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    00D4470 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EXAR 3422618 CORP 11 EXAR CORP □ □ □ 4 7 b c] =| 91D 04769 XR-W100 Master-Chip Chip Size: 163 x 133 mils NPN Transistors Small Signal: 196 Total Components: 882 Bonding Pads: 40 Supermatched Small Signal: 16 Max. Operating Voltage: 36V Large: 4 PNP Transistors

    OCR Scan
    XR-W100 342Eblfl 900il: 559kil 50kil: 20kil: 10kii: XR-W100 XR-1568/XR-1468C XR-1468/1568 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EXAR CORP TI 3422618 D e | BM S E b i a EXAR CORP 9 1D XR-C100A Master-Chip “ Chip Size: 56 x 62 mils NPN Transistors Total Components: 124 Small Signal: 23 Bonding Pads: 14 High Current: None Max. Operating Voltage: 20V PNP Transistors: 8 Schottky Diodes: 6

    OCR Scan
    XR-C100A D00M7SÃ 30kft: 200ft: 450ft: 900ft: XR-C100A XR-1488/1489A XR-1488 XR-1568/XR-1468C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EXAR 3422618 CORP EXAR CORP D e | 342Eblfi " 91D XR-H100 Master-Chip Chip Size: 95 x 80 mils NPN Transistors Total Components: 424 Small Signal: 73 Bonding Pads: 18 Medium: 2 Max. Operating Voltage: 20V PNP Transistors Lateral: 22 Pinch Resistors 60kfi: 8

    OCR Scan
    342Eblfi XR-H100 60kfi: 356kil XR-H100 XR-1488/1489A XR-1488 XR-1568/XR-1468C XR-1468/1568 XR-1468/1568 PDF


    Abstract: XR6118P 6118p XR-6128 XR-6118P-2 UDN6118A equivalent XR-6128P 6118A XR6118 Vacuum Fluorescent Displays
    Text: Z * EX4R XR-6118/6128 Fluorescent Display Drivers GENERAL DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM The XR-6118 and the XR-6128 are high-voltage display driver arrays which are designed to interface between low-level digital logic and vacuum fluorescent displays.

    OCR Scan
    XR-6118 XR-6128 XR-6118/6128 UDN-6118A, UDN-6128A, UDN-6118P-2 XR-1568M XR-1568/XR-1468C XR-1468/1568 XR-6118P XR6118P 6118p XR-6118P-2 UDN6118A equivalent XR-6128P 6118A XR6118 Vacuum Fluorescent Displays PDF


    Abstract: XR1310CP XR-1310 XR-1310CP 1468 voltage reg 125 khz ultrasonic RECEIVER CIRCUIT 19 khz fm stereo coder 1.5v FM receiver CIRCUIT DIAGRAM
    Text: ZßT EX4R XR-1310 Stereo Demodulator FUN C TIO NAL BLOCK DIAGRAM G EN ER A L DESCRIPTION The XR-1310 is a unique FM stereo demodulator which uses phase-locked techniques to derive the right and left audio channels from the composite signal. Using a phase-locked loop to regenerate the 38 kHz subcarrier,

    OCR Scan
    XR-1310 XR-1310 XR-1568M XR-1568/XR-1468C XR-1468/1568 XR1310 XR1310CP XR-1310CP 1468 voltage reg 125 khz ultrasonic RECEIVER CIRCUIT 19 khz fm stereo coder 1.5v FM receiver CIRCUIT DIAGRAM PDF


    Abstract: xr 2230 XR-2230 EXAR Monolithic Function generator
    Text: XR-2230 V T EX A R Pulse-Width Modulator Control System GENERAL DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM The XR-2230 is a high-performance monolithic pulse width modulator control system. It contains all the nec­ essary control blocks for designing switch mode power

