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    Abstract: 883U
    Text: HA-2529/883 fÇ j HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R U ncom pensated, High Slew Rate High Output Current, Operational Amplifier juiy 1997 Features • Description This Circuit is Processed in Accordance to MIL-STD-883 and is Fully Conform ant Under the Provisions of Paragraph 1.2.1.

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    HA-2529/883 HA-2529/883 200ns 15MHz -67mV -200m HA7-2529/883 HA2-2529/883 N4002 ha2252 883U PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PCM3006 16-Bit, Single-Ended Analog Input/Output STEREO AUDIO CODEC FEATURES DESCRIPTION • MONOLITHIC 16-BtT AL ADC AND DAC The PCM 3006 is a low cost single chip stereo audio C O D EC analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog con­ verters with single-ended analog voltage input and

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    PCM3006 16-Bit, 16-BtT -84dB -86dB 48kHz 258fs, 384fs, 512fs 24-Lead PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

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    M48T36 M48T36Y: SOH44 A0-A14 7T5TS37 00bTb51 PDF


    Abstract: hall marking code A04 hef4750 application an1993 philips TDA7052 application note Application Notes Compandor cookbook signetics rf data handbook 433Mhz RV Transmitter receiver SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS signetics Analogue IC Dat ne602
    Text: RF Communications Handbook Signetics Philips Semiconductors PHILIPS PHILIPS Signetics reserves the right to make changes, without notice, in the products, including circuits, standard cells, and/or software, describedorcontained herein in orderto improve design and/or performance. Signetics assumes no responsibility or liability for the use

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    Signeti161 hef4750 hall marking code A04 hef4750 application an1993 philips TDA7052 application note Application Notes Compandor cookbook signetics rf data handbook 433Mhz RV Transmitter receiver SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS signetics Analogue IC Dat ne602 PDF


    Abstract: bo207 mbb0207
    Text: Fixed Resistors Leaded P r e c i s i o n and High P r e c i s i o n M e t a l Film c o l o r b an de d T echnology / M etal Film BO207 B0287 E0414 5063JD-J 5063JD-J 00204 00207 0414 0204 0204 5%, 1% 5%, 1% 5%, 1% 0.5%, 0.25% 0.5%, 0.25% 0.5%, 0.25% 0.10%

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    B0287 BO207 E0414 5063JD-J E24/96 E24/96 E24/192, B0287 bo207 mbb0207 PDF

    ICL7135/TL496 equivalent

    Abstract: ICL7133
    Text: 19-5041; Rev 0; 1987 A I^ X IA t 41 A D ig it A /D C onverter with M ultiplexed BCD Outputs _ Foaturoa ♦ Improved 2nd Source See our “Maxim Advantage^” Page 3 The ICL7135 has auto-zero accuracy better than 10/i.V, zero drift of 0.5ju.V/°C, input bias current of 10pA max.

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    ICL7135 ICM7211A. ICL7135/TL496 equivalent ICL7133 PDF

    ICT PRC S7

    Abstract: ST6240-EMU LD247 Cqfp64 transistor d917 ST62E40G1
    Text: G ï . S G S -T H O M S O N üLE 5iri^ lfflD(BS ST6240 8-BIT HCMOS MCU WITH LCD DRIVER, EEPROM AND A/D CONVERTER • 3 to 6V supply operating range ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 8.4MHz Maximum Clock Frequency -40 to +85°C Operating Temperature Range Run, Wait & Stop Modes

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    ST6240 PQFP80 20mAfor ICT PRC S7 ST6240-EMU LD247 Cqfp64 transistor d917 ST62E40G1 PDF


    Abstract: NE 7555 astable NE 555 pulse position modulation using 555 ne 556 timer TLC555 CMOS 7555 556 timer astable multivibrator 555 astable astable multivibrator NE555
    Text: Intersil Hlgh-Reliabllity Products ICM7555/ICM7556 High Reliability General Purpose Timer GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ICM7555/6 are CMOS RC timers providing signifi­ cantly improved performance over the standard S E/N E 555/6 and 355 timers, while at the same time being

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    ICM7555/ICM7556 ICM7555/6 SE/NE555/6 ICM7556 ICM7555, ICM7555-ICM7556 NE 7555 astable NE 555 pulse position modulation using 555 ne 556 timer TLC555 CMOS 7555 556 timer astable multivibrator 555 astable astable multivibrator NE555 PDF

    8038 signal generator chip

    Abstract: XR-8038AM 8038CP up/xr+2320
    Text: JSTEXA R XR-8038 Precision Waveform Generator PIN ASSIGNMENT GENERAL DESCRIPTION - ^ The XR-8038 is a precision waveform generator 1C capable of producing sine, square, triangular, sawtooth and pulse waveforms with a minimum number of external compo­

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    XR-8038 XR-8038 200KHz 8038 signal generator chip XR-8038AM 8038CP up/xr+2320 PDF

    induction cooker fault finding diagrams

    Abstract: TC227 compressor catalogue Vernitron TRANSDUCER b2 str 1265 smps power supply circuit of tv ADC0804-1CD TC225 tesla MAa 741 SPICE model NTC Inrush Current Limiters Thermistor XR558CP
    Text: BOOK IC11 LINEAR PRODUCTS page Selection guide Functional in dex. 5 Numerical in d e x .

