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    0Q7Q316 Search Results

    0Q7Q316 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET N E C ^ r MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT jt iP D 4 7 0 1 A INCREMENTAL ENCODER COUNTER DESCRIPTION The //PD4701A is a coun ter fo r an X, Y 2-axis increm ental encoder. When a tw o-phase encoder signal is Input fo r th e X and Y axes, dire ctio n d iscrim ina tio n and com pu tatio n is perform ed, and c o u n t data is o u tp u t in 8 -b it parallel

    OCR Scan
    //PD4701A 12-bit P24GT-50-375B-1 406i8 b427SSS 0Q7Q316 PDF