    OCR Scan
    XR-2230 XR-2230 18-Pin XR-1568M XR-1568/XR-1468C XR-1468/1568 xr2230cp xr 2230 EXAR Monolithic Function generator PDF

    pin diagram of counter ic 74193

    Abstract: tabla XR-1489 XR-9201CP xr494 74193 xr-9201
    Text: X ' EX4R XR-9201 8-Bit Microprocessor Compatible Digital-To-Analog Converter FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XR-9201 is a monolithic 8-Bit /»P compatible digitalto-analog converter with differential current outputs. It contains an internal data latch, making it suitable for in­

    OCR Scan
    XR-9201 XR-9201 XR-1568M XR-1568/XR-1468C XR-1468/1568 pin diagram of counter ic 74193 tabla XR-1489 XR-9201CP xr494 74193 PDF

    exar 5191

    Abstract: 3525a XR-3525 XR-3527 XR3525 transistor A 1568 3525A application note
    Text: EXAR X R - 1 5 2 5 A /2 5 2 5 A /3 5 2 5 A X R - 1 5 2 7 A /2 5 2 7 A /3 5 2 7 A Pulse-Width Modulating Regulators FU N C T IO N A L BLOCK DIAG RAM G E N E R A L DESCRIPTION The X R -1 5 2 5 A /1 5 2 7 A is a series o f m o n o lith ic intergrated c irc u its th a t co n ta in all o f the c o n tro l c irc u itr y necessary

    OCR Scan
    16-Pin XR-1568M XR-1568/XR-1468C XR-1468/1568 exar 5191 3525a XR-3525 XR-3527 XR3525 transistor A 1568 3525A application note PDF

    car steering remote control circuit

    Abstract: rc servomotor pulse stretcher circuit circuit layout for controlling the steering of a motor car RADIO CONTROL SERVO MOTOR CONTROLLER IC POT 100K preset remote control car circuit diagram proportional pulse stretcher circuit diagram 100k ohms potentiometer XR2266
    Text: Z *E X 4R XR-2266 Monolithic Servo Controller FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XR-2266 is a monolithic servo controller specifi­ cally designed for radio controlled model cars. The de­ vice is capable of controlling speed in forward or re­

    OCR Scan
    XR-2266 XR-2266 XR-1568M XR-1568/XR-1468C XR-1468/1568 car steering remote control circuit rc servomotor pulse stretcher circuit circuit layout for controlling the steering of a motor car RADIO CONTROL SERVO MOTOR CONTROLLER IC POT 100K preset remote control car circuit diagram proportional pulse stretcher circuit diagram 100k ohms potentiometer XR2266 PDF


    Abstract: 1489ap 206K XR-1488 XR-1488N XR-1488P XR-1489A XR-1489AN XR-E100 XR1489AN
    Text: EXAR 3422618 EXAR CORP D Ë| 342Eblö □ □ 0 Ll7b>0 S 91D D CORP XR-E100 Master-Chip Chip Size: 82 x 82 mils NPN Transistors Small Signal: 48 Total Components: 224 Bonding Pads: 18 Dual PNP Transistors: 15 Max. Operating Voltage: 20V TM r - n a - a i Pinch Resistors

    OCR Scan
    34EEblà 0GQ47bG XR-E100 30kii: 200fl: 206kil XR-E100 XR-1488/1489A XR-1488 communications68M XR-1489AP 1489ap 206K XR-1488N XR-1488P XR-1489A XR-1489AN XR1489AN PDF


    Abstract: XR-1488 XR-1488N XR-1488P XR-1489A XR-1489AN XR-G100 EXAR XR
    Text: EXAR 3422618 CORP De | E XAR CORP 9 1D 0 4 7 6 2 XR-G100 Master-Chip Chip Size: 90 x 90 mils NPN Transistors Total Components: 327 Small Signal: 58 Bonding Pads; 18 High Current: 2 Max. Operating Voltage: 20V PNP Transistors: 18 Schottky Diodes: None TM Pinch Resistors

    OCR Scan
    GQD47b2 XR-G100 266kfl XR-1568/XR-1468C XR-1468/1568 XR-1489AP XR-1488 XR-1488N XR-1488P XR-1489A XR-1489AN EXAR XR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: US? XR-1543 E X q R Power Supply Output Supervisory Circuit GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XR-1543 is a monolithic integrated circuit that contains all the functions necessary to monitor and control the output of a power supply system. Included in the 16-pin d ua l-in -lin e package is a voltage

