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    sanyo OS-CON sepc

    Abstract: SANYO seqp marking code p42 SMD GAS SEPC 560 4 sanyo OS-CON sepc 100 16 10K 471 sanyo svpc series SEPC 560 6 16SVPF180M sanyo capacitors
    Text: OS-CON INDEX Aluminum Solid Capacitors with Conductive Polymer Series integration OS-CON Line-up Guidelines and precautions for use Image of case size Products list Since the following models of the SVP and SVQP series have been integrated into models with a higher voltage

    16SEP330M 10SEP560M 6SEP820M 4SEP1200M 2R5SEP1500M 25SEP33M1 120Hz 10kHz 100kHz sanyo OS-CON sepc SANYO seqp marking code p42 SMD GAS SEPC 560 4 sanyo OS-CON sepc 100 16 10K 471 sanyo svpc series SEPC 560 6 16SVPF180M sanyo capacitors PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 信頼性 1. 温度加速試験 (耐久性) Capacitance change(%) 技術資料 OS-CONは温度が主要因で容量が減少 Capacitance change at 120Hz 10V/22 F していきます。 70℃ −1 85℃ 105℃ 左図は各温度での容量減少のスピードを示

    120Hz 0V/22F 16V30s 100kHz 120Hz 6090RH 16SVP39M PDF

    capacitor 16svp39m

    Abstract: capacitor 471 lo 471 16SVP39M electrolytic capacitor temperature coefficient
    Text: 1. Temperature acceleration test Endurance 85℃ 105℃ −10 145℃ 135℃ 125℃ 155℃ 10 Estimation of life time OS-CON 105℃ 95℃ 85℃ 75℃ 2,000h 6,324h 20,000h 63,245h 100 Time (h) 1,000 Aluminum electrolytic capacitor 105℃ 95℃ 85℃ 75℃

    16V30s 100kHz 120Hz capacitor 16svp39m capacitor 471 lo 471 16SVP39M electrolytic capacitor temperature coefficient PDF

    sanyo OS-CON SH

    Abstract: sanyo 100uf 16v sepc 10SEQP270M T sanyo OS-CON sg SMD MARKING CODE w02 10SEP560M solid capacitor SEPC 560uf 4V sanyo os-con sl 6SEPC1500M 25SEP10M
    Text: '04 -10 12 SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. Electronic Device Company About this catalog •The contents of this catalog are current as of September 2004, but product names and specifications are subject to change for improvement or discontinuation without notice. When ordering products, please be sure

    2604-Forrest Singapore/079905/Singapore sanyo OS-CON SH sanyo 100uf 16v sepc 10SEQP270M T sanyo OS-CON sg SMD MARKING CODE w02 10SEP560M solid capacitor SEPC 560uf 4V sanyo os-con sl 6SEPC1500M 25SEP10M PDF


    Abstract: 16SVP39M
    Text: Aluminum solid capacitors with Conductive polymer Aluminum solid capacitors with Organic semiconductive electrolyte Reliability 1. Organic semiconductor TCNQ complex salt type (16SH33M) Leakage current ESR(mΩ at 100kHz) tanδ(at 120Hz) Capacitance change(%)

    16SH33M) 100kHz 120Hz 16V30s 16SH33M 16SVP39M PDF


    Abstract: 16SVPF180M 16svpc270m 16SVPC100M SEPC 560 6 16SVPE470M 16SVPF1000M 16SVPF560M 20SVPF120M SVP 1020
    Text: 導電性高分子アルミ固体電解コンデンサ - O S C O N 目次 OS-CON ラインアップ シリーズ統合のお知らせ OS-CON 注意事項 ケースサイズ 見取り表 製品一覧表 包装仕様 (面実装形) セレクションガイド

    6SVP15M 4SVP22M 10SVP22M 6SVP33M 6SVP56M 4SVP82M 10SVP82M 6SVP120M 6SVP150M 4SVP150M 6SVPC330M 16SVPF180M 16svpc270m 16SVPC100M SEPC 560 6 16SVPE470M 16SVPF1000M 16SVPF560M 20SVPF120M SVP 1020 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Products list Packing specifications (SMD type) Packing specifications (Radial lead type) Recommended soldering condition Fundamental structure Characteristics Reliability SXV SVPG Surface mount type SVPF SVPE SVPS SVPD SVPC SVPB SVPA SVQP SVP Radial lead type

    100kHzï 120Hzï 16V30sï PDF

    sxe capacitor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OS-CON Line-up Guidelines and precautions Capacitance change at 120Hz 10V/22 F 70℃ −1 85℃ 105℃ −10 145℃ 135℃ 125℃ 155℃ The decrease in capacitance of the OS-CON depends on temperature. The left figure shows the speed of capacitance decrease at

    120Hz 0V/22Î 100kHzï 120Hzï 16V30sï sxe capacitor PDF


    Abstract: 6TPE150MAZB 6TPG100M SANYO 2R5TPE470M7 2TPE470M6 6TPE220MAZB 2TPLF470M4E 25TQC5R6M 2TPLF470M6 2TPE470M7
    Text: Capacitors General Catalog 2010-7 Aluminum Solid Capacitors with Conductive Polymer Tantalum Solid Capacitors with Conductive Polymer Feature Feature Solid electrolytic capacitors with conductive polymer to meet the needs of all electronic equipments in the world
