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    Sullins Connector Solutions PREC002SFAN-RC

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey PREC002SFAN-RC Bag 22,665 1
    • 1 $0.3
    • 10 $0.252
    • 100 $0.3
    • 1000 $0.18215
    • 10000 $0.15483
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    Sullins Connector Solutions PRPC002SFAN-RC

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    DigiKey PRPC002SFAN-RC Bag 5,103 1
    • 1 $0.31
    • 10 $0.26
    • 100 $0.31
    • 1000 $0.18785
    • 10000 $0.15967
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    Japan Aviation Electronics Industry Limited MX81A002SF3

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    DigiKey MX81A002SF3 Bag 4,610 1
    • 1 $0.58
    • 10 $0.497
    • 100 $0.422
    • 1000 $0.37662
    • 10000 $0.32521
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    Japan Aviation Electronics Industry Limited MX44002SF1

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    DigiKey MX44002SF1 Tray 3,870 1
    • 1 $1.17
    • 10 $0.997
    • 100 $0.847
    • 1000 $0.71991
    • 10000 $0.67679
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    Japan Aviation Electronics Industry Limited MX81A002SF1

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    DigiKey MX81A002SF1 Bag 1,734 1
    • 1 $0.58
    • 10 $0.497
    • 100 $0.422
    • 1000 $0.37662
    • 10000 $0.32521
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    Transistor p1f

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • b b S B ' m 002Sflfl0 TTfl B A P X N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE PMBT5550 b7E T> yv SILICON N-P-N HIGH-VOLTAGE TRANSISTOR N-P-N high-voltage small-signal transistor fo r general purposes and especially telephony applications and encapsulated in a SOT-23 envelope.

    OCR Scan
    002Sflfl0 PMBT5550 OT-23 Transistor p1f PDF

    AMP PBT connector

    Abstract: AMP MT CONNECTOR
    Text: /au to2/new/u.a98-002sftj .c u s tomer/s.c - 174355 > OD O

    OCR Scan
    CP/N1743543 o-0601-96 FJ00- FJOO-0716-94 J-10009 EC0N05EAL C-174355 AMP PBT connector AMP MT CONNECTOR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HM514405C Series Preliminary 1,048,576-word x 4-bit Dynamic Random Access Memory HITACHI The Hitachi HM 514405C is a CMOS dynamic RAM o rganized 1,048,576 w ords x 4 bits. HM514405C has realized higher density, higher performance and various functions by employing

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    HM514405C 576-word 514405C HM514405C 300-mil 26-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KS9282B CMOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT DSP+DAC 16BIT FOR CDP The KS9282B is a CMOS integrated circuit designed for the Digital Audio Signal processor of the CDP (Compact Disc Player) application. It is a Monolithic IC that builts-in 16-Bit Digital to Analog Converter to add to the conventional DSP function.

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    KS9282B 16BIT) KS9282B 16-Bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs M5M5256CP,FP,KP,VP,RV-55LL,-55XL, -70LL.-70XL 262144-BIT 32768-WORD BY 8-BIT CM0S STATIC RAM DESCRIPTION This M5M5256CP, FP, KP, VP, RV is a 2 6 2 1 4 4 -bit CMOS static RAMs organized as 3 2 7 6 8 -words by 8 - bits which is fabricated using high-performance 3 polysilicon CMOS

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    M5M5256CP RV-55LL -55XL, -70LL -70XL 262144-BIT 32768-WORD M5M5256CP, M5M5256CVP, 28-pin PDF


    Abstract: tdk fcr CG208 1S1211 JPD75P216A PD75CG208 400M-2
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC 3QE D NEC NEC Electronics Inc. Description The /iPD7520x/7521x is a family of single-chlp CMOS microcomputers containing CPU, ROM, RAM, I/O ports, several timer/counters, vectored interrupts, a FiP controller/driver, subsystem clock, and serial interface.

    OCR Scan
    uPD7520x uPD7521X uPD75CG uPD75P216A /iPD7520x/7521x 457S25 PD7520x/7521x/75CG2xx/75P216A b4S7525- iPD7520x/7521x/75CG2xx/75P216A LT746 tdk fcr CG208 1S1211 JPD75P216A PD75CG208 400M-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR DATA SHEET MEMORY CMOS 512K x 8 BIT FAST PAGE MODE DYNAMIC RAM MB81V4800S-60/-70 CMOS 524,288 x 8 bit Fast Page Mode Dynamic RAM • DESCRIPTION The Fujitsu MB81V4800S is a fully decoded CMOS Dynamic RAM DRAM that contains 4,194,304 memory

