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    F100K ECL 300 series databook and design guide

    Abstract: 86112A motorola CMOS databook 1N4148 CLC018 CLC018AJVJQ MC10E1652
    Text: CLC018 8 x 8 Digital Crosspoint Switch, 1.485 Gbps General Description Features The CLC018 is a fully differential 8x8 digital crosspoint switch capable of operating at data rates exceeding 1.485 Gbps per channel. Its non-blocking architecture utilizes eight

    PDF CLC018 CLC018 CSP-9-111S2) F100K ECL 300 series databook and design guide 86112A motorola CMOS databook 1N4148 CLC018AJVJQ MC10E1652

    F100K ECL 300 series and design guide

    Abstract: CLC018AJVJQ
    Text: CLC018 CLC018 8 x 8 Digital Crosspoint Switch, 1.485 Gbps Literature Number: SNLS019C CLC018 8 x 8 Digital Crosspoint Switch, 1.485 Gbps General Description Features The CLC018 is a fully differential 8x8 digital crosspoint switch capable of operating at data rates exceeding 1.485

    PDF CLC018 CLC018 SNLS019C F100K ECL 300 series and design guide CLC018AJVJQ


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CLC018 8 x 8 Digital Crosspoint Switch, 1.4 Gbps General Description National’s Comlinear CLC018 is a fully differential 8x8 digital crosspoint switch capable of operating at data rates exceeding 1.4 Gbps per channel. Its non-blocking architecture utilizes eight independent 8:1 multiplexers to allow each output

    PDF CLC018 CLC018


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VOLTAGE CONTROLLED VCXO Q-TECH CORPORATION CRYSTAL CLOCK OSCILLATORS -5.2Vdc & 5.0Vdc - 1kHz to 155.52MHz Description Q-Tech’s voltage-controlled crystal oscillators (VCXO) consist of a varactor diode and associated circuitry such as a bipolar transistor or logic IC amplifier, logic output buffers

    PDF 52MHz EAR99 M17677 MIL-STD-883, MIL-STD-202,

    hcmos oscillator design 16MHZ 5v

    Abstract: QT62V 29.5MHZ CRYSTAL 155.52mhz QT62 10KH-ECL Quartz oscillator 30MHz
    Text: VOLTAGE CONTROLLED VCXO Q-TECH CORPORATION CRYSTAL CLOCK OSCILLATORS -5.2Vdc & 5.0Vdc - 1kHz to 155.52MHz Description Q-Tech’s voltage-controlled crystal oscillators (VCXO) consist of a varactor diode and associated circuitry such as a bipolar transistor or logic IC amplifier, logic output buffers

    PDF 52MHz EAR99 M17677 MIL-STD-883, MIL-STD-202, hcmos oscillator design 16MHZ 5v QT62V 29.5MHZ CRYSTAL 155.52mhz QT62 10KH-ECL Quartz oscillator 30MHz


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OBSOLETE CLC018 SNLS019C – MAY 2004 – REVISED AUGUST 2006 CLC018 8 x 8 Digital Crosspoint Switch, 1.485 Gbps Check for Samples: CLC018 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • The CLC018 is a fully differential 8x8 digital crosspoint switch capable of operating at data rates

    PDF CLC018 SNLS019C CLC018


    Abstract: CLC016 CLC018 CLC018AJVJQ IN4148 MC10E1652 dox 10 AA119
    Text: N Comlinear CLC018 8 x 8 Digital Crosspoint Switch, 1.4Gbps General Description Features The Comlinear CLC018 is a fully differential 8x8 digital crosspoint switch capable of operating at data rates exceeding 1.4Gbps per channel. Its non-blocking architecture utilizes eight independent

    PDF CLC018 CLC018 50pspp 1N4148 CLC016 CLC018AJVJQ IN4148 MC10E1652 dox 10 AA119


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CLC018 8 x 8 Digital Crosspoint Switch, 1.4 Gbps General Description National’s Comlinear CLC018 is a fully differential 8x8 digital crosspoint switch capable of operating at data rates exceeding 1.4 Gbps per channel. Its non-blocking architecture utilizes eight independent 8:1 multiplexers to allow each output