    OCR Scan
    XR-1543 XR-1543 16-pin XR-1568M -1568/XR-1468C XR-1468/1568 PDF


    Abstract: XR-1489
    Text: XR-S200 HST EX4R Multi-Function PLL System GENERAL DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM The XR-S200 in te g ra te d c irc u it is a highly versatile, m u ltip urp ose c irc u it th a t con tains all o f the essential fu n ctio n s o f m o st c o m m u n ic a tio n system designs on a

    OCR Scan
    XR-S200 XR-1468/1568 XR-1489 PDF


    Abstract: XR-4194CN XR4194CN XR4194 4194CN 4194M XR4194M XR 4194 RC4194 4194 tracking regulator
    Text: XR-4194 Z * EX4R Dual-Tracking Voltage Regulator GENERAL DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM The XR-4194 is a dual-polarity tracking regulator de­ signed to provide balanced or unbalanced positive and negative output voltages at currents of up to 200 mA. A

    OCR Scan
    XR-4194 14-pln XR-4194 XR-1568M XR-1568/XR-1468C XR-1468/1568 XR-4194CN XR4194CN XR4194 4194CN 4194M XR4194M XR 4194 RC4194 4194 tracking regulator PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Z * EX4R XR-2851 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Ground Fault Interrupter FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XR -2851 G ro u n d F a u lt In te rru p te r is designed to be used in c irc u its p ro vid in g g rou n d fa u lt p ro te c tio n fo r A C

    OCR Scan
    XR-2851 XR-1568M XR-1568/XR-1468C XR-1468/1568 PDF


    Abstract: XR-1488 XR-494 XR-1488N XR-1488P XR-1489A XR-1489AN XR-1489AP EXAR XR
    Text: EXAR 3422618 EXAR CORP Tl dË CORP XR-M100 Master-Chip NPN Transistors Chip Size: 176 x 121 mils Small Signal: 137 Total Components: 840 Low Noise: 4 Bonding Pads: 28 Max. Operating Voltage: 20V Medium: 4 Large: 4 PNP Transistors Lateral: 44 Quad Collector: 8

    OCR Scan
    XR-M100 60kil: 200ii: 450fi: 900fl: 712kfl XR-1488/1489A XR-1488 designed568M XR-1568/XR-1468C XR-494 XR-1488N XR-1488P XR-1489A XR-1489AN XR-1489AP EXAR XR PDF


    Abstract: XR2011 XR2013CN XR2013 XR-2012
    Text: Z * EX4R XR-2011/12/13/14 High-Voltage, High-Current Darlington Transistor Arrays FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XR-2011/2012/2013/2014 are high-voltage, highcurrent Darlington transistor arrays consisting of seven silicon NPN Darlington pairs on a common monolithic

    OCR Scan
    XR-2011/12/13/14 XR-2011/2012/2013/2014 XR-1568M XR-1568/XR-1468C XR-1468/1568 XR-2011 XR2011 XR2013CN XR2013 XR-2012 PDF


    Abstract: XR-13600CP XR 13600 13600cp XR-13600 XR13600CP XR13600AP
    Text: Z * EXAR XR-13600 Dual Operational Transconductance Amplifier G E N E R A L DESCRIPTION F U N C T IO N A L B LO C K DIAGRAM T h e X R -13600 is a dual operational tra nsconductance N orton a m plifier w ith predistortion diodes and non­ com m itted D arlington bu ffer outputs.