    OCR Scan
    MB81V4800S-60/-70 MB81V4800S MB81V4800S-60/-70 F28031S-1C-2 37MT7Sb MB81V4800S-60/MB81V4800S-70 FPT-28P-M08) -004il PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HITACHI/ riCU/MPU SOE D 4MRb204 DDESÔS4 EST • HIT3 H D66107T-(LCD Driver for High Voltage) 7 3 - o J D escription • • The HD66107T is a m ulti-output, high d u ty ratio LCD driver u sed for large capacity dot m atrix LCD panels. It consists of 160 LCD

    OCR Scan
    4MRb204 D66107T--------------- HD66107T HD66107Ts 44Tb2D4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SOE D I 44RL.2D4 □ 0 2 5 Ö7 M DMfi HD66108T HI TA CH I/ nCU/NPU (RAM-Provided 165-Channel LCD Driver^ for Liquid-Crystal Dot Matrix Graphics) ¡HIT Description The HD66108T under control of an 8-bit MPU can drive a dot matrix graphic LCD (liquid-crystal

    OCR Scan
    HD66108T 165-Channel HD66108T T-52-13-Ã 11kii 130pF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs M5M51008AP,FP,VP,RV-70L,-85L,-1 OL, -12L,-70LL,-85LL,-1 OLL,-12LL 1048576-BIT 131072-WORD BY 8-BIT CMOS STATIC RAM DESCRIPTION The M5M51008AP, FP, VP, RV are a 1 0 4 85 7 6 -b it CMOS static RAM organized as 131072 word by 8 - bit which are

    OCR Scan
    M5M51008AP RV-70L -70LL -85LL -12LL 1048576-BIT 131072-WORD M5M51008AP, M5M51008AVP, M5M51008AVP PDF


    Abstract: TCFT 1103 TC514260BFT A357 TC514260BJ-70 equivalent 514260 TC514273 TC514273BJ80 HDC3 TC514260BJ
    Text: TOSHIBA TC514260BJ/BFT-70/80 262,144 WORD X 16 BIT DYNAMIC RAM DESCRIPTION The TC514260BJ/BFT is the new generation dynamic RAM organized 262,144 word by 16 bit. The TC514260BJ/BFT utilizes Toshiba’s CMOS silicon gate process technology as well as advanced circuit

    OCR Scan
    TC514260BJ/BFT-70/80 TC514260BJ/BFT TC514273BJ BEFORETE55 A3TE TCFT 1103 TC514260BFT A357 TC514260BJ-70 equivalent 514260 TC514273 TC514273BJ80 HDC3 TC514260BJ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QSFCT821T, 823T, 825T, 2821T, 2823T, 2825T QS54/74FCT821T QS54/74FCT823T High Speed CMOS Bus Interface 8-, 9-, and 10-Bit Registers ö qss4/74fct825t QS54/ 74FCT2821T qs54/74fct2823t QS54/74FCT2825T FEATURES/BENEFITS • Pin and function compatible to the 74F821/3/5

    OCR Scan
    QSFCT821T, 2821T, 2823T, 2825T QS54/74FCT821T QS54/74FCT823T 10-Bit qss4/74 74FCT2821T qs54/74 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KA3842B/3B/4B/5B LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT CURRENT-MODE PWM CONTROLLERS The KA3842B/3B/4B/5B are fixed frequency current-mode PWM controller. They are specially designed for Off-Line and DC-to-DC converter applications with minimal external components. These integrated circuits feature a trimmed

    OCR Scan
    KA3842B/3B/4B/5B KA3842B/3B/4B/5B KA3842B KA3844B KA3843B KA3845B KA3842the KA38428 KA3842B KA38428 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs M5M5256CFP,VP,RV-85VLL,-1 OVLL, -85VXL.-10VXL 262144-BIT 32768-WORD BY 8-BIT CMOS STATIC RAM DESCRIPTION This M5M5256CFP, VP, RV is a 2 6 2 1 4 4 -bit CMOS static RAMs organized as 3 2 7 6 8 - words by 8 - bits which is fabricated using h igh- performance 3 polysilicon CMOS

    OCR Scan
    M5M5256CFP RV-85VLL -85VXL -10VXL 262144-BIT 32768-WORD M5M5256CFP, M5M5256CVP, 28-pin M5M5256CVP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1,048,576 WORD X 18 BIT DYNAMIC RAM DESCRIPTION The TC5116180AJ/AFT is the new generation dynamic RAM organized 1,048,576 word by 18 bit. The TC5116180AJ/AFT utilizes Toshiba’s CMOS silicon gate process technology as w ell as advanced circuit