    PDF CLC018 CLC018 consu959


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VOLTAGE CONTROLLED VCXO Q-TECH CORPORATION CRYSTAL CLOCK OSCILLATORS -5.2Vdc & 5.0Vdc - 1kHz to 155.52MHz Description Q-Tech’s voltage-controlled crystal oscillators (VCXO) consist of a varactor diode and associated circuitry such as a bipolar transistor or logic IC amplifier, logic output buffers

    PDF 52MHz EAR99 op2001, MIL-STD-883, MIL-STD-202,


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H F ib er O ptic "Light to Logic" TMR e c e iv e r Technical Data RC VI 2 0 1 D -622 F eatures D escription A pplications The receiever includes an InGaAsP PIN photodiode and a HEMT transim pedance am plifierac coupled to supporting integrated circuitelectronics to provide

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    PDF RCV1201D-622 VI200 RCV12Q1 RCV1201D RCV1201 D-622-FP RCV1201D-622-ST RCV1201D-6 D-622-DN


    Abstract: S1017
    Text: APPLIED MICRO CIRCUITS SIE D m Oäö^QDE ODDü^äG 07fl • AMCC PRELIMINARY DEVICE SPECIFICATION T - 5 'S - 2 <f S1012 - S1017 ACTIVE ECL TERMINATORS FEATURES • Actively Clamps Both Standard and Positive Reference ECL PECL • Effectively Eliminates Reflections and Ringing

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    PDF S1012 S1017 S1016

    small signal transistor MOTOROLA DATABOOK

    Abstract: CLC018 motorola mecl system design handbook dox 10 l83s
    Text: + July 1998 & National Semiconductor X o • Fully differential signal path ■ Non-Blocking ■ Flexible expansion to larger a rray sizes w ith very low power ■ Single -I-5/-5V or dual ± 5 V operation o € Serial digital video routing SM PTE 259M Telecom /datacom switching

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    PDF CLC018 CLC018 dsl00088 small signal transistor MOTOROLA DATABOOK motorola mecl system design handbook dox 10 l83s


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: October 1998 Semiconductor CLC018 8 x 8 Digital Crosspoint Switch, 1.4 Gbps National’s Comlinear CLC018 is a fully differential 8x8 digital crosspoint switch capable of operating at data rates exceed­ ing 1.4 Gbps per channel. Its non-blocking architecture uti­

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    PDF CLC018 633200


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: October 1989 Edition 2.0 FUJITSU DATA SH E E T MBM10494-7/-8 65536-BIT BIPOLAR ECL RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY DESCRIPTION The Fujitsu M B M 10494 is fully decoded 65536-bit EC L read/writs random access memory designed for high-speed scratch pad, oontrol and buffer storage applications. The device

    OCR Scan
    PDF MBM10494-7/-8 65536-BIT MBM10494 D2I024S-IC MBM10494-7 MBM10494-8 F28016S-1C


    Abstract: s15r7 C14R5 ECL-B C15R5L C14R CMOS TTL Logic Family Specifications ECLB C53DF T42DF
    Text: C O NIMOR-U I N F I E L D CORP ^ D e | 2343431 OGGGEfl? 7 CONNOR-W INFIELD CORPORATION P.O. BOX L WESTCHICAGO.IL 60185 1-312-231*5270 96D 00287 2343431 C O N N O R - W I N F IE L D CORP Special Packages Reduced Size DIP i I «: H TTL LSTTL Model No. T L Frequency range

    OCR Scan
    PDF 250kHz 25MHz 250Hz 50MHz 10LSTTL HCMOS-30 TTL-85 HCMOS-22 H41DF/T41DF eclb-1 s15r7 C14R5 ECL-B C15R5L C14R CMOS TTL Logic Family Specifications ECLB C53DF T42DF


    Abstract: D1113 A7 NPN EPITAXIAL TRANSISTOR D1113 ECL100K ECL10K Q14000B Q2100B Q6000B Q9100B
    Text: PRELIMINARY DEVICE SPECIFICATION Q14000 SERIES BiCMOS LOGIC ARRAYS DESCRIPTION The AM CC Q14000 Series of BiCM OS logic arrays is com prised of four products with densities of 2160, 5760, 9072 and 13,440 equivalent gates. The series is optimized to provide CMOS densities with b ip ola r perform ance

