DO-204AL DO-41) AEC-Q101 DO-204AL, 11-Mar-11 1N4007 1N4001 bridge rectifier 1N4007 VISHAY 88503 DO-204AL J-STD-002 1N4007 vishay 1N4001 BRIDGE RECTIFIER vishay PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DIOTEC ELECTRONICS CORP. Data Sheet No. GPDP-101-1B 18020 Hobart Blvd., Unit B Gardena, CA 90248 U.S.A Tel.: 310 767-1052 Fax: (310) 767-7958 1 AMP GENERAL PURPOSE SILICON DIODES MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION FEATURES SERIES 1N4001 - 1N4007 ACTUAL SIZE OF DO-41 PACKAGE

    GPDP-101-1B 1N4001 1N4007 DO-41 DO-41, PDF

    1N4007 BL

    Abstract: 1n4004 bl
    Text: DIOTEC ELECTRONICS CORP. Data Sheet No. GPDP-101-1B 18020 Hobart Blvd., Unit B Gardena, CA 90248 U.S.A Tel.: 310 767-1052 Fax: (310) 767-7958 1 AMP GENERAL PURPOSE SILICON DIODES MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION FEATURES ACTUAL SIZE OF DO-41 PACKAGE Low cost SERIES 1N4001 - 1N4007

    GPDP-101-1B DO-41 1N4001 1N4007 DO-41, 97bgpdp101 1N4007 BL 1n4004 bl PDF

    ROHM 1N4001A

    Abstract: 1N4001 general diodes diodes 1N4001 1N4001A 1N4001 silicon N4002A 1N4002A
    Text: f f -4 ¿i — K/Diodes 1N4001 A/1 N4002A/1N4003A/1N4004A 1N4001 A/1 N4002A/1N4003A/ 1N4004A Silicon Diffused Junction General Rectifying Diodes • • « ft //Dimensions Unit : mm 1) * ' V 7 , i 4 i t T & -5 (JEDEC : DO41 ) 0 2) 5 o 3) • Features 1) Glass sealed type (JEDEC : DO41).

    OCR Scan
    1N4001 N4002A/1N4003A/1N4004A N4002A/1N4003A/ 1N4004A 1N4001A 1N4002A 1N4003A 1N4004A 1N4001A ROHM 1N4001A 1N4001 general diodes diodes 1N4001 1N4001 silicon N4002A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: mi 1N4001 CSM SEME LAB MECHANICAL DATA GENERAL PURPOSE SILICON RECTIFIER DIODE General Purpose Rectifier Diode In Hermetic Ceramic Surface Mount Package for A= 1.02 ± 0.10 0.04 ± 0.004 1.40 (0.055) max. High Reliability Applications SOT23 CERAMIC (CSM)

    OCR Scan
    1N4001CSM 1N4001CSM PDF

    1N4007 sma

    Abstract: 1N5819 SMA 1N4007 SMB 1N5822 SMA 1N4004 SMA 1N4004 SMB 1n4000 sERIES DIODES ES2D B3 1N5822 SMB 1N5819 SMB
    Text: § BRIDGE RECTIFIERS & DIODES General Purpose Diodes Series Voltage l(AV 50 200 100 300 400 500 600 1N4004 800 Outline 1000 1N4000 1 1N4001 1N4002 1N4003 1N4005 1N4006 1N4007 DO-41 1N5391 1.5 1N5391 1N5392 1N5393 1M5394 1N5395 1N5396 1N5397 1N5398 1N5399

    OCR Scan
    1N4000 1N5391 1N5400 1N4001 PX6A01 1N4002 1N5392 1N5401 1N4007 sma 1N5819 SMA 1N4007 SMB 1N5822 SMA 1N4004 SMA 1N4004 SMB 1n4000 sERIES DIODES ES2D B3 1N5822 SMB 1N5819 SMB PDF

    1N4001 SMB

    Abstract: 1N4007 SMB 1N4000 1n4004 1n4002 RS3B/BB US13
    Text: BRIDGE RECTIFIERS & DIODES General Purpose Diodes Series 1N4000 1N5391 1N5400 S1 S2 S3 PX6A h AV H •[. 1.5 1 1.5 S ’■\ 50 1N4001 1N5391 1N5400 S1A S2A S3A PX6A01 100 1N4002 1N5392 1N5401 S1B S2B S3S PX6A02 :i.i 200 1N4003 1N5393 1N5402 S1D S2D S3D PX6A03

    OCR Scan
    1N4000 1N5391 1N5400 1N4001 PX6A01 1N4002 1N5392 1N5401 1N4001 SMB 1N4007 SMB 1N4000 1n4004 1n4002 RS3B/BB US13 PDF