    OCR Scan
    ----------------TC5116180AJ/AFT-60/70/-80 TC5116180AJ/AFT TC5116180AJ/AFT-60/70/80 PDF


    Abstract: PEAK DETECTOR application Keyless attack rf power detector circuit diagram
    Text: P^pJG EC PLESSEY PRELIMINARY INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S O.S. 3 9 6 8 1 .5 KESRX01 290 - 460MHz ASK RECEIVER The KESRX01 is a single chip ASK Amplitude Shift Key Receiver IC. It is designed to operate in a variety of low power radio applications including keyless entry, general domestic

    OCR Scan
    KESRX01 460MHz KESRX01 200mVp 002Sflbb 43402mhz PEAK DETECTOR application Keyless attack rf power detector circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TC 5 118 18 Q AJ/AFT-70 /8 0 1,048,576 WORD X 18 BIT DYNAMIC RAM DESCRIPTION The TC5118180A J/FT is the new generation dynam ic RAM organized 1,048,576 w ord by 18 bit. The TC5118180AJ/AFT utilizes Toshiba’s CM OS silicon gate process technology as well as advanced circuit

    OCR Scan
    AJ/AFT-70 TC5118180A TC5118180AJ/AFT TCH724fl TC5118180AJ/AFT-70/80 PDF


    Abstract: BST51 BST52 BST60 transistor code AS3
    Text: • BST50 BST51 BST52 0D25b37 T55 M A P X N AMER PH ILI PS/DISCRETE b7E D N-P-N SILICON PLANAR DARLINGTON TRANSISTORS S ilico n n-p-n planar D a rlin g to n transistors fo r in d u stria l sw itch in g applications, e.g. p rin t ham m er, solenoid, relay and lam p d rivin g . Encapsulated in a m icro m in ia tu re SOT-89 envelope.

    OCR Scan
    0D25b37 BST50 BST51 BST52 OT-89 BST60, BST50 BST51 002Sfc BST52 BST60 transistor code AS3 PDF


    Abstract: hd61105a HD61104 HD61104A 7377 CZ Co 7377 CZ D611 te 1819 HD61104TF hitachi qfp 80 pin case
    Text: HI T A C H I / MCU/MPU SGE D HH Tb EG H 0 G 2 5 b M 3 bOB H D 6 1 1 0 4 ,H D 6 1 1 0 4 A (Dot M atrix Liquid C rystal Graphic D isplay Column Driver) 3 c3 - / j - 0 y Description Ordering Information HD61104, HD61104A is a column (segment) driver for Iarge-area dot matrix liquid crystal graphic

    OCR Scan
    HD61104 HD61104A HD61104, HD61104A HD61104) HD61104A) 100-pin 00SSb HD61105, HD61105A HD61105 hd61105a 7377 CZ Co 7377 CZ D611 te 1819 HD61104TF hitachi qfp 80 pin case PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 40B-943-ZB43-> 07/31/95 09147150 1603EH0193Z Cypress Seniconduct□ Page 026 7 b S 9 1 0 :1 1 /B /B 4 RcvlBlan: Fébmtry B, 1B86 PRELIMINARY CYPRESS Low Skew Clock Buffer ances as low as 50 3 while delivering mini­ mal and specified output skews and fullswing lone levels (CY7B9910 TTL or

    OCR Scan
    40B-943-ZB43-> 1603EH0193Z 80-MHx 24-pln CY7B9910 CY7B9920 PDF

    RBS 2116

    Abstract: GG-25 RBS 2116 configuration M37267EESP M37267EE-XXXSP M37267M4-XXXSP M37267M6-XXXSP M37267M8-XXXSP 24182 M5M44100

    OCR Scan
    M37267M4-XXXSP, M37267M6-XXXSP, M37267M8-XXXSP M37267EE-XXXSP, M37267EESP M37267M6-XXXSP M37267M8-XXXSP 52-pin RBS 2116 GG-25 RBS 2116 configuration M37267EESP M37267EE-XXXSP M37267M4-XXXSP 24182 M5M44100 PDF

    MLT 22 745

    Abstract: KS9282B a22t EFM noise filter vc001 vc-001
    Text: KS9282B CMOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT DSP+DAC 16BIT FOR CDP The KS92B2B is a CMOS integrated circuit designed for the Digital A udio Signal processor of the CDP (Compact Disc Player) application. It is a Monolithic IC that builts-in 16-Bit Digital to Analog Converter to add to the conventional DSP function.

    OCR Scan
    KS9282B 16BIT) KS9282B 16-Bit 002SLS^ MLT 22 745 a22t EFM noise filter vc001 vc-001 PDF