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    PDF Q14000 /D1113-0988 H157D1 D1113 A7 NPN EPITAXIAL TRANSISTOR D1113 ECL100K ECL10K Q14000B Q2100B Q6000B Q9100B


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Whal H E W L E T T mL'KMP A C K A R D Fiber Optic "Light to Logic" Receiver Technical Data RCV1201-1.2 Features D escription • Light to Logic 28-pin DIP Receiver Offers ECL Compatibility The RCV1201-1.2 is a high speed member of the RCV1200 family. It

    OCR Scan
    PDF RCV1201-1 28-pin RCV1200 RCV1201 5963-5782E trans-impendance


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: October 1989 Edition 2.0 FUJITSU DATASHEET MBM10494-7/-8 65536-BIT BIPOLAR ECL RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY DESCRIPTION The Fujitsu MBM10494 is fully decoded 65536-bit ECL read/write random access memory designed for high-speed scratch pad, control and buffer storage applications. The device

    OCR Scan
    PDF MBM10494-7/-8 65536-BIT MBM10494 DIP-28C-A10 MBM10494-7 MBM10494-8 28-LEA

    dell monitor circuit diagram

    Abstract: Z8052-CRT
    Text: Zilog Z8152A/53 A VSC Video System Controller P i i l i É l i i y PRODUCT SPECIFICATION DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS GENERAL DESCRIPTION • 100 MHz Video Dot Rate • Four-level current driven 75Q differential video output • Digital Video output ECL option (Z8152A provides TTL

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    PDF Z8152A/53 Z8152A dell monitor circuit diagram Z8052-CRT


    Abstract: CLC016 CLC018 CLC018AJVJQ MC10E1652
    Text: National Semiconductor Comlinear CLC018 8 x 8 Digital Crosspoint Switch, 1.4Gbps General Description Features The Comlinear CLC018 is a fully differential 8x8 digital crosspoint switch capable of operating at data rates exceeding 1,4Gbps per channel. Its non-blocking architecture utilizes eight independent

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    PDF CLC018 CLC018 50pspp. b501124 1N4148 CLC016 CLC018AJVJQ MC10E1652

    proton rx 4000 watts power amplifier circuit diagram

    Abstract: RCA-CD401 cd22014 ICAN-6362 vogt 545 44 vogt inductor j9 570 17 013 20 RCA-CD4046B common cathode 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY LT 543 CD22014E CD22011
    Text: RCA COS/MOS Integrated Circuits This DATABOOK contains complete technical information on RCA stand­ ard commercial COS/MOS integrated circuits. It covers the full line of RCA standard A- and B-series digital logic circuits, special-function circuits crosspoint switches and level shifters ,

    OCR Scan
    PDF 132nd WA98121. proton rx 4000 watts power amplifier circuit diagram RCA-CD401 cd22014 ICAN-6362 vogt 545 44 vogt inductor j9 570 17 013 20 RCA-CD4046B common cathode 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY LT 543 CD22014E CD22011


    Abstract: LT 6208 10141N 10141F
    Text: Signetics 10141 Shift Register 4-Bit Universal Shift Register Product Specification ECL Products DESCRIPTION T h e 10141 is a four-bit s e ria l-/p a ra lle lout shift register. Inputs So and S i are used to d eterm in e th e four possible functions of th e register, th e s e being no

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    PDF 800mVp-p 500ns 10141 LT 6208 10141N 10141F


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: + 8x8 CLC018 8 x 8 D ig i t a l C r o s s p o i n t S w i t c h , 1.4 G b p s National’s Comlinear CLC018 is a fully differential 8x8 digital crosspoinl switch capable of operating at data rates exceed­ ing 1.4 Gbps per channel. Its non-blocking architecture uti­

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    PDF CLC018 CLC018 64-lead ds100088


    Abstract: 74ls74 timing setup hold 74LS74 DAC-UP10B
    Text: D A C -U P 1 0 B 10-Bit M o n o lith ic D A C W ith Input R e g iste rs □ k ^ re iL FEATURES • Input registers • 10-Bit resolution • Voltage output • Internal reference • Guaranteed monotonicity GENERAL DESCRIPTION The DAC-UP10B is a low cost, monolithic

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    PDF DAC-UP10B 10-Bit DAC-UP10B DAC-UP10BC 74ls74 timing setup hold 74LS74