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OKI semiconductor_ ^ M SM 6870-3/-3V Low power BASEBAND FILTER AND MSK MODEM LSI FOR CORDLESS TELEPHONE GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6870 is a communication LSI for CORDLESS TELEPHONE. The MSM6870 consists of a 1200 bps MSK (Minimum shift keying) modem and a baseband filters.

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    6870-3/-3V MSM6870 IV-E-33 MSM6870-3/3V IV-E-34 MSM6870-3/3V 6864MHz 870-3V) PDF

    IC TB 1237 AN ic working voltage details

    Abstract: st6245q6 TRIAC ACS 12
    Text: G i, S G S -T H O M S O N iy ST6245 8-BIT HCMOS MCU WITH LCD DRIVER, EEPROM AND A/D CONVERTER 3 to 6V supply operating range 8.4MHz Maximum Clock Frequency -40 to +85°C Operating Temperature Range Run, Wait & Stop Modes 5 different interrupt vectors Look-up table capability in ROM

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    ST6245 PQFP52 ST6245Q1/XX PQFP52 ST6245Q6/XX IC TB 1237 AN ic working voltage details st6245q6 TRIAC ACS 12 PDF

    transistor bf 175

    Abstract: smd marking gc diode gc ob
    Text: tfc u u A Integrated Circuits D ata Book Edition 2 1993 Consumer Microcircuits Limited » Consumer Microcircuits Limited 1 Wheaton Road Witham Essex CM8 3TD England Telephone: 0376 513833 • Telex: 99382 CMICRO G • Telefax: (0376) 518247 Printed in Great Britain by The Bath Press;, Avon

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    DAC with BCD input

    Abstract: bcd to analog converter binary to bcd 12 bits jt010 DAC with BCD inputs DAC-H212D DAC-HZ12BGC
    Text: 9 D A T E DAC-HZ Series L 12-Bit, Industry-Standard Digital-to-Analog Converters INNOVATION a n d EXCELLENCE FEATURES • 12-Bit binary and 3-dlgit BCD models • 7 Output ranges • 3 js V o u t settling time 300ns Iout settling time • Guaranteed monotonicity over full temperature range

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    12-Bit, 12-Bit 300ns DAC-HZ12BGC DAC-HZ12BMC DAC-HZ12BMM DAC-HZ12BMM-QL DAC-HZ120GC OAC-HZ12DMC DAC with BCD input bcd to analog converter binary to bcd 12 bits jt010 DAC with BCD inputs DAC-H212D PDF

    Ionization Detectors

    Abstract: AABX 361-s
    Text: 19-1195; RevO;4/97 JVXSÏXAJVK SOT23, M icropower, Single-Supply, R aibto-R ail I/O Op Am ps The combination of excellent bandwidth/power perfor­ mance, single-supply operation, and miniature footprint makes these op amps ideal for portable equipment and

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    MAX4162) 250mV 200kHz MAX4162/MAX4163/MAX4164 X4164 AX4163 4162JMAX4163/M MAX4162 MAX4163 MAX4164 Ionization Detectors AABX 361-s PDF


    Abstract: peltier schematic ICL7605CJN ICL7606CJN 18-PIN ICL7605 ICL7605IJN ICL7605MJN ICL7606 ICL7606IJN
    Text: IC L7605/IC L7606 Ü Î H A R R IS S E M I C O N D U C T O R Commutating A uto-Zero CAZ Instrumentation Amplifier GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ICL7605/ICL7606 CMOS commutating auto-zero (CAZ) instrumentation amplifiers are designed io replace most of today's hybrid or monolithic instrumentation amplifi­

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    ICL7605/ICL7606 ICL7605/ICL7606 ICL7106 INTERNAL STRUCTURE peltier schematic ICL7605CJN ICL7606CJN 18-PIN ICL7605 ICL7605IJN ICL7605MJN ICL7606 ICL7606IJN PDF

    NE 7555

    Abstract: ICM7555-ICM7556 NE 555 timer ICM7555MTV TLC555 556 timer astable multivibrator NE555 icm7556 dual timer NE555 cmos ICM7555
    Text: Intersil Hlgh-Reliabllity Products ICM7555/ICM7556 High Reliability General Purpose Timer GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ICM7555/6 are CMOS RC timers providing signifi­ cantly improved performance over the standard S E/N E 555/6 and 355 timers, while at the same time being

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    ICM7555/ICM7556 ICM7555/6 SE/NE555/6 ICM7556 ICM7555, NE 7555 ICM7555-ICM7556 NE 555 timer ICM7555MTV TLC555 556 timer astable multivibrator NE555 icm7556 dual timer NE555 cmos ICM7555 PDF

    e420 dual jfet

    Abstract: AC digital voltmeter using 7107 MPS5010 bf320 JFET BF245 bf246 j201 2n3819 mc6821 ICL7117 VOLTMETER cookbook for ic 555 hall marking code A04 e304 fet
    Text: Component Data Catalog 1987 INTERSIL, INC., 10600 RIDGEVIEW COURT, CUPERTINO, CA 95014 Printed in U.S.A. Copyright 1987, Intersil, Inc., All Rights Reserved ^ GE and 408 996-5000 TWX: 910-338-2014 are registered trademarks of General Electric Company, U.S.A.

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