    OCR Scan
    XR-13600 XR-1468/1568 XR13600 XR-13600CP XR 13600 13600cp XR-13600 XR13600CP XR13600AP PDF


    Abstract: XR6118P XR-6118P XR-6118 6118 XR-6118P-2 UDN6118A* circuit udn 6118 "Pin for Pin Replacement" UDN-6118P-2 6118p
    Text: US* EX4R XR-6118 Fluorescent Display Drivers GENERAL DESCRIPTION PIN ASSIGNMENT The XR-6118 is a high-voltage display driver array which is designed to interface between low-level digital logic and vacuum fluorescent displays. The circuit consists of eight

    OCR Scan
    XR-6118 XR-6118 UDN-6118A, UDN-6118P-2 XR-1568M XR-1568/XR-1468C XR-1468/1568 XR6118 XR6118P XR-6118P 6118 XR-6118P-2 UDN6118A* circuit udn 6118 "Pin for Pin Replacement" UDN-6118P-2 6118p PDF


    Abstract: XR-1488N XR-1488P XR-1489A XR-1489AN XR-1489AP XR-9201CP
    Text: X ' EX4R XR-9201 8-Bit M icroprocessor Compatible Digital-To-Analog Converter GENERAL DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM The XR-9201 is a monolithic 8-Bit /»P compatible digitalto-analog converter with differential current outputs. It contains an internal data latch, making it suitable for in­

    OCR Scan
    XR-9201 XR-9201 XR-1568M XR-1568N XR-1468CN XR-1468/1568 XR-1488 XR-1488N XR-1488P XR-1489A XR-1489AN XR-1489AP XR-9201CP PDF


    Abstract: XR-1488N XR-1488P XR-1489A XR-1489AN XR-D100 EXAR XR
    Text: EXAR CORP TI 3422618 EXAR D E 3M2Eblfl DODMTS"] L f CORP 04 759_ XR-D100 Master-Chip Chip Size: 80 x 81 mils Total Components: 210 Bonding Pads: 16 Max. Operating Voltage: 36V NPN Transistors Small Signal: 50 Dual PNP Transistors: 16 D r-72-SL\ Pinch Resistors

    OCR Scan
    XR-D100 60kii: 200il: 900fi: 178kn XR-D100 XR-1488/1489A XR-1488 co568M XR-1568/XR-1468C XR-1488N XR-1488P XR-1489A XR-1489AN EXAR XR PDF


    Abstract: 567 Decoder XR-2213CP xr2213
    Text: X * EXAR XR-2213 Precision Phase-Locked Loop/Tone Decoder FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XR-2213 is a highly stable phase-locked loop PLL system designed for control systems and tone detec­ tion applications. It combines the features of the XR221 1 and XR-2212 into a single monolithic IC. The cir­

    OCR Scan
    XR-2213 XR221 XR-2212 XR-2213 XR-1568M XR-1568/XR-1468C XR-1468/1568 567 Decoder XR-2213CP xr2213 PDF


    Abstract: XR-2271 XR2271CP XR 2271 12V fluo 1468cn XR-1489 XR2271CN 1468 cn XR1468CN
    Text: Z * EXAR XR-2271 Fluorescent Display Driver GENERAL DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM The XR-2271 is a monolithic 7-digit or 7-segment dis­ play driver designed to interface MOS logic with fluores­ cent displays. It features active high logic and low input

    OCR Scan
    XR-2271 XR-2271 XR-1568M XR-1568/XR-1468C XR-1468/1568 XR2271 XR2271CP XR 2271 12V fluo 1468cn XR-1489 XR2271CN 1468 cn XR1468CN PDF


    Abstract: XR-2203CP XR-2204 XR2203CP XR2204CP 2203CP XR-2202 2204cp XR2203 XR2204
    Text: Z * EXAR XR-220172/3/4 High-Voltage, High-Current Darlington Transistor Arrays GENERAL DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM The XR-2201, XR-2202, XR-2203, and XR-2204 Darlington transistor arrays are comprised of seven sil­ icon NPN Darlington pairs on a single monolithic sub­

    OCR Scan
    XR-220172/3/4 XR-2201, XR-2202, XR-2203, XR-2204 500mA XR-1568M XR-1568/XR-1468C XR-1468/1568 XR-2203 XR-2203CP XR2203CP XR2204CP 2203CP XR-2202 2204cp XR2203 XR2204 PDF